Steady income with only affiliate marketing?

9 replies
Is anyone making a steady full time income by just being an affiliate marketer? I mean without building lists or selling you own products?

I am beginning to think that this can only be accomplished if you have your own product to sell and if you build a list to market to.

I have only made a few sales here and there using affiliate marketing and these sales are on stuff I was promoting a few months back or at the beginning.

I just wanted to know if there are any full time affiliate marketers that make a full time living or steady income solely promoting other people's products?
#affiliate #income #marketing #steady
  • Profile picture of the author Emilis Strimaitis
    Well, affiliate marketing goes great hand in hand with email marketing. If you have a niche site, it doesn't hurt to grab the leads and then market to them.

    When you have a nice bunch of leads it's wise to send them a cheap product that you've made.

    By doing ONLY affiliate marketing I think you are not allowing yourself earn more in same amount of time.

    Of course, you can make a steady income only from affiliate marketing, but why not to have couple of extra dollars here and there for doing something else that won't take much time? Since you already have a nice stream of visitors

    Sorry if I went to too much offtopic ;P
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  • Full time living for sure but I use list building heavily. To be honest, list building isn't something only product vendors do, you can build a list on your affiliate review site or whatever as well and then just market your affiliate links via email. That way you just don't lose the traffic.

    If you try to hustle like that without building an asset like a list, it will be a constant battle to keep up with traffic sources and other problems common in the IM world to make a steady income.
    Stop Building Backlinks The OLD Way, Use >THIS< Instead!

    >Let Me Build HIGH QUALITY Backlinks For You!<
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Originally Posted by latrice17 View Post

    Is anyone making a steady full time income by just being an affiliate marketer? I mean without building lists or selling you own products?

    I am beginning to think that this can only be accomplished if you have your own product to sell and if you build a list to market to.

    I have only made a few sales here and there using affiliate marketing and these sales are on stuff I was promoting a few months back or at the beginning.

    I just wanted to know if there are any full time affiliate marketers that make a full time living or steady income solely promoting other people's products?
    No I am NOT making a full time income with affiliate marketing, but I AM making steady income. More than enough to pay for my car payment and cover my insurance.

    Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money online IMO. All you need to do is simply find a market with a problem and build a website to offer them a solution.

    I also mainly promote physical products through my sites. I have had little success with digital products personally.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author BarryOnline
    I make steady sales every day as an Amazon affiliate.

    I know of at least 4 people who make a good full time living as an Amazon affiliate so it's very possible to make a living just from selling other peoples products without list building.

    We are the universe contemplating itself - Carl Sagan

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by latrice17 View Post

    Is anyone making a steady full time income by just being an affiliate marketer?

    Originally Posted by latrice17 View Post

    I mean without building lists
    Er ... no: there won't be so many people making a steady full-time income without building lists, I think. Building lists is an integral part of affiliate marketing. Otherwise one is chasing only a tiny proportion of the available income - it would be putting oneself under an enormous and quite unnecessary handicap and truly stacking the deck against oneself dramatically.

    There might be some successful Amazon (and/or similar) affiliates making a living without lists, but those with lists will typically be earning far more and building genuine businesses.

    Originally Posted by latrice17 View Post

    I am beginning to think that this can only be accomplished if you have your own product to sell
    This isn't right at all. There are many people here who are earning large amounts and have secure, reliable, asset-based businesses as affiliate marketers without selling their own products; but the assets include lists. Affiliate marketing without list-building might be creating a job for oneself, but it isn't really building a business.

    Just my perspective: I recognise that not everyone will agree.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Sorry if this is a bit of thread hijacking, but based on a squeeze page and opt-in I have, how does one structure an emailing list to promote products to which they're affilated?

      Obviously for self-created products there's the traditional "funnel" method; front-end to back-end, but owing to the nature of the beast, I'm cautiously assuming that this strategy cannot be adopted for aff products.

      It seems simplistic but can it be accomplished by running a campaign per product (alongside each other) then when person 1 buys aff product #1, and person 2 buys aff product #2, redirect/swap them accordingly, in the same manner as a front-to-back end funnel?

      I'm wary of creating a review site, owing to the time factor of creating such sites, but if that's the way, then so be it.

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      • Profile picture of the author vbond
        I make 300-500 day with PPV. You need the rights tools, knowledge and methods. Not to mention focus and persistence.

        List building with PPV isn't hard. If you do it right you can get traffic free. PM me if you need more info.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

        Obviously for self-created products there's the traditional "funnel" method; front-end to back-end, but owing to the nature of the beast, I'm cautiously assuming that this strategy cannot be adopted for aff products.
        I think it can be to some extent, assuming that:-

        (i) You're offering people on your list a reasonably wide range of different products at different prices, as an affiliate; and ...

        (ii) Your autoresponder program allows you to transfer people between lists, or otherwise segment your lists so that you don't continually offer people something they've already bought (in my case, this has become harder to do, recently, since Clickbank - albeit not unreasonably - stopped providing purchasers' details to affiliates).

        Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

        It seems simplistic but can it be accomplished by running a campaign per product (alongside each other) then when person 1 buys aff product #1, and person 2 buys aff product #2, redirect/swap them accordingly, in the same manner as a front-to-back end funnel?
        As long as one knows what they've bought, yes.

        Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

        I'm wary of creating a review site, owing to the time factor of creating such sites
        I look at it differently, but I'm in a different position from you, Ian: I promote only as an affiliate. I couldn't do that without an affiliate site in each niche.

        I'm slightly surprised to see your reference to the time factor, because few people are more technophobic and incompetent than I am (I can't even cope with "Wordpress" ), but even I manage to create affiliate sites with pretty low effort in terms of time-consumption. I spend far longer writing articles and autoresponder emails. But, as an article marketer, of course, I'm publishing every article I write on one of my own sites first and getting it indexed there before anyone else catches sight of it at all. So that gives my sites some "content" and much valued long-term "on-page SEO" in addition to the obvious landing-page, opt-in, product reviews and so on. I always tend to assume (though perhaps entirely unhelpfully in this context) that if "even I" can cope with this, then anyone can. It is, after all, part of the assets of my asset-based business (I regard my lists as the primary asset and my niche websites as the secondary assets of my business).
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        • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          I think it can be to some extent, assuming that:-

          (i) You're offering people on your list a reasonably wide range of different products at different prices, as an affiliate; and ...

          (ii) Your autoresponder program allows you to transfer people between lists, or otherwise segment your lists so that you don't continually offer people something they've already bought (in my case, this has become harder to do, recently, since Clickbank - albeit not unreasonably - stopped providing purchasers' details to affiliates).

          As long as one knows what they've bought, yes.

          I look at it differently, but I'm in a different position from you, Ian: I promote only as an affiliate. I couldn't do that without an affiliate site in each niche.

          I'm slightly surprised to see your reference to the time factor, because few people are more technophobic and incompetent than I am (I can't even cope with "Wordpress" ), but even I manage to create affiliate sites with pretty low effort in terms of time-consumption. I spend far longer writing articles and autoresponder emails. But, as an article marketer, of course, I'm publishing every article I write on one of my own sites first and getting it indexed there before anyone else catches sight of it at all. So that gives my sites some "content" and much valued long-term "on-page SEO" in addition to the obvious landing-page, opt-in, product reviews and so on. I always tend to assume (though perhaps entirely unhelpfully in this context) that if "even I" can cope with this, then anyone can. It is, after all, part of the assets of my asset-based business (I regard my lists as the primary asset and my niche websites as the secondary assets of my business).
          Hey Alexa, that's great - & thanks for the prompt... I actually do have a review site sitting in my archives - one that I did in Dreamweaver, so am ok with wysiwyg/html but I (did) get bored with all the frame editing. I got a template from one Chris Rempel's WSO's, so I need to dust it down and use it now! I guess when I first structured it, marketing was my achilles heel (at least in terms of having a strategy I was confident in).

          OP: sorry again for hijacking this thread - hope you and others can find something useful from my posts
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