How would you monetize novelty stuff?

by condra
5 replies
Hey folks.

Let's say you have some hilarious images, puzzles, or any other piece of highly original novelty entertainment. Stuff that has viral or even meme potential.

crude example:

Where would you start in terms of monetizing this sort of content. They first thing I thought was, people browsing sites like Tumblr and 4Chan, but then I was thinking, actually a lot of peopler on Facebook "share" and "like" a lot of silly novelty stuff.

But coming up with the content is only one part of the equation. How do you monetize it, and who do you aim your products at?

Would you put your watermark on the image, and just let it go viral? There is always the chance someone will clone out your watermark, and even if your URL stays on the image as it does the rounds, will many people actually take the time to visit your site?

Let's say you have a landing page where people go to get more novelty content.
What sort of demographic are interested in randomly surfing for silly jokes and puzzles? - bored teens?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to any replies. Please feel free to give non-spammy examples of successful marketing (or recycling) of novelty content.

#monetize #novelty #stuff
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Wilson
    The truth is that this is one of the least profitable niches.

    If nothing else you can go with adsense or try to make a sub. list of people who...huh...hard to tell what to offer your visitors that they will opt-in your email list.

    If the "bored teens" is your objective then try selling them some electronics from apple.

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  • Profile picture of the author dholowiski
    Well, Reddit is the king of stupid images. If you look, they're all hosted on and that would probably be a good place to start your research (Reddit is also a great place to publicize your images).
    The cool thing right now is being able to put your own caption in a picture (check out Homepage | Meme Generator)
    The thing with all of this is that you are going to need _tons_ of bandwidth. Have a look at the bandwidth used for pics that show up on the front of reddit - it's many GB per image.

    Since this is slightly related, I created which just grabs thumbnails of images that hit the reddit front page, made a couple of bucks on adsense so far.

    I hope this helps. Reddit is definitely your starting place for research.

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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Ryan
      I'd probably test out some cpa offers on a site like that. Email or zip submits may work.

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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Go wherever a lot of people into that kind of thing are.


    Anime and video game fans seem to fit the bill. haha

    SOURCE: life experience
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    • Profile picture of the author condra
      Thanks for all the replies.

      I've no intention of setting up a site dedicated to novelty images, but I seem to have a knack for coming up with interesting or weird concepts that have good viral potential, but little to do with any of my current websites.

      I've given it more thought and I think I might just go with the following.

      If the idea has anything to do with any of the sites I have, Photoshop it up, with the embedded URL, before setting them free on Reddit, 4Chan etc

      And if they idea has less to do with the sites I have, find a way of working the concept into a cool banner ad for a product, and test it out on one of my sites..

      I think I will just have to get over the fact that I have way more ideas than I will ever have time to fully explore.
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