Are Spammers Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

11 replies
I've concluded that spammers are smarter than a 5th grader, but not much.
Despite all the tools, strategies and over all hatred of spammers they still manage to get through to my email inbox enough times to irritate me.

But they're not smart enough to get through my mental filter and get me to buy any of their products and services. They're tricks are endless.

Maybe we need a Seal Team 6 for spammers.
#5th #grader #smarter #spammers
  • Profile picture of the author SShip
    I completely understand your frustration. What I'd like to know is how come when I sign up to someones list, all of a sudden, I'm on other people's lists. Are they selling us out?
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    • Profile picture of the author Natausha
      Originally Posted by Fruzzlies View Post

      I completely understand your frustration. What I'd like to know is how come when I sign up to someones list, all of a sudden, I'm on other people's lists. Are they selling us out?
      That drives me crazy! I've had it happen twice that I can think of and both times I knew who's list I had gotten on that had gotten me on someone else's list and I unsubscribed immediately to both.

      I'm not on many lists and at any sign of being shady I hit the unsubscribe link pretty quick.
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by Fruzzlies View Post

      I completely understand your frustration. What I'd like to know is how come when I sign up to someones list, all of a sudden, I'm on other people's lists. Are they selling us out?
      Yes they are. (Mostly)
      The best advise i can give you is keep your eMail address private.
      Create "dummy" email accounts and use them to sign up for free offers, dodgy sites etc...
      I wish i had done that when i started out, would save me at least 10 min a day deleting spam/scam emails...
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Sun64
    Its true they make it in our inbox's but they aren't smarting enough to disguise themselves or even to get us to buy their product as you said.
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  • Profile picture of the author fernandoraymundo
    That is the problem when you sign up to some websites. your email will be placed on a list where it will be sold and used as a marketing tool for those who are selling something. the best way to stop this is to be careful in giving away your email.
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    • Originally Posted by Sun64 View Post

      they aren't smarting enough to disguise themselves or even to get us to buy their product as you said.
      If spammers weren't making money at what they were doing, by getting people to buy, they wouldn't keep doing it. The reason they keep doing it is because they make so much money from it, quite easily.

      Don't get me wrong; I hate spam, too. It's unethical, sleazy and down-right irritating at times, but it's also extremely profitable with a minimum amount of work involved (virtually automated, actually), so evidently they ARE smarter than a 5th grader.

      They obviously had you fooled.

      I hate to say this, but most black hat methods are much more productive monetarily, which is why so many people go that road.
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    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Originally Posted by fernandoraymundo View Post

      That is the problem when you sign up to some websites. your email will be placed on a list where it will be sold and used as a marketing tool for those who are selling something. the best way to stop this is to be careful in giving away your email.
      ...and to use throwaway email addresses, NEVER your main address that you use to correspond with friends and family. I must have at LEAST ten active email addresses set up in Thunderbird for different types of email and any time one gets inundated I can kill it. It's also a good way to narrow down WHO sold your email address - MANY sites are doing it, I was shocked to find.

      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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  • Profile picture of the author iGame4Cash
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    Spammers are smarter than most college grads, if you ask me. I am not getting mail lately from legitimate senders I want to hear from....but spammers are getting through more than ever!...Yahoo's security leaves much to be desired.
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  • Profile picture of the author Giftys
    You've got to remember that for every smart person, there are 10 dumb people that will fall hook, line and sinker.


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  • Profile picture of the author simonbuzz
    spammers are smart but they can't trick me...
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