Objectionable Content!
Subject line: Objectionable content
"Article XXXXXXXXX is written by XXXXXXXX, an obese woman who has no business handing out dieting advice, let alone charging people for it. She has never weighed less than 250 since becoming an adult. The problem is that people don't know that until after they pay her $79.95 to join her website. She built her business on fraud, claiming to be a 118 pound woman who had devised a diet plan which was a low fat version of Atkins. She claimed to have lost 200 pounds using this plan. To give credibility to her claim, she posted pictures of other people without their permission, claiming it was a photo of her. Her claim of weight loss was all a lie and has been admitted to under oath in a deposition. XXXXX was deposed because she has been sued for fraud. Please take this article off your website. You are giving her opportunity to bilk more money out of more people if you do not remove it. Thank you. " |
...or me for wanting to grin and delete the email.
What would you do?
Delete the article? Leave the article? Would you respond?
Maybe another side of this is how it appears to be a case study- the way people might respond to us when we are marketing or publishing incongruently with our choices, actions, and beliefs? I'm just trying to gain something beyond mild amusement, that's all.
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Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill