WOO HOO!! The Tipping Point - My Success

23 replies
On The 16th of February 2012 my goals, dreams, desires, affirmations and hard work finally manifested. Woooo Hooooo!!!

Hi gang!

I've been around this neck of the woods for a little while and in the time I've been around I've learnt a few things, those few things just helped me make my first significant sum of money online. But before I tell you those details, i'd like to share a small part of my story with you.

Bare with me because this story is a little bit lengthy... Im a slow learner you see and my journey was long... I wanna tell you not only about my story but also a few key things I learnt along the way. In fact, 3 key things, 3 prerequisite's... ( i just realized how cheesy that sounds, ah well)

Over the years I've enjoyed reading the success stories. They always motivated me and when I was down they brought me back up. Thanks to all those that came before me, here is to your success and to the future success and happiness of those still chipping away at it.

I first found out about Internet Marketing in 2006 while living with my girlfriend in a place called Dresden which is in the south east of Germany. I had burnt all my money out and all I was surviving on was my credit card and the occassional work I could get with my girlfriends dad. This would normally consist of painting, handy-man work and in the winter snow clearing paths and gritting them with salt and crushed rock.

I remember the first thing that I ever found online about Internet Marketing was some overly hyped up product. You know the typical "Make 50 TRILLION Dollars In 3.10 Nano Seconds!!!! Twoarrrr!!!".

I spent the rest of my time in Germany researching, learning and dreaming.

I left Germany in 2007 and had been online trying to earn money to pay bills and strip myself away from my zombie day jobs. You dont even wanna know half of the jobs i've done. Trust me. Just the thought of them is bad. Im talking everything from concreting in 40c heat (thats celcius folks), plastering with drunk russians on stilts, yes I said stilts, farm hand work on olive farms, vineyards, orange farms, break press steel factory work (almost crushed my index finger doing that one), laying pavers (almost lost another index finger doing that one), fencing, fruit picking, tele sales, tele sales, more tele sales, looking for lost dogs (thats a long story), bar work, bistro work, restraunt work, security work going toe to toe with drunk dudes twice my size, working in a chinese restraunt and almost slicing my thumb off... I could go all day folks... and I dont know wether to laugh or cry.

I've been scammed to the value of 3k for video games that I wanted create a business out of, lost $500 bucks on a "turn key" website from some shady Mexicans, most recently 5K lost on a great idea of a site which was never going to make it purely because of things like competition and namely that I was trying to take youtube on (idiot idea, I know..) and only God knows how many other hundreds if not thousands of dollars spent on MMO scams, softwares, backlink packets, SEO services, turn-key business's and even penis enlargement business's. One of the most embarssing things of my life happened while I was trying to become a penis enlaregement millionaire.

Now that brings me to the very first two things I learnt in about six years of doing everything wrong ... and those two things where - #1 Persistence No S**T right? (I could also say patience but I think persistence has patience embedded within its meaning somehow). #2 What NIKE said, Just Do It. A take action attitude which if you cant tell from my brief story is something ive been sometimes lucky and most times unlucky to have been born with. I mean im the kid that would try to jump my BMX over anything even though i'd never landed a big jump (I was a street BMXer or so I thought hehe). To this day my head is riddled with scars from my Just Do It attitude.

So what was is the third thing?

In all honesty?

Get ready, because this is gonna sound like some whacked out new age spiritual stuff.

#3 is Belief.

"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying."
Joan of Arc

"Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself."
Robert Collier

Some people reading this will "ta ta" away this last prerequisite as some hokey religous thing. Im not religous. Some will say im a new age incence burning, crystal carrying hippy. Im not a hippy. But those that look deeper and reflect on what im saying will see its truth. It is what it is.

I can sit here and reference study after study and journal after journal that has done research into the power of mans belief. But what for? I mean, we are on the Internet right? Plus this is my story right :rolleyes: I get to choose my #3.

So what did I do?

Ill save that story for another day. Why? Because the details can be written and conjured up by anyone. That is not the point of this thread. The point is to show you that I made it. I achieved a goal that ive held for almost seven years now. Think about that for a seconds. Seven years...

That facts are this:

I made a significant amount of money (to me, anyway) selling something.

It doesnt matter what I did, how I did it, when I did it, who helped me, how much time or money or energy I invested. All that matters is that I did it. I put forth the energy, set aside the time and I believed in myself long enough to reach what some call "the tipping point".

I made it. I went from busting my ass for almost seven years and barely making anything significant in that time to doing something which im proud of. That by the way is another story in and of itself. Some people will wonder how I only made almost nothing in seven years and thats because I was ethical and moral. I never scammed or ripped anyone off and if something even made me feel as if it was dodgy I steered clear. I advise you to do the same.

What im going to focus on next is compounding my result, leveraging the high that is now and multiplying the strategy across a network of leads that I have.

I dont want to be rich. I just want to be free.

Here is to YOU and your success

-Andrei Rotariu
#point #success #tipping
  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    Yes, i'm bumping this.

    I think what happened was that I only had 3 or so views because of the title. Title changed. Hehe
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  • Profile picture of the author Daverz
    Very inspiring story - congratulations on your success

    I'm also a big believer in believing (hah). I will be successful one day. I will be free one day. My friends don't believe it. But that's why one day I'll be traveling the world, living life and having a blast while they'll be sitting in their office from 9-5 every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim3
    Yup, I reckon that just about sums up the never-say-die attitude you need.

    Good story dude, glad you made it. :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author dpwilliams
    Thanks for the great story.

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  • Profile picture of the author AskWendyWebb
    Wow! Congratulations! Thanks for the motivation!
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    • Profile picture of the author sshusain
      Congrats andrei, and i'm also a very strong believe in all the prerequisite you stated above. Wish you all the best.

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  • Profile picture of the author JDub07
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  • Profile picture of the author espresso
    well done
    I first learned about IM in 2007 when like you I was in germany
    In fact my main reason for doing IM and wanting to make money online is so can live in Germany.

    I am not there yet but feel confident at the moment and will achieve my goal
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  • Profile picture of the author nohypo
    im sticking my goal two years.
    i believe.
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    • Profile picture of the author REHughes
      Congrats, Andrei

      I am also a true believer in your 3 prerequisites.

      No particular order, but I believe that all are critical factors.
      Regardless of WHAT goal you are striving to reach in life, these are important.

      Persistance - think of all of the REALLY IMPORTANT inventions that have come at the hands of multitudes of failures - i.e. - the LIGHT BULB!

      Action - a body at rest remains at rest! If we never take action, it is impossible to get out of the bed every day.

      Belief - I feel this is as important as any to the self-reliance of the multitudes. Just look at all of the children that are told on a daily basis by their own parents that they cannot do certain things, and then look at the lives they usually end up living - lives that are unfulfilled and fruitless. Why? Because they have been TRAINED to believe that they are not able to accomplish any certain task.
      At an early age, their minds have been bent to believe they are worthless, and sadly many if not most turn out that way.

      I love the great old quote 'The body can achieve what the mind can believe.

      You don't realize how close your post resonates with me
      I'll leave it at that.

      Great post and congrats again!

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  • Profile picture of the author Elmar
    Congrats and thanks for sharing with us.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ken Belanger
      Great Post, big congrats to you as well.

      and thanks for that motivation, I too just want to be free, and i will get there.
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  • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
    Well done, just goes to show what can be achieved by taking action and the knowledge that you can do it! All the best for your future successes. You are a very entertaining writer!
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
      Hi Andrei,

      Accept my congratulations! You broke the ice with your perseverance.

      Reading your thread I can resonate with your story. It reminds me when I starting my own brick and mortar business. Three years was needed to be profitable.

      Counterfans often questioned me. But I have not cared what they said. I was busy with my own business. Well, was not right for them.

      I like this paragraph:

      ... It doesnt matter what I did, how I did it, when I did it, who helped me, how much time or money or energy I invested. All that matters is that I did it. I put forth the energy, set aside the time and I believed in myself long enough to reach what some call "the tipping point"...
      You know, success belongs to those who do something about it. And, if perseverance and serious effort need to achieve your goals, then you value the results much better.

      Your best sentence is I think:

      I just want to be free.
      Andrei, if you go so, one day you will be free. I wish that this day would come for you as soon as possible.

      Many successes,


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  • Profile picture of the author dsouravs
    U indeed did a lot of struggle...

    I can convert your Non-Responsive website to Responsive website ... How sweet is that? :)

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    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Gee and wow!

      Thanks everyone. I think I thanked you all

      If you think I persisted long enough, go read the story of Soichiro Honda... now that guy did not even know what the word "quit" meant.

      Hope this story motivates those that are thinking of giving up or those that have just started and need that little bit of momentum to get them going.

      That, or the seven years will just scare them off. Hah!

      I suppose I also want to say how truly grateful I am to the warrior form and its members that have helped me over the years and put up with my occasional whyning and ranting. Thank you.

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      • Profile picture of the author pukimama
        Congrats to your success...
        If you could, would you tell us what kind of IM model you wereon that eventually brings you to your success ? (Amazon, Adsense, your own physical products store, CPA ..etc.. ? )

        I also have a Penis Enlargement website for years ... try Adwords for traffic for thousands of dollars but only hundreds in return.. and still not seeing the bright side of IM yet ..

        Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

        Gee and wow!

        Thanks everyone. I think I thanked you all

        If you think I persisted long enough, go read the story of Soichiro Honda... now that guy did not even know what the word "quit" meant.

        Hope this story motivates those that are thinking of giving up or those that have just started and need that little bit of momentum to get them going.

        That, or the seven years will just scare them off. Hah!

        I suppose I also want to say how truly grateful I am to the warrior form and its members that have helped me over the years and put up with my occasional whyning and ranting. Thank you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Nice! I hope that I too soon hit a tipping point.
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  • Profile picture of the author metaarticles
    Andrei, its always good to hear success stories like yours. It motivates me like hell!
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  • Profile picture of the author GAldane
    If you believe in something you have to stick to it. That can be a small deduction which I could make from your success story. And considering the mindset of yours, I am sure you are going to multiply your success!
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  • Profile picture of the author gccalfeche
    Good for you Andrei.. after all the heartbreaks and efforts, it just all paid off. You deserved it!
    Strive Hard to Survive.
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