28 replies
Hey Guys,

Is there an easy way to do WSO Sales Salesletters?

The Editor seems to be a PITA

I've seen som3 that are one big graphic

Anybody know how to do that?

Is that by using Snagit?

#letters #sales #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    Well, I've actually seen a large amount of sales page starting to incorporate Photoshop. That could definitely be an option for you, but then again, you'll have to be familiar with Photoshop.
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  • Profile picture of the author fitz10
    You can use GIMP or Photoshop. Some people just use a few graphical elements while other people do the entire salesletter in a graphics editor.

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  • Profile picture of the author Brian E Adams
    I wouldn't use one large graphic. The file size would get so large that the download speed would become an issue.

    You can consider using the WF test forum to construct your sales letter ahead of time. In this way you can review the letter. Keep in mind that the WF editor for the new post will give some WSYWYG editing features and allow for you to toggle from BB code to WYSWYG.

    It would be good if there was an HTML to BB converter out there. I'm sure one exists.
    WebinarMax - The Ultimate Webinar Replay Service
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    are you asking about the graphics or your copy in general.

    I do not think by having a graphic headlines you will improve your conversions. I think it all comes down to good copy! and a good offer. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
    I had a similar question actually... I've seen some WSOs that are one large image and they look really nice on the page, and seem to load just fine.

    I'd like to know how to do this too because WSOs limit you to 10 images, and I have more than 10 proof images... Let alone product graphics, belcher buttons, etc.

    Making things look pretty on a sales page is probably a bit too important to me, but I'm not a Photoshop/In Design expert or even close. If anyone could let us know how they have their WSOs as one image, that'd be awesome (and can you include videos within the big-wso-image-thing that way??)
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Isn't it just HTML? Create the page in an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver and do your graphics in Photoshop or what ever you have. Then just plug the code into the form..

    I may be missing something as I have never done it. But that was how I used to make my pages for eBay years ago.

    Tim Pears

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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

      I've seen som3 that are one big graphic

      Anybody know how to do that?

      Is that by using Snagit?

      Originally Posted by beadams View Post

      I wouldn't use one large graphic.
      I wouldn't use one large graphic either - but for other obvious reasons.

      Search engines don't read all the words on a graphic.

      You will be denying yourself of added SEO and possible external traffic.

      Just today I found something via searching Google which brought me back to the WF. A straight graphic would have never led me back.


      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author bretski
        In the past I've done mine before hand on a Wordpress site and then copied it over to the test forum. Check it out on there and fix anything that needs fixing. Then copy it over to the wso forum for disapproval.
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        • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
          Originally Posted by bretski View Post

          Then copy it over to the wso forum for disapproval.
          Love your positive attitude.

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          Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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          • Profile picture of the author bretski
            Originally Posted by Dan C. Rinnert View Post

            Love your positive attitude.
            Quiet yourself, INFIDEL!
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            Experience Content Writer - PM Bretski!
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      • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
        Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

        Search engines don't read all the words on a graphic.
        ...which means your search engine traffic is going to the HTML page on your own domain instead, where the product costs more because it's not a special offer.
        "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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        • Profile picture of the author KamauAustin
          Another good option to laying out pictures for WSO is Adobe Fireworks or a great free program I use because I'm tired of paying high prices for Photoshop upgrades every 2 years is Paint.net too. Just google Paint.net.

          Kamau Austin, helps emerging businesses vibe, survive, and thrive online. He is a Dadpreneur and Publisher of: eINFoNews . Austin is also a author of Raise Cash Fast and a SEO and Social Media Professional. Contact him at: Search Engine Plan

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          • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
            Another way around the pain in the behind editor here is to use Chrome to do your WSO copy. I don't get all the spacing and other issues when I use Chrome compared to IE or FF to do the layout.

            I have used images in some, though, and that's nice and easy. But it does depend on how many you have to use. I only needed 6.
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by timpears View Post

      Isn't it just HTML? Create the page in an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver and do your graphics in Photoshop or what ever you have. Then just plug the code into the form..

      I may be missing something as I have never done it. But that was how I used to make my pages for eBay years ago.
      It's not html. It's bbcode.

      Originally Posted by bambii View Post

      I had a similar question actually... I've seen some WSOs that are one large image and they look really nice on the page, and seem to load just fine.

      I'd like to know how to do this too because WSOs limit you to 10 images, and I have more than 10 proof images... Let alone product graphics, belcher buttons, etc.

      Making things look pretty on a sales page is probably a bit too important to me, but I'm not a Photoshop/In Design expert or even close. If anyone could let us know how they have their WSOs as one image, that'd be awesome (and can you include videos within the big-wso-image-thing that way??)
      You just take a screenshot of the sales letter. Probably have to do it in two or three separate screenshots and put them together in a photo editor and save it as one large graphic.

      Upload it and just put in your bbcode image tags. Not a good idea to do this as it does load slowly for some people. Not everyone has fast broadband connections.
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    • Profile picture of the author J Bold
      Originally Posted by timpears View Post

      Isn't it just HTML? Create the page in an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver and do your graphics in Photoshop or what ever you have. Then just plug the code into the form..

      I may be missing something as I have never done it. But that was how I used to make my pages for eBay years ago.
      Yes, you are missing something.

      It's BB code, not html.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Turner
    It depends how familiar and comfortable you are with Photoshop...

    I create all my WSOs first in Photoshop in a PSD mockup file that exactly replicates a Warrior Forum post - This allows me to go nuts with all my graphics and get the presentation of my WSOs just right before I take them live...

    Once I'm happy with the design in Photoshop, it's then just a matter of slicing up the PSD into seperate .JPGs, uploading them onto your server and embedding them into your WSO thread.

    I also use another WSO forum mockup PSD that replicates the WSO Forum (not an individual post) to see what the titles of my WSOs will look like as if they were live on the forum. This gives me a chance to fine tune the title of my WSO thead.

    I'll usually use a combination of both graphics and text in my WSOs... 10 images are more than enough, so if I wanted to throw in a video or some HTML text somewhere, I'd split the 'graphic' up into 2 graphics and wack in my video or text in between them...

    Hope this helps..

    Shameless plug: see my sig for more info on the mockup templates.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ralf Skirr
    You can create your sales letter in any html editor, just like you would create a normal sales letter.

    Then Google "html to bbcode" and use one of the online converters. They give you code that you can then paste into the WSO post.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Bastide
      Thanks for all the great tips Everybody!

      If you can drive Biz Op Phone Calls .... I'm Buying

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  • Profile picture of the author billspaced
    Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

    Hey Guys,

    Is there an easy way to do WSO Sales Salesletters?

    The Editor seems to be a PITA

    I've seen som3 that are one big graphic

    Anybody know how to do that?

    Is that by using Snagit?

    Hi Jack, I've used this --

    Easy BBCode Editor

    Makes it pretty simple. But where you want "killer" graphics, insert the PSD file(s).

    Bill Davis
    Chief Marketing Officer, SoMoLo Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    My latest WSO sales page was all done in Photoshop. You don't want to use one large image as it would slow down the page. I simply created the whole sales page in Photoshop and then sliced it up into 10 separate, smaller images so it loads fast and still looks good.

    I gave up with the BB code. You can start to get things looking how you want but you will never get them exactly how you want them to look - images are the only way to do that. Some people use a combination of images and bb code but I never liked the look of that either - just looks a little incomplete.

    It was actually much quicker for me to put the sales page together in Photoshop than it would have been for me to mess around with the BB code.

    As for not getting any search engine traffic because of using images, if people start commenting and leaving reviews and questions in the thread then you will still have a chance at getting a lot of search engine traffic to your offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    I know some people use large images, and some look great. There are also some that look horrible. Load time is an issue as has been pointed out. I've got a cable connection and I've clicked off a number of WSO pages because I'm not patient enough for them to load completely.

    I'm not a techie, but if you goof around with your ad in the test forum and load your graphics in, it may seem to load fast on your end because the images have been cached on your computer and they load faster that way than for the first time through the network... but for someone visiting your page for the first time the loading may be considerably slower.

    This isn't always the case, but you will find many top selling WSOs with copy that has no images at all. If your product is good, you've got good comments, and you can write good copy... your product will still sell well.

    You can create images in the mind of prospective buyers not only with images on your page, but with sizzling copy. --Mike

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

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    • Profile picture of the author High Horsepower
      Some of the best selling WSO's have no images/graphics/logos whatsoever. Just plain ol BB code with good copy.
      Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        ...which means your search engine traffic is going to the HTML page on your own domain instead, where the product costs more because it's not a special offer.
        Ooohh, Snipe! Or big snipe if you are saying what I think you are saying.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by High Horsepower View Post

        Some of the best selling WSO's have no images/graphics/logos whatsoever. Just plain ol BB code with good copy.
        True, and some of the best selling WSO's use ONLY images and NO BB code.

        But we are not talking about what sells best here. We are talking about what is easier to put together for the person selling the actual WSO. For me, images is definitely easier. Trying to get the same look using BB code would take me forever.

        Yes, a WSO is not going to sell based on the design alone but that is not to say you should not try and put forward your best work - a person can often tell a lot about you by the quality of your website or sales page - it gives them some idea of the attention to detail your product will also have.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ronnie Nijmeh
    Actually, Metodi has a plugin for WordPress - "Instant WSO Formatter" that helps you convert WP pages into WarriorForum optimized BBCode.

    I've used it and it's actually slick. You may still need to make some minor tweaks (mainly with images to ensure they "fit" properly and you're under the 10 image limit), but it still has saved me HOURS.

    Here's his WSO for the plugin:

    And, no, Metodi doesn't know I'm doing this - I'm just a customer of his and like his stuff.

    More cool Products from Ronnie Nijmeh

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    Bread Money Method (IM & Weight Loss = Peanuts compared to this MONSTER niche)
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  • Profile picture of the author PhilG
    Well, you are asking two questions here. One for an easy way to create WSO code and another on how to make the large image.

    As to an easy way to create the BBcode, I can second Ronnie's suggestion above. Metodi's plugin makes creating a WSO simple and FAST with any Wordpress blog. Definitely worth checking out. Another suggestion is to use this converter Cool HTML to BBCode Converter v. 1.25

    As for creating the large image, you could create a sales page and use a free service to capture a full size image of the resulting webpage. Now I have never tried this (and it may need some tweaking to fit the forum) but it might work. As an example, I have captured a full size image of the WSO that is mentioned above. Here is the resulting jpeg image http://capturefullpage.com/Temp/3f7c...e91ccae20c.jpg

    I am not sure how long the image will be available, but it would be simple to copy and paste to your hard drive and then work from there. Capture full page - Screenshot Full web page - Capture full web page is the url for the main page, just in case that is not obvious.

    I hope this helps. If so, let me know.

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  • Profile picture of the author TroyNotes
    The workflow I did on my WSO only( images and video).

    take a picture of an existing warrior offer I liked (with windows you can use PrtSc button then paste it into paint.exe,
    - remove any elements where your would go and
    - save it as png/jpg as a background

    I'm an oddball, I use flash to mockup the sales page (as it supports vector type and photoshop like effects for dropshadow, highlight) and sales video as it's frame by frame.

    From there I export the scene as an image (png typically)

    Take it into an older version of fireworks (you can pick these up on Ebay) and slice it up into smaller images (not hard to do with free paint.exe in windows)

    If you are only using a couple colors (e.g. red and black) you can use gif format to keep things crisp and relatively small. This is something you could have someone on Fivveer do if you don't like that.

    I upload those slices to my webhost (in this case I use amazon S3), make sure the permissions are set so they are visible.

    Along the way I record a video and upload it to youtube making sure it's readable at the size that the Warrior Forum uses.

    Then paste it one by one into the Test Forum to make sure it's right. I save that template to make sure that next time I don't have to do so much work.

    So far I've been focusing on just video sales letter as I don't know that many people here and noone knows me, but will have to try a more long form copy instead. Last WSO I did got 600 views and per youtube 63 views of the video so perhaps more copy would be better.. this hasn't been true on the "normal" sales pages I've done.
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  • Profile picture of the author CPA Andrew
    Don't use one long graphic it could take a while to load for some people. Most graphics are done in photoshop.
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