Simple but effective goal setting tip

5 replies
This is just something that I do that I thought I would share. (maybe someone will find it useful)

Since I am on my laptop ALL the time and stare at my desktop a lot throughout the day I thought I'd make it work for me. So here is what I did and do.

Create a 500 by 500 pixel image in your favorite photo editing program. And then at the top of the image type a short term goal you want to reach. And then at the bottom of the image create a box. (Then save the image as your desktop background)

Inside the small box at the bottom you can place daily goals. What do I mean by that? Well I just simply open up notepad and then type down the goals I want to reach for the next day. And then save the file and place it inside of the box.

Then not only do I constantly see and remind myself of the short term goal at the top of the box. I also have my daily goals at the bottom. Where I can open them and make sure I am working towards them that day.

Here is a quick example of what I am talking about.

Like I said. This works for me. And heck, maybe one other person will find it useful.
#effective #goal #setting #simple #tip
  • Profile picture of the author DotComBum
    That's a good way to keep to your goal until you achieved it, thanks for sharing it
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    • Profile picture of the author Ricky Parker
      Originally Posted by DotComBum View Post

      That's a good way to keep to your goal until you achieved it, thanks for sharing it
      Exactly. Then you just change the image. That's why I save a template of it and change the short term once it is reached.

      And you are welcome. I know it's not much or anything fancy. But it has been effective.

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  • Profile picture of the author successminded08
    I agree. When you have your goals in front of you at all times, it's embedded inside your deeper thoughts. Great idea!
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  • Profile picture of the author nata_sha
    Good idea ... though i normally use these yellow sticky papers for this purpose.
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    • Profile picture of the author islander1
      Thanks for the tip. With the constant distractions all the time, it's good to have daily goals in front of you to stay focused.
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