Want to make good money in 2012 for the first time?

9 replies

It's another brand new year again. Many of you must have already worked on your new year resolutions...

You might have written down quite a few but as far as IM goes, this is something I decided to do this year. That is to to "Stick with ONE thing and one thing only"...

I mean I already have a fairly well-do-do seo consulting biz to offline businesses but I really want to get into a pure "online based IM business".

There are quite a few ways to make money purely online but I will stick with a SEO method since that is my forte and just keep working on it until I get enough websites making good money by promoting CPA/affiliate offers.

Why I'm saying this? Well, because last year I did try way too many things (being a big fan of WSO etc.) and ended up completely losing my focus.

So here is what I'm about to do:

1. Unsubscribe from most of unnecessary IM email lists (I do have a lot)

2. Minimize checking emails (twice-three times a day) instead of checking it every hour or so... (This is a real time-waster, especially with my iPhone)

3. Work out a simple and "easy-to-follow-through" plan and work on it daily, even just for 30 mins/day. (Working on it daily should be a key, rather than trying to accomplish a lot in a short period of time as it can be overwhelming)

4. Do not expect a big success with the first website/campaign (leaning from mistakes and keep tweaking the method/campaign until it gets highly optimized and start making some cashola).

5. Never give up!

I already know what I'm good at so I do not need to seek a method to work on... but if you have not found one yet, make sure to spend some time to find a method that is already working for many, no need to jump on a brand new method as that would increase the chance to fail...

Anyway, it seems damn simple but I must admit I've been struggling to do this so I want to stick with this idea and make a difference.

Feel free to share your IM resolutions as well.

Have a fantastic and proserous 2012 warriors!!

#2012 #good #make #money #time
  • Profile picture of the author dwriter
    great info. Have a great 2012 too
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  • Profile picture of the author ContentYogi
    Thank you for sharing mate! That's a lot of thought gone into one resolution I am working on mine too. Not very different than yours I must admit

    Professional Article Writing Service: www.ContentYogi.com/order.html

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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    That is a good plan on what not too do. Stick with your vision and avoid procrastination. Laser targeted focus and enhancing your skill set will help you achieve your goals. My resolution is just to continue my vision and stay away from shiny objects.
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    • Profile picture of the author webskipper
      Originally Posted by jamesrich1 View Post

      That is a good plan on what not too do. Stick with your vision and avoid procrastination. Laser targeted focus and enhancing your skill set will help you achieve your goals. My resolution is just to continue my vision and stay away from shiny objects.
      Yeah, avoiding "procrastination" gotta be in my list as well for sure That's the real tough one to follow through but i will do my best!
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  • Profile picture of the author kuzmanin
    Thank you for sharing. Sounds like a good plan. Happy new year to all members.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Lol my biggest problem. I have adhd with adult onset. I learned last year why I never made alot of money for any length of time and that was because I would be working on something, see something interesting then switch to it. I have a ton of websites that need to be completed and I mean like 10,000 bucks worth of scripts just sitting.
    I did make a promise to finish each project before I start something else. So all past projects and my newest projects will be done before I move on.
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    • Profile picture of the author webskipper
      Originally Posted by hustlinsmoke View Post

      Lol my biggest problem. I have adhd with adult onset. I learned last year why I never made alot of money for any length of time and that was because I would be working on something, see something interesting then switch to it. I have a ton of websites that need to be completed and I mean like 10,000 bucks worth of scripts just sitting.
      I did make a promise to finish each project before I start something else. So all past projects and my newest projects will be done before I move on.
      Wow, sounds like you have a lot to clean up. That's great that you've made a promise to complete them all. I'm kind in the same shoe I'm pretty sure you'll be much better off than last year once you get all of them done.
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      • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
        Originally Posted by webskipper View Post

        Wow, sounds like you have a lot to clean up. That's great that you've made a promise to complete them all. I'm kind in the same shoe I'm pretty sure you'll be much better off than last year once you get all of them done.

        Yeah should take the whole year lol, but Thank you very much.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aha moment
    here's a cool and very useful thread! I love it... I have just unsubscribed from useless email list also in just few days ago ... and I'm willing to make a high commitment to make more money, and to work more efficiently .. and faster in 2012
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    Less than 90 days until launch!
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