The gurus always promise money back guarantee + $100 out of their own pocket.... Is it true?
1. Most of the products promise instant result, instant riches.
2. Almost all reviews from our fellow warriors(buyers) except the jv partners and affiliates(sellers) are negative. Really negative.
Coupled with the fact that I've never once seen anyone talking about their success with any clickbank product.
So here's the question. Thousands and thousands of those product are sold every week and for sure not many are getting rich. In this case won't the product creator go bankrupt by refunding and topping up with $100 out of their own pocket?
This morning, I received another email by a guru who specialize in promoting clickbank launches. This time it really caught me. $500 out of his own pocket if instant riches is not achieved as guaranteed by the sales page.
It's regarding a PPV cost. This time round should I pump $500 on PPV 'without worries' since I'm guaranteed results and of course a refund of the product?
Now obviously the last time I bought a product from clickbank that promised heaven and earth and a $100 from their pocket only to find out they are teaching basic stuff that has been rehashed thousand times. I didn't ask for the $100 back then.
This time round it's 500. Will you guys do it if product doesn't produce result for you?
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