Kevin Riley Spills His Guts.... (It's not as messy as it sounds)

by mbrown
29 replies
Hey Guys,

Recently I cornered Kevin Riley like a poor scared possum just to fully pick his brain about Joint Ventures. We recorded it and at one time I was thinking about making a paid series out of this. Instead, I decided to give it away Free. This was a great interview and has some real eye openers for anyone looking to greatly increase their business and JV partners. He even answers why he JV'ed with me way back when I was a weee newbie and why he promoted my very first product. Kevin will reveal his insight to why partnerships are so important and the right way to get your product promoted.

I attribute a lot of my early success to Kevin and I wanted to share his tips with you. Thanks Kevin and hope you guys enjoy this.

PS. There is nothing to opt into, no email to fill out, no forms.. just pure content. Enjoy.

Download Here:

P.P.S - There were no mention of hamsters or any other household or woodland animals in this interview and no pictures of Riley in his mankini - I promise.

ALSO- give the download a good 10 minutes at least - even though it's zipped still a rather big file.
#guts #joint venture #joint ventures #jvs #kevin #kevin riley #messy #michael s brown #riley #sounds #spills
  • Profile picture of the author Kat Bartone
    Thank you, Michael.

    Am on the tail end of Kevin's product creation course offered through the private forum here, so this will be a nice complement to what I've been learning from Kevin.

    I appreciate your sharing it with us.

    - Kat Bartone

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    Coming soon: Compelling Content from the PLR Article Wizard

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    • Profile picture of the author mbrown

      Great! Yea despite Kevin's ego and his bushy beard he has a lot of knowledge and even "life" experience to share... which goes beyond just understanding JV's and marketing but understanding people.
      Free - Create a Site That Will Make You Money - Today - Click Here.

      Michael S Brown
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      • Profile picture of the author T.I.M.
        I'm downloading now as I see he's a stud here on the WF. I would love to learn his tricks.

        Thanks man.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
          Originally Posted by CuzinTim View Post

          I'm downloading now as I see he's a stud here on the WF. I would love to learn his tricks.

          Thanks man.
          Obviously, you have seen the infamous Mankini Picture.
          Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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          • Profile picture of the author T.I.M.
            Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

            Obviously, you have seen the infamous Mankini Picture.
            LOL, not yet. I am doing the Ed Dale 30 day challenge & that was in a domain they created for him.... SO off to do a search, I gotta see this.... BRB

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321061].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Michael Silvester
            Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

            Obviously, you have seen the infamous Mankini Picture.
            Kevin, If he as seen that pic his eyes would still
            be burning...and there is no possible way that
            he could have typed that message due to
            severe retinal destruction.

            Take Care,

            Michael Silvester
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          • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
            Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

            Obviously, you have seen the infamous Mankini Picture.

            I'm still not sure what all the 'Hamster' jokes are all about... but I hope you aren't using those poor defenseless fluffy hamsters as 'guinea pig' research subjects for your Product Creation Labs

            - Jared


            Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321074].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
              Originally Posted by Jared Alberghini View Post


              I'm still not sure what all the 'Hamster' jokes are all about... but I hope you aren't using those poor defenseless fluffy hamsters as 'guinea pig' research subjects for your Product Creation Labs

              - Jared
              Those "poor defenseless" hamsters? the evil little geniuses have taken over the Labs. They have me strapped to this chair, flogging me to work harder while they recline on pillows and are fed sunflower seeds.
              Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321090].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
                Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

                Those "poor defenseless" hamsters? the evil little geniuses have taken over the Labs. They have me strapped to this chair, flogging me to work harder while they recline on pillows and are fed sunflower seeds.
                Wow, Kevin, do you have any plans for escape??? I'm genuinely worried for you now... I had a feeling something fishy was going on... Is there anything I can do to help you escape this tortuous environment these fluffy creatures are putting you through???

                I had no idea...


                Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321097].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mbrown
            Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

            Obviously, you have seen the infamous Mankini Picture.
            Kevin, stop. You're scaring the children... well and really everyone else.
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            Michael S Brown
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[322208].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mrjonman
            Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

            Obviously, you have seen the infamous Mankini Picture.
            Dude, the fellow you were replying to is new to the forum ... don't scare him away right off with your mankini porn.
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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[322590].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author T.I.M.
              Originally Posted by mrjonman View Post

              Dude, the fellow you were replying to is new to the forum ... don't scare him away right off with your mankini porn.
              THX mrjon =)

              I am new here but not to the internet so I think I've seen worse, I hope LOL!

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[324431].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author borilbogoev
    Great interview! Thank you mbrown!

    I owe Kevin almost my entire knowledge of Infopreneurship and internet marketing. His e-books were the first thing I read about this topic.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author melanied
    Thanks for this!
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    • Profile picture of the author T.I.M.
      Interview Spoiler:

      Warning I am a bit of a fan-boy of Kevin Riley after hearing this interview. He sounds ~Awesome~ & is well respected around here, I didn't even look up the mankini incident as it may pop up but I'd probably be better off not seeing it, I'm thinking Borat LOL!

      YES! He CREATED this lifestyle for himself in Japan.... ~Awesome~

      Keep in mind when listening to any "Guru" that we all poop & have problems. This means there is to be NO hero worshipping.

      Here is my Cliffs Notes summary:

      (You may have glided through high school w/ CN but this is real life & WILL benefit more from hearing the whole 20 min audio)

      - When looking for JV (Joint Venture) products the top dawgs want to know you & that you show HOW to.

      - They tend to stay away from big names, huge launches....

      - Not a big rep but a GOOD rep is important (DUH!)

      - Get on Skype (FREE!)

      - Don't contact on weekends (Kevin copacabanas on weekends)

      - Give Summary (video walk thru is ideal)

      - Run your product like a REAL business

      - I <3 Kevin... whoa, I didn't type that - he has a scraggly beard.

      - Put it into ACTION!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321283].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
        Originally Posted by CuzinTim View Post

        Keep in mind when listening to any "Guru" that we all poop & have problems. This means there is to be NO hero worshipping.
        Please. I don't poop. I have one of my hamsters do that for me.
        Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321671].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
          Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

          Please. I don't poop. I have one of my hamsters do that for me.
          OK, that does it Kevin, I have done my own research and I have been informed about serious issues stated by both sides, and I have now genuinely decided to defend the hamsters regarding this particular issue...

          All I can say is: Ouch!!!... those poor, poor hamsters... isn't one of your poops as big as those poor defenseless fluffy critters?

          Yet, you want these poor hamsters to do your dirty work for you???

          (So what if the 'Hamsters Society Group' just gave me a huge campaign contribution... you don't think for a second that would sway my vote now do you?)

          Just think if you had to poop out a human sized turd... I bet you wouldn't be too happy about it...

          - Jared

          P.S. I can't stop laughing... you said 'poop'


          Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[323939].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mbrown
            Originally Posted by Jared Alberghini View Post

            P.S. I can't stop laughing... you said 'poop'

            LOL! Poop and marketing is never a good mix...... What was that old site someone put on the w/f not to long ago?

            But to be talking about Riley, poop and hamsters in the same sentence is almost the scariest thing I have witnessed.
            Free - Create a Site That Will Make You Money - Today - Click Here.

            Michael S Brown
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[323965].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author T.I.M.
              Originally Posted by mbrown View Post

              LOL! Poop and marketing is never a good mix...... What was that old site someone put on the w/f not to long ago?

              But to be talking about Riley, poop and hamsters in the same sentence is almost the scariest thing I have witnessed.
              mbrown's talking about poop everybody LOL!

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[324434].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Wow Kevin - you must be paying your posters a fortune these days.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author milan
    How do you know you interview KR and not one of the hamsters? They must love to talk on the phone all day (I see the interview is a huge download).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321613].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mbrown
      Originally Posted by milan View Post

      How do you know you interview KR and not one of the hamsters? They must love to talk on the phone all day (I see the interview is a huge download).
      You know you make a great point there... I have no way to disprove that the hamsters weren't involved.

      The interview is only 24 minutes? But, the interview got heavy
      Free - Create a Site That Will Make You Money - Today - Click Here.

      Michael S Brown
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[322222].message }}
  • Please stop pretending that hamsters are innocent little furry balls of fun. They're EVIL: Bears Speak Out on Stephen Colbert's War on Bears
    "The will to prepare to win is more important than the will to win." -- misquoting Coach Vince Lombardi
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321815].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Originally Posted by Vince Runza Online View Post

      Please stop pretending that hamsters are innocent little furry balls of fun. They're EVIL: Bears Speak Out on Stephen Colbert's War on Bears
      Thanks Vince. I need the word to get out. People think I rule the hamsters because I'm a despot. They don't realize that I am the bulwark between them and annihilation by furballs.

      Being the Hamster King is a trial, but if I don't control these varmints, you could wake up one morning to this:

      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    I Am Not A Crook said # 1 Hamster to #2 Hamster as he stole Riley's Sake. Leaving Riley to Pontificate on JV marketing without the mandatory lubrication of his throat. And leaving him tied to the keyboard in the Yellow Mankini.

    The Old Geezer
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  • Profile picture of the author milan
    I'll just use this info against Kevin Riley, to get a JV.
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
      Whooaa! That IS a monster file. Guess you had to record at a high quality bitrate to catch the hamsters muttering in the background.

      (What DO you call the noise that hamsters make - cheeping, barking, snorting . . .?)

      Thanks to you both for this generous gift. I'll soon have enough Rileyobilia to fill a whole backup DVD.

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