IS MLM Back In Style?
Disclaimer: I am not a member I don't know anything about their products
or services, this is just my opinion.
I am amazed at the number of emails I am getting about the latest
and greatest MLM, Web Prosperity.
It seems to me that not long ago everybody was putting MLM down, I guess its'
back in fashion.
I have been in MLM, I actually got my income up to around $4,000 per month.
Here is the part I didn't think about before I worked my backside off.
If I put all of those hours in to the job I had at the time I would have made
more money. You have to recruit to make money and recruiting is selling and
99% of the population hate to sell and hate sales people.
The 80/20 rule applies. Look at any MLM, example...
1st level 100,000 members
2nd level 20,000 members
3rd level 4,000 members
4th level 800 members
5th level 160 members
6th level 32 members
7th level 6.5 members
If you look at any established MLM this is going to be very close.
How far up do you think you'll get? The odds work against you.
If you want to make money in MLM sell books, tapes, CDs', DVDs',
seminars, teleseminars, and so forth on how to make money in MLM.
Or start your own.
These are just my opinions based on my experience.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
~ Zig Ziglar
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