Why You Can't Make Money With Your List

12 replies
Hi, in the past few years I learned that good list of people is all you need to make money. Website without optin is showing that webmaster don’t know about internet marketing at all. Having high response list is the best thing. But how you can make this happen?

I want to talk how I understand optin and building a good list.

First mistake that all marketers make is creating optin with automatic email delivery. Yes, you heard it right. I have a list of 700 people and it converts 15-25% all the time. With this tiny list I can make a lot of money with my high priced products, but there is a reason why this list is so powerful.

I think that people in my list are real humans, not robots. I treat them as clever individuals.
You can say that you do the same, but you don’t. You create simple site, drive traffic and try to get a lot of contacts. After that create auto responding plan like, first day I will give this, after 5 days this and so on. Yes it is a good strategy if you are real internet marketing with a lot of content you created over long period of time. But what I see is that internet marketers teach others to do this just form the start. You can do this if you are working in China and assembling computer parts in factory, but not with real humans.

My strategy is different. I don’t use schedule for sending emails. I create something powerful like eBay hosting, or free eBay template and give it away for free. I always announce such products before and introduce them after I launch them. I also create reports and other valuable content.

This is how it works. I am giving content that other people sell and make money.

I don’t treat the list as a list. They are real people not another list you need to give something. You are giving something to people not to the list.

Maybe you can disagree with this, let’s discuss here.
#can’t #list #make #money
  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    Is this how it works?

    1. people subscribe to your blog
    2. You give people free stuff
    3. People keep coming back to your blog (earn adsense revenue)
    4. People trust you and buy affiliate products on your site (earn affiliate commision)

    Is that right?
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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Essentially you are doing what 99% of other list owners are doing. You just don't have it set up to send automatically
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      • Profile picture of the author Tad 100
        Originally Posted by vickybabe View Post

        Essentially you are doing what 99% of other list owners are doing. You just don't have it set up to send automatically
        Maybe, but I found some warriors which learn from other warriors and they don't know what optin is. And even if they know what it is they send a lot of crap. I will call it auto-crap

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      • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
        Originally Posted by vickybabe View Post

        Essentially you are doing what 99% of other list owners are doing. You just don't have it set up to send automatically
        In my experience, people can tell the difference between an autoresponder series and a hand typed email.

        I know that that does not make sense fundamentally, but people are smart and they know the difference.

        There is a certain flavor that autoresponder series seem to take on that seems synthetic.

        This is just my opinion, of course...FWIW. I agree with the OP.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tad 100
    Yes, but not about adsence. Adsence is good to pay for hosting that's all . But free products must be something different, created special for your list, for their needs. It can be product, case study or anything like that. You must give a lot.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tmill
    You prove a good point. Your email list should be treated as a valuable source and not something that you automate and should be treated as more. You have a great conversion rate for your email list and its great to see you have results.

    Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    It's true when you say
    in the past few years I learned that good list of people is all you need to make money.
    A lot of people just spam it to death and give zero content then wonder why they make no money.

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author Melvolio
    I've found that I get the best results from a mixture of both.

    I setup an auto responder series that they know is 'pre-recorded'. It's a course of some kind generally so nobody expects that to be personalised.

    I also broadcast maybe 25% of my blog posts as well, and send freebies when I stumble across an appropriate one, which I also then add to the auto responder. I also hammer out a slightly harder sell when I imagine pay day to be for most people.

    I don't send out crap thank you very much (it doesn't pay in the long run) and I'll respond to all reasonable emails sent to me in as helpful a manner as possible. I'm happy that you have the time to send out lovingly crafted individual mails to each of your subscribers, but I don't and wouldn't even if I did. Just because I'm giving the information it took me blood, sweat and tears to earn by autoresponder doesn't mean it's not valuable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tad 100
    No, I am not sending each person individually. I use program for that.

    I am talking about using strategies to wash brains with 0 value emails. I saw some products like how to build good list and make money doing nothing. It is stupid talking about what to do each day; it is the same like train the dog. People are not animals

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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    The reason why most affiliate marketers are struggling to make money from their list is because they have lack of value (especially the products promoted). Legitimate list building courses here on Warrior Forum will help you a lot to change the game.
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  • Profile picture of the author aaaa33030
    Why some people can't make money with their list?
    Because some list owners does not have a good relationship with the persons who signed up to their list
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  • Profile picture of the author Les Blythe
    Very interesting post and concept - just doesn't seem very scaleable to me. Conversion rate is brilliant - to my mind this strategy could be one string to the bow.
    Totally agree though - you must deliver value!
    Find out how I've made $1,000s every month since 2011
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