Text sizes in .PDF ebooks. Is larger or smaller better?

13 replies
Hi folks,

Since you guyz and galz are avid readers of ebooks and .PDF files in general, which do you prefer, when an ebook is written in larger text, like 14-16pt or do you prefer reading smaller text, like 10-12pt?

Personally, I like the larger 14 or 16pt because I'm in my mid 40's now and my eyesight isn't what it used to be. But I've noticed some writers doing it just to pad the number of pages to make their work appear more impressive.

So what's ideal for you?


P.S. Yes, I realize most pdf readers allow you to scale the size up or down, but also feel that the original text size should be as optimal as possible.
#ebooks #larger #pdf #sizes #smaller #text
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Phillips
    I prefer larger as well because of my vision. It's so much easier on the eyes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      I think a lot of people prefer slightly bigger print.

      I often use 14-point, myself.

      I'm concerned that 16-point makes some people think that you're just "trying to make it look longer", and I think it probably isn't necessary, anyway.

      But there are certainly people who prefer bigger than 12-point.
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    • Profile picture of the author ryannull
      Originally Posted by Richard Phillips View Post

      I prefer larger as well because of my vision. It's so much easier on the eyes.
      I agree.

      When you spend a lot of time behind a pc and you read nothing but small fonts, it can strain the eyes. It gives me a headache. I would make it easier on the yes and go a size or 2 larger than normal.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Short
    Thanks Richard.

    Folks, this could make for a good little thread for people who want to tweak and improve the usability of their products, which I'm sure we can all learn from.

    Your answers will help everybody.


    Edit: Thanks for your input, Alexa
    I write stuff for marketers and my current clients keep me comfortably
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    Yeah, bigger font sizes are often used just to make the eBook longer to create more "perceived value". However, I personally like normal sizes, in my eyes it makes the product look more valuable, even if it's shorter. But yeah, then you have a problem with the people with bad eyesight, so I'm pretty confused really :/
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      It depends on the actual font, but I am of an age where ease of reading is a consideration.

      12-14 pt, depending on the font, seems to hit the sweet spot right now. (Size '2' Verdana)

      12-14 pt, depending on the font, seems to hit the sweet spot right now. (Size '3' Verdana)

      12-14 pt, depending on the font, seems to hit the sweet spot right now. (Size '2' Times New Roman)

      12-14 pt, depending on the font, seems to hit the sweet spot right now. (Size '3' Times New Roman)

      For me, the second would be easiest to read onscreen, while for printing, the last would likely fill the bill.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
        I find 14pt Verdana to be easy on the eyes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Short
    Thanks for the info everyone. It looks like the readers and writers here lean heavily toward the 14pt font size.

    I guess that's what I'll go with for now.

    I write stuff for marketers and my current clients keep me comfortably
    busy. But if you make me the right offer, I'll write stuff for you too.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    I use 12 or 14 and of course, make the title a h1 size and chapters h2 size, Now remember when doing this though, they have a little button that will enlarge or shrink the text to view. I myself have really bad eyesite so most pdf's I view I put at 130 percent.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    For me its the line spacing.

    If I pick up a PDF that has double line spacing, I know straight away that they're padding it with BS, in an effort to make it look longer.

    that didnt sound right did it?

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      For me its the line spacing.

      If I pick up a PDF that has double line spacing, I know straight away that they're padding it with BS, in an effort to make it look longer.

      that didnt sound right did it?
      And here I thought you were just happy to see us all...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
    I prefer size 12 fonts but size 11 verdana (verdana is exceptionally large). Fonts shouldn't be too large nor too small and, in my opinion, size 12 is perfect.
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