What is this service called?????

25 replies
I'll try to keep this brief......

I have been a full time Internet Marketer for the past year and, prior to that, owned and operated my own offline business for several years. One of my current businesses provides editing and proofreading services. This aspect of my business is resulting in me doing a great deal more than editing and proofreading for my clients.

Let me explain....

I am very thorough in everything I do and, as a result, usually start off all of my business relationships with many questions. Well.....these questions have led to my clients actually having to come up with the answers. While coming up with the answers, they are realizing they haven't really looked at the 'big picture' with their business. So....I find myself guiding them through the process.

The 'process' basically ends up involving everything from the conception of a business or product idea right through to the delivery and then follow-up phases of a project. The actual service I started off providing ends up being a miniscule percent of the actual work I do.

Based on the feedback from my clients......I'm very good at what I do. The question is....what is it exactly that I'm doing?????

I know....sounds silly. However, since my revelation that this could be a very good business concept in itself, I've researched extensively and just can't seem to find an appropriate title for this service.

There seems to be a real need for this service and I enjoy doing it tremendously.


What's this called?

Some of the 'titles' that somewhat fit are....

Project Management
Project/Business Strategist
Project/Business Consultant

And....Hand Holder, Therapist, Problem Solver, Go-To Person, Person Mind Map.....Okay, I'm just kidding with those ones but you get the idea.

Help! Please! Up until now I have not been charging anything for this service and have realized that has to end. Although I love doing it, business is business. The bottom line is that my clients are making a lot more money than they would have because of my involvement.

I'd appreciate any comments.....both good and bad.

#called #service
  • Profile picture of the author Dusty S
    I would say you sound like more of a consultant, be it business planning consultant, marketing consultant or business concept or program consultant.
    It is all in the sales approach you want to take.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    Thanks Dusty....I appreciate your feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author alanbluecat
    Yes, Business Consultant.But you might want to be a bit creative with whatever you call yourself because Business Consultant can sound a bit boring and stuffy.

    On the other hand if someone is in need of your services they are likely to be searching for a business consultant as this is the commonly known description of that service so you don't want to miss out on their business if you are calling yourself aomething else.

    It's amazing that you have managed to position yourself and gain credibility as this from offering (merely, <- no disrespect) a proofreading service. Well done for that!
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Originally Posted by Jacqueline Smith View Post

    I’ll try to keep this brief……

    [SIZE=3]One of my current businesses provides editing and proofreading services.{/SIZE]

    Let me explain….
    I am very thorough in everything I do and, as a result, usually start off all of my business relationships with many questions. Well…..these questions have led to my clients actually having to come up with the answers. While coming up with the answers, they are realizing they haven’t really looked at the ‘big picture’ with their business. So….I find myself guiding them through the process.
    Business consultant

    The ‘process’ basically ends up involving everything from the conception of a business or product idea right through to the delivery and then follow-up phases of a project.
    Business conception/design and consultant?

    One more step and, in some areas, you could be a resident agent/virtual assistant/office! You might as well, since you are doing everything they would do, and FAR more! That could add up tho THOUSANDS of extra dollars per year for doing basically NOTHING! SERIOUSLY! And it could be considered CHEAP!

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    • Profile picture of the author Bruce99
      you are either a business strategist or performing 'business re-engineering.'

      this was a big phrase in the 90's but now that it has safely died down, you may be able to use it again.

      just a dog guy.

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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
    I think 'Marketing and Business Development Consultant'.
    Sounds good anyway

    I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisMcDonald
      Originally Posted by Colin Palfrey View Post

      I think 'Marketing and Business Development Consultant'.
      Sounds good anyway
      I like this! I think you definitely need a 'stand-out' and 'hard-hitting' title for sure.

      I too am starting out in proof-reading and can only hope I find myself in the same situation as you Jacqueline
      English Speaking Writers - 400 word, 100% original articles for $6. Larger projects undertaken
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Call yourself a business consultant specializing in "Alternative Solutions." That's sort of a branding thing though stuff that's obvious to some people isn't so obvious to others. If you're into paying attention and can help others, become an expert with an intriguing title and people will flock to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesburchill
    Hello Jacqueline

    What you are doing is called Strategic Consulting. Basically you are "coaching" a client through a series of reflective Q&A sessions whereby they in turn realize the outcome.

    If you spoon fed them all the answers then it would be more akin to Strategic Mentoring.

    Bottom line, you should be charging for this INCREDIBLY VALUABLE SERVICE. I do and clients routinely pay my company thousands for this type of service.

    You probably already know this, but price based on value. I regularly help my clients make small corrective decisions that within a year have saved them serious $$$.

    Hope that helps,

    James Burchill ~ Bestselling Author & Coursepreneur
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  • Profile picture of the author Amanda Craven

    Just kidding - I like James' 'Strategic Consultant' - a step up from the more commonly used Marketing Consultant with the implied extra value of coming up with a definite strategy...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Not sure why I spent any time researching anywhere else! You guys are the best.

    James....you described exactly what I have been doing. Prior to having my own business, I was a social worker for many, many years......I probably shouldn't be surprised that those skills have followed me in to the business world.

    Okay....off to give it some thought and develop a marketing plan. I'll let you all know what 'title' I end up going with.

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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisMcDonald
      Originally Posted by Jacqueline Smith View Post

      Thank you, thank you, thank you!

      Not sure why I spent any time researching anywhere else! You guys are the best.

      James....you described exactly what I have been doing. Prior to having my own business, I was a social worker for many, many years......I probably shouldn't be surprised that those skills have followed me in to the business world.

      Okay....off to give it some thought and develop a marketing plan. I'll let you all know what 'title' I end up going with.

      Good luck to you, Jacqueline!
      English Speaking Writers - 400 word, 100% original articles for $6. Larger projects undertaken
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    Which works better.....

    Marketing & Business Development Consultant


    Marketing & Business Strategy Consultant


    Should I remove the word 'marketing' as it naturally would be part of any business development/strategy plan anyway?


    As I plan on targetting the online world, should I include the word 'internet' in the title.

    I love having you guys as a sounding board! Trying to explain this to those in the 'other world' just takes too damn long.....and they still don't usually get it!

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    • Profile picture of the author Jacob Hargreave
      Originally Posted by Jacqueline Smith View Post

      Which works better.....

      Marketing & Business Development Consultant


      Marketing & Business Strategy Consultant


      Should I remove the word 'marketing' as it naturally would be part of any business development/strategy plan anyway?


      As I plan on targetting the online world, should I include the word 'internet' in the title.

      I love having you guys as a sounding board! Trying to explain this to those in the 'other world' just takes too damn long.....and they still don't usually get it!


      I believe you are just fine with "Online Business Consultant".

      As a "OBC" you are there to help organizations improve their performance, primarily through the analysis of existing business problems and development of plans for improvement.

      So adding "marketing" or "development" into the title might be a bit redundant. I think you have broken into a very profitable niche and wish you great success.

      Jacob Hargreave at your service...

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  • Profile picture of the author 4Frankie
    If you are going to get the clients to do it themselves could be called
    Business Mentor
    Online Business Mentor
    Project Mentor
    or something around this which can cover a lot.
    Yes would be a good business for you and you have had practice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
    If you're doing business consulting, you can often make substantial fees by moving to a partially contingency fee based arrangement. You get paid a percentage of things, based upon some metrics that you agree on. These can be increased profit, increased revenue, gain in client or customer list, time saved, money saved, market share gain, etc.

    This way you not only demonstrating value to your clients, but being paid handsomely for it. Consultants typically do this for established clients, after first having a traditional hourly billing arrangement.

    What would you rather have, 100 billable hours @$150/hr, or 20% of an additional $500,000 profit or savings? You can see the potential with the right contingency fee arrangement. I've seen consultants save businesses millions of dollars annually. They will happily pay a sizable percentage of the incremental revenue or savings your services generate. It's a win-win, because they only pay you for performance. Of course, of you fail, you cold easily be eating Top Ramen for a while.
    For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
    After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    Steve....thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I will definitely take everything you've said into consideration when setting up my fee schedule.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    Wow Nick.....you've really made me start to rethink this entire 'titling' process.

    I think the reason I felt I needed a title was for marketing purposes. However, you are so right when you say that 'titles' just end up clumping you in with everyone else.

    It seems that what I do for my clients is a little unique and instead of trying to fit myself into a generic title, I should be making a title fit into what I do. Although.....your idea of no title is a tempting one too!

    I must say....I'm loving 'Business Therapist' because that is exactly what I feel like I am doing with my clients.

    Thanks for the reminder that we should always stay true to ourselves....even in business!
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  • Profile picture of the author newbim
    Hi, whatever it is, it sounds like gold! Lol.

    I think if you break down the typical journey you go down when "doing what you do" - it may be that you suprise yourself and discover that you actually do a lot more that you think, this may even help you when considering the marketing for your service.

    I think you're right though, titling could 'pigeon-hole' you and that could hold your progress and development back. Who needs labels, right?

    On a side-note, I think it's an awesome position to be in. Doing what you love, and not even knowing how to categorise it. It must give you an amazing sense of freedom. Good luck in your business, and the bet of luck.


    If what I said helps, let me know, throw me a 'thanks'.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    Well.....so much for a weekend of getting things done around the house. All of your input and encouragement has put my already very active mind in over drive!

    It's amazing how life evolves and things just seem to fall into place sometimes.

    I've been sitting with 'Business Therapist' for the past couple of hours and I must say.....it feels right. Thanks Nick!

    Now....to just come up with a marketing plan that makes others appreciate the benefits I have to offer.

    Thanks to Newbim, I am going to start with this......

    I think if you break down the typical journey you go down when "doing what you do" - it may be that you suprise yourself and discover that you actually do a lot more that you think, this may even help you when considering the marketing for your service.

    ....and see what I end up with.

    Sit tight guys....I'll be back with my marketing ideas to bounce off you in the next couple of days!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisMcDonald
    It's great to hear you've managed to move forward Jacqueline! Some of the information above is great! In fact, it all is. It's true, why do you need a title? You are you and if you sell yourself to your customers, what does a title really matter?
    English Speaking Writers - 400 word, 100% original articles for $6. Larger projects undertaken
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  • Profile picture of the author JamieSEO
    "business consultant"

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