4 replies
I check Matt Cutts' blog about once a month just to see what might be going on in the mind of big G. He had this to say about an article that he'd written.

This was a pretty targeted launch: slightly over 2% of queries change in some way, but less than half a percent of search results change enough that someone might really notice. The net effect is that searchers are more likely to see the sites that wrote the original content rather than a site that scraped or copied the original site’s content. -- Matt Cutts
This should drive home the point that if you are doing article marketing and you are posting on your website, and on sites like ezine articles, publish it on your website first!!!!

The next question is, how will this affect traffic to websites such as eza who basically act as a source to scrape content from for websites like autoblogs etc.
#google #news
  • Profile picture of the author mattjay
    i agree totally. i know from experience that google does a pretty darn good job at finding non original content. they're pretty smart! to be honest, i never post the same content to my blog and anywhere else. i may have some of the same ideas but always make sure it' stotally unique in the end.

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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Wouldn't it be hilarious if we found out that Matt Cutts really has nothing to with Google and has been suffering from some delusional fantasies that make him think that he owns the Internet.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author divinity001
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      Wouldn't it be hilarious if we found out that Matt Cutts really has nothing to with Google and has been suffering from some delusional fantasies that make him think that he owns the Internet.
      Haha good one. If that were true, he sure had me fooled
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Cutts works for Google. Wikipedia says so, and everybody knows Wikipedia always has 100% accurate info. DO NOT question the Wiki! Just don't.
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