How to offer free ebooks

by savo
12 replies
Hi i am after a little help. I am fairly new to all this. I have purchased some great blogs through this fourum. I would like to add opt in boxes to them to give people free info like an ebook. What i want to know is do these auto responders house the ebooks if not how do i go about doing this, i need to get lists for these blog sites but need a reason for people to sign up as well.

I hope this makes sense.
#ebooks #free #offer
  • Profile picture of the author Souldja
    Hi. I'm new in IM too. But I know that you should create a squeeze page and give visitors reasons why they will feel good about your product.
    Look at my squeeze page:
    I'm working on it at the moment...
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  • Profile picture of the author tehnolife
    After you signup to an autoresponder service like Aweber, GetResponse, Imnica, create a campaign.

    After they signup to your list, create a first follow-up message containing a link to the free report.

    This way, you will get double-optin subscribers, and they will read your messages.
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  • Profile picture of the author ocvseo
    Originally Posted by savo View Post

    Hi i am after a little help. I am fairly new to all this. I have purchased some great blogs through this fourum. I would like to add opt in boxes to them to give people free info like an ebook. What i want to know is do these auto responders house the ebooks if not how do i go about doing this, i need to get lists for these blog sites but need a reason for people to sign up as well.

    I hope this makes sense.
    Try Aweber auto responder, and put you download link in the auto responder
    viola there is your free E-book delivery system.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alan Ashwood
    Originally Posted by savo View Post

    . . . I would like to add opt in boxes to them to give people free info like an ebook.

    What i want to know is do these auto responders house the ebooks if not how do i go about doing this, i need to get lists for these blog sites but need a reason for people to sign up as well.

    Hi Savo

    1. Autoresponder.
    If you want to avoid paying for an autoresponder for possibly months before you start to make money, why not use a free AR? I use ListWire, which remains free forever, and I saved a small fortune in monthly fees while building my business up to see a return. Unless you're loaded, in which case use Aweber or GetResponse. DO NOT use Mailchimp if you're considering affiliate marketing, because they don't allow it!

    Now to try to answer your questions.

    No the autoresponder service does not house the reports/ebooks/PLR products. Autoresponders simply manage your mailing lists - that's all.

    2. Home for your ebook.

    You have to tell the AR (autoresponder) to redirect your subscriber to a 'holding page/site', where the ebook is located, ready for downloading.

    I cheat a bit at the moment, by placing my incentive items in password protected pages on my blog. It's not ideal, but it does work, and saves me paying for a domain and hosting just for downloads.

    I'm sure some other Warriors will recommend better ways, but for now it does the job (and keeps my blog's branding up front too).

    Does this go some way to answering your question, Savo?

    Hope it's helped.


    Now where did I put that pencil?

    Time for a cuppa.
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    • Profile picture of the author savo
      Originally Posted by Alan Ashwood View Post

      Hi Savo

      1. Autoresponder.
      If you want to avoid paying for an autoresponder for possibly months before you start to make money, why not use a free AR? I use ListWire, which remains free forever, and I saved a small fortune in monthly fees while building my business up to see a return. Unless you're loaded, in which case use Aweber or GetResponse. DO NOT use Mailchimp if you're considering affiliate marketing, because they don't allow it!

      Now to try to answer your questions.

      No the autoresponder service does not house the reports/ebooks/PLR products. Autoresponders simply manage your mailing lists - that's all.

      2. Home for your ebook.

      You have to tell the AR (autoresponder) to redirect your subscriber to a 'holding page/site', where the ebook is located, ready for downloading.

      I cheat a bit at the moment, by placing my incentive items in password protected pages on my blog. It's not ideal, but it does work, and saves me paying for a domain and hosting just for downloads.

      I'm sure some other Warriors will recommend better ways, but for now it does the job (and keeps my blog's branding up front too).

      Does this go some way to answering your question, Savo?

      Hope it's helped.


      Thanx allen for the answers ill try that out all my blogs are through wordpress so it should be easy to do.

      And thankyou to everyone else aswell you have all been a great help.
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      • Profile picture of the author kaylacalloway
        Hi Alan,

        In your post you mentioned that MailChimp is not the best for Autoresponders, however would you recommend it for compiling an email list?
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        • Profile picture of the author Alan Ashwood
          Originally Posted by ... View Post

          Hi Alan,

          In your post you mentioned that MailChimp is not the best for Autoresponders, however would you recommend it for compiling an email list?
          MailChimp is fine for compiling an email list. You can even use it's autoresponder facilities, as long as you aren't using it for affiliate marketing.

          Be aware though, as soon as you exceed 2000 names, you will start paying.

          With ListWire, however, it is always free, no matter how many names, and how many lists you have; and you can use it for affiliate marketing.

          If you simply want to complie a list there is another option too. If you are using WordPress for your site, there are a few plugins which will allow you to get opted in subscriptions without being tied into an autoresponder.

          Here are a couple:
          • wp email capture
          • g lock double opt in manager



          Now where did I put that pencil?

          Time for a cuppa.
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  • Profile picture of the author garryhey
    I am struggling also with the eBook giveaway

    Where in aWeber do you insert the link

    I have a Squeeze page with an opt in, a Thank You page and a Download page all prepared in Kompozer. I copy the raw HTML from aWeber to Kompozer and then upload via Filezilla to my Host.

    Just can't seem to get each stage to work properly. I fix one thing and then another thing goes wrong.

    Help...frustrated !
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    Basically, Aweber is just your autoresponder where you collect leads, and where you send follow up messages automatically and can send email broadcasts.

    You can house your ebook on say amazonS3 services, or on your hosting account where your website links to it.

    So you might upload your ebook to your server. Now, you can either give the link away in your follow up emails, or put it on a separate page on your website for them to download it.
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    • Profile picture of the author garryhey
      I do have my eBook housed in my Host server

      I have the link for the download on my Download page in Kompozer (which is also uploaded to my host server)

      My question is, if I don't use the follow up email, where in aWeber do I put the domain/download.html link ?
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      • Profile picture of the author tokaje
        when you setup your list, then along the way of the 3 steps process in aweber, you will be prompted to where to send the lead, after they have signed up. Instead of using the default, you can specify a url of your chose (thank you page, with the ebook, hosted on your server)

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  • Profile picture of the author giversunite
    You can get free ebooks all over the internet - be sure to read them and preapprove them and that you have rebranding rights.

    I offer a free Ebook that I will give you rebranding rights and even customize it for you with your links and website

    Just let me know and I would be happy to help
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