Does anybody subscribe to PAID marketing newsletters anymore?

11 replies
Hi folks, even though my account looks new I'm no stranger to internet marketing and the this forum. I've been at this since the late 1990's and seen a lot, done a lot, had successes and failures but the one thing I've learned through it all is that knowledge rules.

Some of us share that knowledge freely. Others share it in the form of info products, guides, membership sites, etc.

But why don't we see very many paid email newsletters in IM? Do you subscribe to any that are really good? Would you pay for a subscription to an email newsletter if it were really good?
#anymore #marketing #newsletters #paid #subscribe
  • Profile picture of the author KathyK
    Short answer: no and no.

    Longer answer: membership site, maybe yes. Specific product info, perhaps, as needed (ie - perhaps a game fan). Guides, likewise.

    NLs, no. (I work for a company that produces NLs for a niche of brick and mortar stores - people complain if they don't get their scheduled newsletters - but... we've taken polls a few times. We'd have mailing lists of 3-4 people if we charged.) Believe me, I love newsletters. But, except for very rare high-return niches (high finance tips, perhaps), I don't think pay NLs are the way to go.

    P.S. Our newsletters are high on 'how to/what to/info, and fairly low on 'buy now'. I'd say about 80%/how to, with 10% implied 'come see us' in the how-to's and about 10% outright "BLOWOUT SALE" and "Coupon" stuff.


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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    NO No No, not since the early 2000's.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Short
    Thanks for the feedback. So far it's looking like a niche with very little competition
    I write stuff for marketers and my current clients keep me comfortably
    busy. But if you make me the right offer, I'll write stuff for you too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5380644].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Darren Hodgson
    Newsletters - no

    Newsletters are almost all one way communication. You teach I listen and maybe ask a few questions.

    Membership sites and skype groups - yes

    Membership sites and skype groups are all about community, helping each other out, being a part of something. - You teach, we listen, everybody discusses

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  • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
    Yes. Yes, I absolutely would, have, and do. In fact I'm currently subscribed to one which the guy calls a "coaching program" but is really just a series of (good) emails and recordings.

    I subscribe to 31 different paper magazines, journals, and periodicals as well. I'm not buying the emails or the paper, but the information, and if I have to pay to get it, then it usually means I'm getting it before the masses.

    The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

    ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    I still subscribe to Dan Kennedy's monthly newsletter, although more than half the time I put it aside when it comes, and forget to read it.

    Maybe I should unsubscribe!

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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    I don't pay for any newsletters but there are some I get from people on here that I would pay for if it became mandatory.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Short
    MikeTucker, I can't reply to your PM because my account doesn't have enough posts yet. Just wanted to say thanks for your encouragement and interest
    I write stuff for marketers and my current clients keep me comfortably
    busy. But if you make me the right offer, I'll write stuff for you too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5380766].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
      Originally Posted by Paul Short View Post

      MikeTucker, I can't reply to your PM because my account doesn't have enough posts yet. Just wanted to say thanks for your encouragement and interest
      Yep, you need at least 50 posts, or you need to be a War Room member, in order to send Private Messages. That's why I gave you my contact info.

      I'm interested in your idea. Please let me know more about it.

      The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

      ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author TestiVar
    Of course!

    There is a little company called Agora Publishing that earns $100 million per year selling newsletters for a subscription price of typically $300 per year.

    I subscribe to four of their newsletters. They are excellent.
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  • Profile picture of the author cherylwright
    Paul, I currently subscribe to a paid, monthly newsletter.

    It's highly possible I will unsubscribe soon because the content is no where near as good as it originally was, and a lot of it is rambling rather than information.

    So the short answer is yes. The longer answer is the quality has to be there to make me pay for it.


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