I made $450 In Two Days Using QR Codes!
The other day I realized that many bussiness are using QR Codes (that square with freaky dots like an atari graphic) in their sings, in the product boxes and so on (the one you can capture with your cellphone to retrieve some data).
So I decided to make a little test to see what happens... I went to this page QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Creator And Encoder For T-Shirts, Business Cards & Stickers and put my affiliate link to a money making clickbank product to convert it as QR Code.
I copy/paste into a word doc and add a big headline like "NEED $$??" (but in spanish of course), printed and went out to look for a good place to put the ad.
I choose a supermarket board near to my house to place it and went home.
Two days later I checked the clickbank account and I had 300 hops and 15 sales netting me $450 in commissions... not bad for a sheet of printed paper eh?
This can be easily scaled placing ads in crowded places like bus stops, stadiums... the possibilities are endless.
Also you can use this for clickbank products, cpa offers, your own products, and "everythingthatyourimaginationcanthinkof"
You guys give it a try and hopefully it will work for you too, how about an extra $1000 for this 'xmas?
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