A Friendly and a very Honest Advice. This will make you think if you never thought of it before!
More and more people are getting into "make money online" game, and a lot of them are actually wasting a lot of time and money doing it.
There are countless amount of ebooks out there promising to teach you how to make or how they made $1000s of dollars using a certain system.
I found that "the people who are really making the money are the people who are targeting people who want to make money!"
This is why a lot of people have spend time and money as an investment but end up loosing the time and money as most of the ebooks, blueprints, and so called systems does not work!
However, there are those that does work!
but it is very rare that anyone who will really teach you how to make 1000s of dollars each month if they are making 1000s of dollars each month themselves.
So the question naturally arises,
why would anyone who is making 1000s of dollars each week/month actually make a big effort to teach you how exactly s/he does it???
writes a book, makes videos etc etc. and teach you exactly step by step how s/he makes $10000s dollars, why?
Wouldn't s/he be too busy with the running of the business if they are making all that money that they claim they are making?
I am actually sick and tired of reading blueprints/ebooks and watching videos etc on how to make 1000s of dollars using this and that system.
I have run a few websites after I bought a few systems and made a lof of effort and spend time and money implementing them, made almost nothing!
I know that there is No such thing as easy money, and if anyone is in it for fast and easy money are dreamers, even if you find a way to make some cash using a system either learned or your own should know that it is almost always impossible to make a really good living out of it unless otherwise you are an expert in your field, and if you are, you don't need to be here or any other forum, you d be making your living out it anyways.
I am always keeping my day job no matter what but at the same time I am making some money online using my own skills and knowledge.
When I make a post here at warrior forum, I always make honest comments about how I feel and from experience. If you see me making a post about how you can increase your online income (I will be making a really detailed report soon about it with what I do "Make money online - Free ebooks section") I will give you the perfect answer why I am teaching what I am teaching with what's in it for me and you, and also exactly what you are going to learn. I think honesty is definitely the best policy.
I do believe that some serious money can be made online, but so far the ebooks I bought promising you make 1000s of dollars failed.
I would love to see a system that really does give you the business package in a box that would actually make and bring you a good income.
When you ask the product creater why s/he is teaching a perfect system that would make 1000s of dollars for them, they never come up with a perfect answer! I will be perfectly honest saying this to you guys "If I was making 1000s of dollars, I will keep it to myself and focus on improving my business" why would I teach and give away my bread and butter?
I only buy "How" metarials with this Mindset, if the product creator can come up with a perfect answer why he is letting you know the secrets of how he is making it, then you have a good chance, but most of the time when I ask the question there has never been a perfect answer.
Thanks for reading.
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