Finding A Profitable Niche - Simple Tip
This one tip would have saved me months of time and unprofitable work. Selecting a niche, even better a micro niche (a smaller market within a niche), that fits you and then finding a product that meets a need in that niche increases opportunity for success.
How to select a profitable niche? There are lots of strategies out there but here is a quick and easy way to find a profitable niche:
1) Go to dummies web site. These are the books with yellow and black covers with the title "_____ for Dummies"
2) Go to the "Store" page. Look on the left side of the store page and there is a list of titles from Arts & Photography to Travel. These are all Profitable Niches. Dummies has done all the research and determined these are markets with buyers ready to spend money for information, products, etc for their niche. That's why they put out a book for this niche.
3) Click on One of the Titles - this is where it even gets more helpful because now you will find a list of books in that niche. Each of these are a micro niche
For example click on "Crafts & Hobbies". The page that comes up list 45 different titles. One of them is Needle Point for Dummies. This would potentially make a profitable micro niche.
Here are a couple of addtional steps:
4) Google the Micro Niche - in example above "needlepoint" and 4,200,000 results come up with google ads on the page. This is a confirmation that people are looking for information, help, products, etc in this niche.
5) Look for a product - do some research of the results and ads to see what people are spending money on and for advertising.
I like choosing niches I have an interest in or some experience with.
Try it and find a profitable niche.
Heres to your success!
Marcus Lim
Silver Bullet Publishing
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