Keeping it safe. Do you have a back up to safeguard your business?

by fin
3 replies
I'm sure everyone would agree that one of the most important aspects of an IM'ers business is the information stored in his computer.

After all... If this was lost it would be a catastrophe.

I've always loved the idea of keeping my stuff backed up. The thing is: I want to carry everything around.

There's a lot of IM'ers who travel the world, and eventually, this will also be my goal.

I love the idea of a "cloud back-up" where I can keep all my important documents stored away.

I'd like to be able to have a lot less worry if my laptop gets stolen from my hotel room in tropicalbeachland.

Does anyone use a cloud based service which can provide this. I've had a look at a few but am unsure quite what it entails.

I'd love a secure service where I could be free of worry for ever. I keep some stuff on dropbox but it's not ideal.

Is there somewhere more secure that will store everything on my laptop, so if the unfortunate ever happens, I can just buy a new laptop or go to an internet cafe, and my soon to be valuable online business will be safe?

#back #business #keeping #safe #safeguard
  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    The only problem I see with clouding solutions is safety. You are not sure how the data storing takes place and how secure it is.
    Time of thinking is over.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
      I would be interested in any suggestions on this also. I'm currently using an assortment of external drives for backups, along with an online file storage space from Godaddy. I want redundancy, so I move something from a given computer to an external drive, and then I copy it onto the other externals from there. It's a little tedious.
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  • Profile picture of the author jpsilver
    Backing up data is very important and more businesses go bankrupt from data loss than anything else.

    At the moment I have a mirror of my hard drive on an external device. Any other suggestions would be helpful.


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