How do you protect the source code and idea for a website?

4 replies
In short I have an idea for a website and want to hire someone to design and code it. However I want to make sure that the coder does not simply replicate my site or sell the code and idea to someone else once he has completed the project.

I know I could draw up a contract giving me ownership of the source code, but I am more concerned about the way the site works being copied. I can't stop someone else seeing my site and making their own version, but my main concern is making sure the coder doesn't make clones of my site.

Are there attorney's that deal with this type of thing? I could do with some good advice here since the Intellectual Property office didn't seem to know much about websites.
#code #idea #protect #source #website
  • Profile picture of the author MarQueteer
    Realistically, you can't prevent it, even with a rock solid contract...since a thief would be smart enough not to copy it in his own name and change to code a bit to cover any traces.

    If you are the first, you have to make sure you grow and become popular fast enough to be always considered the original.

    If you want to prevent that the people you hire copy it directly, outsource smaller bits of the whole project to several companies/programmers/designers and then put together the pieces yourself, so noone gets handed your whole idea and all details on a silver plate.

    Choosing professional companies who have a reputation to lose would probably be better than freelancers, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Brian
    If you hire someone whose profession is solely a programmer (ie: not part time marketer) they will most likely not copy your project to rip you off. Usually they just enjoy getting paid and working with the challenge of the project as a programmer.

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  • Profile picture of the author earn-2
    After creating the gr8 TajMahal,
    The designer's thumb cut off,
    Are you trying to do it?

    Alawys do the project with a pro.

    Contact patent attorney
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    • Profile picture of the author Barnokian
      Thanks for all the feedback. So the bottom line is get it out there, establish yourself quickly and get it done by a professional company with a good reputation.

      Oh a side note, is it common to have sites either copied or people's idea's copied? It makes me wonder if you get a good idea, if people spend half their time wondering if they are going
      to get taken out by the big guns or have someone just steal it from you.

      I guess lady luck has a part to play in all of this.
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