Looking For a Plugin to Autopost Pre Loaded Articles
If anyone can help in my search for a Word press plugin (Paid or free) that will allow me to pre load batch's of articles drawn from a text files and then set them to autopost in the future.
So if you know of such a plugin feel free to point me in the right direction.
>>>> I am located in the UK so if I don't answer immediately or in a reasonable time please be aware of time zones<<<<
PLR Cash Creators: Crush It Creating PLR For Warriors
>>>> I am located in the UK so if I don't answer immediately or in a reasonable time please be aware of time zones<<<<
(4 days only!)
>>>> I am located in the UK so if I don't answer immediately or in a reasonable time please be aware of time zones<<<<
>>>> I am located in the UK so if I don't answer immediately or in a reasonable time please be aware of time zones<<<<