I need your help warriors.

9 replies
Hey everybody, I know I'm in the right place now. I've learned so much here that I'm sure we can come up with some good ideas for this old site I've had going for a couple years. It's all original content and I haven't done much SEO or back linking in over 3 years. I let it gather dust for a while but I recently checked on it and it's getting around 100 unique hits a day now so I figured I would dust it off and update the site and average time on page over 2 minutes avg 1.87 pages per visit.

I've put up a new theme and I'm looking for feedback (good, bad, ugly) and some advice on the best ways to provide useful new features to readers as well as creative ways to monetize this site, and increase traffic. Adsense isn't doing much on this page at all so I've taken it down while I'm refreshing and updating the site.

the site is www.we2point0.com

Thanks in advance for your help.
  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    Uh...just what in the hell is it?

    And how does it make money?

    No signature here today!

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  • Profile picture of the author Bojacked
    LOL, Thanks, I guess that's part of the problem. It's not making any money. I've surmised that it's because it's way too broad and not really focused on anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harvey M
    The theme's still not working. You've squeezed all your content into (slightly off) the middle of the page. Get a different one.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketinguk
    Yeah i had a similar theme for one of my sites getting a ton of traffic for very competitive iphone keywords and was barely earning from it. You need a better laid out theme like thesis or genesis etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
    Originally Posted by Bojacked View Post

    Hey everybody, I know I'm in the right place now. I've learned so much here that I'm sure we can come up with some good ideas for this old site I've had going for a couple years. It's all original content and I haven't done much SEO or back linking in over 3 years. I let it gather dust for a while but I recently checked on it and it's getting around 100 unique hits a day now so I figured I would dust it off and update the site and average time on page over 2 minutes avg 1.87 pages per visit.

    I've put up a new theme and I'm looking for feedback (good, bad, ugly) and some advice on the best ways to provide useful new features to readers as well as creative ways to monetize this site, and increase traffic. Adsense isn't doing much on this page at all so I've taken it down while I'm refreshing and updating the site.

    the site is www.we2point0.com

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    You should work more on this site. Also three years and google page rank 0 huh definitely work to provide some good content and take out all ADS and put up an opt in form to capture some leads.

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Bojacked
      I'm with you and that's why I'm asking for help. The site wasn't built to monetize and it was essentially my first online endeavor
      I'm with you on the email list but I wonder if since the site is so broad and untargeted if that would be successful or worth the time spent on it.

      I know you guys and gals are brilliant so I was seeing if there were any interesting possibilities that I hadn't considered.

      Thanks for your insights.
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  • Profile picture of the author lindgren
    I agree with the other warroirs - the layout is a bit messsy and I didn't get what it is all about. remember your visitors are not patient and will leave the second they don't get what the site is all about.

    Cheers Tina
    Best Wishes
    Tina Lindgren

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