Should I lose the squeeze page?

17 replies
I'm in the process of making several low ticket products. Like $7 to $10 bucks. I was thinking I might lose the squeeze page for these products. Check my math...

If I get 100 cold visitors to a squeeze page that converts at 50% (which will take some tweaking), that's 50 people on my list. If 5% of those people buy I get 2 or 3 BUYERS on my list.

If I send 100 cold visitors directly to my $10 product and convert at 5%, I now have 5 BUYERS on my list and I made more money upfront.(collecting email after purchase)

I may be wrong but I believe that an irresistible low ticket offer will yield me a more valuable list. A list of buyers that know like and trust me, and if I over deliver with the product they will buy more expensive products on the backend. (That I haven't created yet )

I know with the squeeze page I would have 50 people plus the 2 or 3 buyers, but it's a $10 product. If people aren't willing to buy a $10 products how valuable are they to me, and how valuable am I to them?

I don't know, just thinking out loud. Let me know what you think.

Either way I will be testing both.
#lose #page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author MarkR
    Ahhh..the age old question.

    Then there's the monthly cost of an autoresponder to track the subscribers.

    Conventional wisdom is to keep the squeeze page. I think your 5% conversion rate might be high and skewing your results. Depends on your traffic sources of course.

    Anxious to hear your results!
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    • Profile picture of the author Tymarkinc
      Originally Posted by MarkR View Post

      Ahhh..the age old question.

      Then there's the monthly cost of an autoresponder to track the subscribers.

      Conventional wisdom is to keep the squeeze page. I think your 5% conversion rate might be high and skewing your results. Depends on your traffic sources of course.

      Anxious to hear your results!
      All my numbers might be high! But if I step my copy up, i should be able to swing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bo Mill
    Why not have both?

    Building an email list is always a good idea. Plus, don't divide your resources - double them instead. For example, send PPV traffic to your squeeze page.

    Also, I think your assumed conversion rate 5% is a bit too high.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    Why not send them to the sales page and if they don't buy then hit 'em with the exit pop up to put them on your list?
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    • Profile picture of the author Tymarkinc
      Originally Posted by James Foster View Post

      Why not send them to the sales page and if they don't buy then hit 'em with the exit pop up to put them on your list?
      I will test that too
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  • Profile picture of the author kenny5
    It depends on how awesome your $10 product is. If you really could get that 5% conversion then that would be great, getting their email after would definitely make them more qualified to trust you and buy from you in the future.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tymarkinc
      Originally Posted by kenny5 View Post

      It depends on how awesome your $10 product is. If you really could get that 5% conversion then that would be great, getting their email after would definitely make them more qualified to trust you and buy from you in the future.
      That's my point. If I could make awesome low ticket products and work on my my offer converting as opposed to a squeeze page converting.

      I'm just trying to get buyers in the funnel.

      That's also the point of the low ticket offer to see if I can get higher conversion rates. I think if the offer is truly irresistible and low cost, cold visitors will be more likely to buy and take a chance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daryl Lim
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    • Profile picture of the author Tymarkinc
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      Hmm, maybe you could send them to your page (supposedly a squeeze page) but it doesn't collect leads... it gives the download link (but not direct) to your giveaway report totally for free without opt-in. I would expect the conversion rate to be 90% with the 10% just turned off by your offer and thinking its a scam/virus.

      After they click on your link to download the report (or what have you), they'll be sent to an OTO of yours ($10 product in your case). You will be expecting higher conversion on this because you have already forged little rapport (i.e. better than none) with your 'cold visitors'. Plus, if they've read your giveaway report, they'll know what you have to offer and if their impression is good, they'll buy. After purchase, off to opt-in.

      This way you get the most out of quantity and quality of opt-ins.

      That's what I'm talking about right there! That's just good internet marketing.
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  • Originally Posted by Tymarkinc View Post

    Should I lose the squeeze page?
    Don't understimate the power of having a subscribers list to market your future products to. What if you load up on your autoresponder sequence ten different $7 products? They might not be interested in your initial offer, but they might indeed be interested in any of the rest.
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    • If you send them to your $10 prod, definitely hit those that don't want to buy with an exit-pop and give them some free stuff. It wouldn't be a bad idea to build 2 different lists that way: 1 solely for your buyers, the other list for the freebie seekers, and then line up different autoresponses up for them. List segmenting is definitely worth it.
      And daryl lims suggestion sounds definitely good and could be worth a try
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    • Profile picture of the author Tymarkinc
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      Don't understimate the power of having a subscribers list to market your future products to. What if you load up on your autoresponder sequence ten different $7 products? They might not be interested in your initial offer, but they might indeed be interested in any of the rest.
      I definately don't underestimate the power of a subscriber list. My train of thought was to use the low cost product to get them in my funnel. To create a product where the value definately outweighs the price. Then to sell them more expensive products on the back end. I figure it will be a lot easier to sell someone a higher ticket product after they have already received positive results from something else they bough from me.

      I appreicate the feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Another variation on this would be to collect your subscribers' emails on a squeeze page by enticing them with a really good free report that has great, useful information (typically not found in your run of the mill PLR report), and you could really make things tempting by doing a short video on the squeeze page where you quickly run through a screencast of what's in that free report.

    Once they opt in, you immediately hit them with an OTO for your full-blown $10 report. I think by having the video it forges rapport with your visitors and sets yourself apart from the other typical "me-too" squeeze pages. Quickly running through what's in your free report on the video is what will really raise the opt-in rate, in my opinion.

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  • Profile picture of the author lamberw
    Originally Posted by Tymarkinc View Post

    I'm in the process of making several low ticket products. Like $7 to $10 bucks. I was thinking I might lose the squeeze page for these products. Check my math...

    If I get 100 cold visitors to a squeeze page that converts at 50% (which will take some tweaking), that's 50 people on my list. If 5% of those people buy I get 2 or 3 BUYERS on my list.

    If I send 100 cold visitors directly to my $10 product and convert at 5%, I now have 5 BUYERS on my list and I made more money upfront.(collecting email after purchase)

    I may be wrong but I believe that an irresistible low ticket offer will yield me a more valuable list. A list of buyers that know like and trust me, and if I over deliver with the product they will buy more expensive products on the backend. (That I haven't created yet )

    I know with the squeeze page I would have 50 people plus the 2 or 3 buyers, but it's a $10 product. If people aren't willing to buy a $10 products how valuable are they to me, and how valuable am I to them?

    I don't know, just thinking out loud. Let me know what you think.

    Either way I will be testing both.
    You will not get a 50% conversion on your squeeze page if you send cold traffic to it.

    Cold traffic means unqualified, so the chances of a 50% conversion is very slim.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tymarkinc
      Originally Posted by lamberw View Post

      You will not get a 50% conversion on your squeeze page if you send cold traffic to it.

      Cold traffic means unqualified, so the chances of a 50% conversion is very slim.
      I have had squeeze pages get over 50% on cold traffic. Traffic from solo ads. It's not easy but with a good offer it is possible possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joel_Cowen
    You need to also factor in that every person on your list should bring in about $1 a month, if your marketing other products. So building a list begins to produce big rewards.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Richardson
    keep the squeeze page.

    people may not be interested in your product. Not a big deal, some people may not want to buy the sort of product your offering at this time.

    However market to them later on a variety of products and they'll buy

    Remember, the moneys in the list - doesn't necessarily have to be a buyers list for it to be effective.

    good luck with whatever you choose to do!
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Don't neglect to test and see whether a regular squeeze page or an exit pop-up yields higher opt-in rates.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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