Tips, guides for launching a product through clickbank?

4 replies
Tried the search feature but couldn't find what I was looking for. Might be because I'm tired.

I'm preparing to launch an information product and I feel it would be great value to affiliate marketers who are promoting clickbank products in my niche as very few of them seem to carry the kind of value I'm providing.

I understand how to go about submitting my product and getting it approved by clickbank, but is that enough to start picking up affiliates?

Since this is my first product, I'm not looking to make some epic 6 figure launch. I'd simply like to give some marketers (preferably warriors) the opportunity to promote my product while I get a feel for what a launch is like.

So what are good ways to go about letting affiliates know the product is available and then getting them to promote it?

Thanks in advance as always.
#clickbank #guides #launching #product #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Dr Blue
    hmmm... i don't think that launching a product on CB is the best solution...
    First place is here on WF
    Second CPA
    third only your page and PPC traffic whitout affiliates.
    Why not CB ?

    Because i see many peple who have very good products but lose a lot of money on refunds... because CB give money back almost not verifiyng the case...
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  • Profile picture of the author colie3188
    AGREED! ClickBank is definitely something you should consider as a last resort... The refunds are a JOKE and while you might be happy on launch day, the days and months to come are a nightmare - a nightmare you can't STOP!

    It doesn't matter how GOOD your product is, there is always an excuse.

    But one that sticks out that I have to mention... "I didn't even know I purchased this product, how did that happen, it must have been a mistake" so that's either a SERIOUS case of identity fraud or a plain I just lied to your FACE!

    However, each to their own... This is by no means a case from HELL I am sure there are many stories you'll hear out there. ClickBank launches are no longer as profitable as they used to be, for me personally and for my niche specifically I can't speak for everyone and every niche on ClickBank but I know what happened and it was a NIGHTMARE! LOL.

    All the best mate
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  • Profile picture of the author spectrefax
    Wow interesting information here. Thanks very much all.

    Shows I definitely need more information before trying to add affiliates to this.

    What about trying to manage affiliates through a service like e-junkies?
    *Reserved for cool stuff*
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