Article Marketing - Here's Some COUNTER-intuitive Advise
Year ago, I still recall how (when I excitedly posted about my first $100 day), Robert Puddy urged me to try for $1,000. And at the even higher milestone of a $10k day, there was Jack Humphrey pushing for a $50,000 day!
That's why it kind of saddens me to see so many talented, hard-working article marketers settling for less. Thread after thread endlessly thrashes out the mechanics of submitting to directories and spinning content to suit various semi-automated systems - when the same effort could be put to more productive, profitable and longer lasting impact.
So here's some COUNTER-INTUITIVE article marketing advise. Feel free to take it or leave it as you like. My dream and desire is that it stretches your mind to possibilities beyond ones you're already aware of - and takes you to a higher plane and dimension of success!
1. Write from AUTHORITY:
When Warren Buffett writes about stock investing, financiers around the world listen. It's because he's an AUTHORITY. You too are an authority at something. If you are, and write on that subject, people WILL listen.
My first articles were for a website about heart disease. I was a qualified expert. For the first 8 months, I averaged 8 readers - per month! Then, a guy saw my work - and hired me to write for a startup. 6 months later, my articles were being read by 300 to 400 people - per DAY! The site? 'The Mining Company', now About.com

2. Write to BECOME an expert:
Article writing requires research. Do enough of it, and you'll become an expert. That's if you narrow your focus to a niche or sub-niche - and grow to become the 'go-to guy (or gal)' in that area.
In IM, I was first recognized as an expert at ezine marketing. That came only after YEARS of publishing an ezine and writing about email marketing... and ignoring other elements of IM for my article writing.
3. Write to build a BRAND:
Your articles should stand-alone as samples of all that you represent. You want prospective clients to be captivated by your work to the point where they'll track you down and hire you to work for them.
To this day, I get people looking me up after reading my articles from 2003 and earlier on SitePoint.com and similar authority sites. The 'resource box' links on those articles point to 'dead' or changed URLs!
4. Write to INFLUENCE:
Good writing can touch hearts and minds, shift sentiment and perspective, and evoke lasting change in your readers. Great writing goes further - and influences what they do afterwards! That should become your goal.
It's why I write and give away long articles (or short reports) like the 'Passion Manifesto' and 'How To Cross The Road'. They touch lives.
It doesn't take more skill or talent or time to shift to this kind of writing than it does to keep pounding out articles by the dozen. It however does take a shift in thinking, strategizing and focus.
* When you write from your heart, with passion and purpose, and put out top quality content that you're an expert at, you get READ.
* And when people read your articles, and know you're the 'real thing', they want to share your work with friends, and you get SYNDICATED.
* As more and more people read what you write, and are impressed by the value you deliver, you get REMEMBERED.
* When you keep doing this, constantly delivering on the promise of quality and value, you get RESPECTED.
* Eventually, you get HIRED.
* And then, you get RICH.
By that time, you've already realized that's merely icing on the cake!

All success
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