The gurus always promise money back guarantee + $100 out of their own pocket.... Is it true?

11 replies
I'm talking about clickbank products here. We all know for the past few months there have been so many clickbank launches and as an avid sales copy reader, I basically read all the sales copy and my observation was no less than 5 products offer money back guarantee PLUS 100$ from your own pocket if their product don't work. Now here's some facts.

1. Most of the products promise instant result, instant riches.
2. Almost all reviews from our fellow warriors(buyers) except the jv partners and affiliates(sellers) are negative. Really negative.

Coupled with the fact that I've never once seen anyone talking about their success with any clickbank product.

So here's the question. Thousands and thousands of those product are sold every week and for sure not many are getting rich. In this case won't the product creator go bankrupt by refunding and topping up with $100 out of their own pocket?

This morning, I received another email by a guru who specialize in promoting clickbank launches. This time it really caught me. $500 out of his own pocket if instant riches is not achieved as guaranteed by the sales page.

It's regarding a PPV cost. This time round should I pump $500 on PPV 'without worries' since I'm guaranteed results and of course a refund of the product?

Now obviously the last time I bought a product from clickbank that promised heaven and earth and a $100 from their pocket only to find out they are teaching basic stuff that has been rehashed thousand times. I didn't ask for the $100 back then.

This time round it's 500. Will you guys do it if product doesn't produce result for you?
#$100 #back #guarantee #gurus #money #pocket #promise #true
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by forfun_cash View Post

    This morning, I received another email by a guru who specialize in promoting clickbank launches. This time it really caught me. $500 out of his own pocket if instant riches is not achieved as guaranteed by the sales page.
    Prove you did what he said to do.

    How do you do that?

    If you can't, he just owes you your money back.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author Ahmad Salem
      A lot of ebooks like that tell you to do something ridiculous and risky.

      If you try talking to him he might tell you "Did you invest the 300 bucks in this particular thing"

      And you say hell no..
      And he says hell no.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    It is a mirage guarantee, read the wording very carefully, prove that you have tried every single technique and strategy.

    It is quite deceptive, since the product creator and copy writer know that most people the moment they start losing money that they will give up before they have tried everything.


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  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    As always, it comes down to the claim, and the marketer.

    Jason Fladlien offered his own money (a thousand bucks if i'm not mistaken) if you didn't think his $500 copywriting course was worth the money.... as far as I know, he got no refunds.

    Jason provides killer info and delivers on his promises. If you trust the marketer in question, and think he'll deliver - then there's not much to discuss.

    If you don't believe in that person, don't buy the product.

    It's that simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author spudnick
    I think it depends in part on who is offering the guarantee.

    To be honest, it is a fairly easy guarantee to make. It would be very rare for someone to actually follow, to the letter, every single thing advised by the course (for many reasons). There is a lot of wriggle room for the person offering the guarantee, as you need to prove a substantial amount in order for them to be 'forced' to provide a refund.

    Must be a good selling technique - people seem to buy the offerings.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Wolfe
    I don't mean to be controversial here or anything but I see nothing wrong with people offering money out of their own pocket as part of the guarantee. It's a way to get people to take action.

    Basically these guarantees state that if you try everything they say and don't see results, they'll pay you cash.

    The marketer who is promoting this product knows 2 things... He knows that either

    a) someone is going to do everything that he says word for word and they will probably see results.


    b) someone won't follow the steps word for word and they won't see results.

    So the marketer is basically putting an incentive in there to actually take massive action because they know that 95% of the people that buy the product probably won't see it all the way through. I don't see how this is unethical in any way...

    A lot of products on Clickbank are legitimate methods for making money. I have seen a lot of people use methods purchased through Clickbank and receive great results. The key is that most people just don't see something all the way through and never actually make it to the point where they could expect results.

    I've launched a couple products that I know work if you see them through all the way to the end. As a product creator and a marketer myself, the most frustrating thing is when people claim my methods don't work when in reality, they probably didn't do everything I told them to.

    This may not be a popular opinion but it's my 2 cents.

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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Many years ago I offered a WSO with a $10,000 payment guarantee. It worked or I paid $10k.

      Didn't have to pay a single buyer.

      Was there some real tight legal language? You bet.

      Was I 100% sure it would work. Absolutely.

      Could I objectively prove it would work. Yep.

      So to presume this type of guarantee is deceptive and people will quit before making full use of the product is unfairly disrespecting a product someone has not seen and unfairly disrespecting the seller.

      Gheesh, be a Warrior, man-up, give the product a serious workout, and then report back.

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      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        That's a conditional guarantee. The concept predates Clickbank by a looooong ways. And just like any effective marketing tactic, some people are going to use it in deceptive/unethical ways.
        "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
        ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author DrewClement
    It's not always about having a clever TOS hidden on the sales page, or any real deception at all.

    Fact is that in a lot of situations the majority of customers simply will not follow up, either on using the method or software or in terms of getting the "bonus" of any kind or refund.

    I was speaking with John Chow at Affiliate Summit in New York, and he was telling me a story about a product launch he helped promote. It was a big launch that he was an affiliate for, but he knew a lot of other super affiliates were promoting it as well, so he added a free review on your product, written by him, and uploaded on his site (which has a $500 value) for anyone that bought through him.

    He did staggering numbers through the launch....and the only pre-requisite was that people use the methods/software and once they had done it all they would get the $500 review on his site.

    Guess how many people followed all of the steps and cashed in on their bonus?


    50% Commission, Proven Products, and MASSIVE Profits
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
    Why buy a product to make the $100 extra for the guarantee? It seems like a lousy use of time to me...
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Fladlien
      I wish these clickbank guru's hadn't jumpbed on the "money out of pocket" guarantee. I've been doing these forever, and now apparently it's caught on.

      The difference - mine are real. One time I did a $1,000 guarantee on a $100 product tied to a specific condition, and had to pay the $1,000. Which is actually $950 out of my pocket because the affiliate got the other $50

      The person's excuse? they were sick and in the hospital most of the time, but did meet the bare, bare requirements for the $1000 guarantee - so I gave it to them.

      That said - I can't complain... I'm sure the guarantee made me much, much more than that.

      There have been about 8 instances I can think of off the top of my head where I've had to a "double your money back" guarantee or greater. My favorite one was when I made the promise "If you can't cut your article writing time in half within 48 hours of using my training while maintaining the same quality of articles... just show me 3 articles using my formula and I'll give you triple your money back."

      The person I gave the triple money back refund to told me that she had only increased her speed by 65% in 2 days... LOL. Guess that wasn't good enough for her

      But yeah, I absolutely honor my "more than money back guarantees" when it happens, which is rare. Either people do what my training suggests and get good results or they don't implement any of it, and therefore don't qualify for the more than money back guarantees.

      Co-creator of WP Twin. Perhaps the most expensive yet most reliable wordress cloning tool on the market. We've definitely been used more successfully than all other options :)

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