Keeping it safe. Do you have a back up to safeguard your business?
After all... If this was lost it would be a catastrophe.
I've always loved the idea of keeping my stuff backed up. The thing is: I want to carry everything around.
There's a lot of IM'ers who travel the world, and eventually, this will also be my goal.
I love the idea of a "cloud back-up" where I can keep all my important documents stored away.
I'd like to be able to have a lot less worry if my laptop gets stolen from my hotel room in tropicalbeachland.
Does anyone use a cloud based service which can provide this. I've had a look at a few but am unsure quite what it entails.
I'd love a secure service where I could be free of worry for ever. I keep some stuff on dropbox but it's not ideal.
Is there somewhere more secure that will store everything on my laptop, so if the unfortunate ever happens, I can just buy a new laptop or go to an internet cafe, and my soon to be valuable online business will be safe?
LetsGoViral -
Thanks - 1 reply
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