The four keys any business success
The way you think, directly affects the results you get from your business. If you look at your business as a hobby, you will make a hobby income. If you treat your business as the professional entity that it is, your income will match your expectations. Although it may seem like psycho-babble, the way you think and view your business has a huge effect on whether you can actually buy your shiny yellow Corvette, or whether you can only afford the gas.
Here's your new mindset: You are the President and CEO of your own company. It doesn't matter if you are the only person in your company, and your company consists of a 10-year-old computer sitting in the dusty corner of your bedroom. No one cares about your company except you. Your customers only care what your company can provide for them.
The next battle you're going to wage is with your mind. You need to stay focused on one task at a time. Pinpoint your focus to stay effective. When you sit at your computer, you are there to get a job done. There are hundreds of distractions online and offline, but you need to focus on the task at hand or your work will never get completed.
We all suffer from information overload. When you are online, it's easy to start out with great intentions of completing a task like answering email, and 2 hours later find yourself surfing mindlessly. You click on a link in an email that takes you to a website that leads you to another website with intriguing information in a link that... you get the picture. We've all been there. So you need to guard your focus and not lose sight of what you're actually supposed to be doing while you are sitting in front of your computer screen.
You have invested in this course to learn how to tap into the financial power of the internet, so focus on the course and ignore everything else for the time being. You will build a solid business faster by keeping your focus.
Now that you have the proper mindset and you are focused, let's move into training mode. This is the third key to unlocking your business success. As you take your business to new levels of profitability, you want to keep learning and advancing. It's beneficial to read a business publication or listen to a business audio for at least half an hour each day. This way, you are continuing your education daily, but also working on your business. Educate yourself every day, but make sure you put your education into action. Don't get stuck in education mode and forget to act on your new knowledge.
This is the vital key to success. You need to pare down your actions. Your only productive business actions are the ones that are helping to increase your business. The rest is wasting valuable action time. Surfing the internet is not a productive action unless you are researching new opportunities. If you are researching, you need to limit your surfing to include only the subject matter that is essential to making decisions. It's very easy to get sidetracked and waste hours upon hours and getting nothing productive accomplished. You need to concentrate and stay focused.
If you are able to sit down at your computer undisturbed for several hours, break your time into blocks to ensure you maximize your effectiveness. The most important part of your business is your marketing. It should be the very first thing you do.
If you have 3 hours, your schedule could look like this:
Hour 1: Write and submit an article (marketing)
Hour 2: Edit a report (project development)
Hour 3: Answer email (administration)
Hope this post help everyone especially "newcomers"