A Friendly and a very Honest Advice. This will make you think if you never thought of it before!

9 replies
I have been a member to this site for a few years now and have seen some valubale content that helps if you are in the IM field. I have downloaded many free reports as well as paid reports or how to information on link building, getting traffic etc and how to make money online and offline.

More and more people are getting into "make money online" game, and a lot of them are actually wasting a lot of time and money doing it.

There are countless amount of ebooks out there promising to teach you how to make or how they made $1000s of dollars using a certain system.

I found that "the people who are really making the money are the people who are targeting people who want to make money!"

This is why a lot of people have spend time and money as an investment but end up loosing the time and money as most of the ebooks, blueprints, and so called systems does not work!

However, there are those that does work!
but it is very rare that anyone who will really teach you how to make 1000s of dollars each month if they are making 1000s of dollars each month themselves.

So the question naturally arises,
why would anyone who is making 1000s of dollars each week/month actually make a big effort to teach you how exactly s/he does it???
writes a book, makes videos etc etc. and teach you exactly step by step how s/he makes $10000s dollars, why?

Wouldn't s/he be too busy with the running of the business if they are making all that money that they claim they are making?

I am actually sick and tired of reading blueprints/ebooks and watching videos etc on how to make 1000s of dollars using this and that system.

I have run a few websites after I bought a few systems and made a lof of effort and spend time and money implementing them, made almost nothing!

I know that there is No such thing as easy money, and if anyone is in it for fast and easy money are dreamers, even if you find a way to make some cash using a system either learned or your own should know that it is almost always impossible to make a really good living out of it unless otherwise you are an expert in your field, and if you are, you don't need to be here or any other forum, you d be making your living out it anyways.

I am always keeping my day job no matter what but at the same time I am making some money online using my own skills and knowledge.

When I make a post here at warrior forum, I always make honest comments about how I feel and from experience. If you see me making a post about how you can increase your online income (I will be making a really detailed report soon about it with what I do "Make money online - Free ebooks section") I will give you the perfect answer why I am teaching what I am teaching with what's in it for me and you, and also exactly what you are going to learn. I think honesty is definitely the best policy.

I do believe that some serious money can be made online, but so far the ebooks I bought promising you make 1000s of dollars failed.

I would love to see a system that really does give you the business package in a box that would actually make and bring you a good income.

When you ask the product creater why s/he is teaching a perfect system that would make 1000s of dollars for them, they never come up with a perfect answer! I will be perfectly honest saying this to you guys "If I was making 1000s of dollars, I will keep it to myself and focus on improving my business" why would I teach and give away my bread and butter?

I only buy "How" metarials with this Mindset, if the product creator can come up with a perfect answer why he is letting you know the secrets of how he is making it, then you have a good chance, but most of the time when I ask the question there has never been a perfect answer.

Thanks for reading.
#advice #friendly #honest #make #money #thought
  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    I do believe that some serious money can be made online, but so far the ebooks I bought promising you make 1000s of dollars failed.

    I would love to see a system that really does give you the business package in a box that would actually make and bring you a good income.

    When you ask the product creater why s/he is teaching a perfect system that would make 1000s of dollars for them, they never come up with a perfect answer! I will be perfectly honest saying this to you guys "If I was making 1000s of dollars, I will keep it to myself and focus on improving my business" why would I teach and give away my bread and butter?

    I only buy "How" metarials with this Mindset, if the product creator can come up with a perfect answer why he is letting you know the secrets of how he is making it, then you have a good chance, but most of the time when I ask the question there has never been a perfect answer.
    There is no perfect answer Jack.

    Anyone who teaches in the MMO market does so for all sorts of reasons. While there are business-in-box type of offers out there and there are some that do work, I personally am not a big fan of them. Why? Because very seldom do they TEACH you the skill sets you need to learn to become a success on your own.

    You're also making the logical fallacy that just because the ebooks you purchased didn't pan out, doesn't mean that it holds true for the rest of them. It also begs the question on what types of ebooks did you buy and what kind of implementation follow-through you had on them.

    I only purchase products and services that fit into my business strategy plan, something that many online entrepreneurs lack. I also never make a purchase in a vaccuum. I research the company / author / organization.......I Google them. I find out what others are saying about them. I contact them with questions. And I check and see if they have a guarantee or refund policy.

    If I see any red flags, I simply don't make the purchase. Invariably, there's someone else offering something similiar or I can go to Odesk, Elance, etc. and have someone provide it or build it for me.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Originally Posted by FlashMatrix View Post

    So the question naturally arises,
    why would anyone who is making 1000s of dollars each week/month actually make a big effort to teach you how exactly s/he does it???
    writes a book, makes videos etc etc. and teach you exactly step by step how s/he makes $10000s dollars, why?

    Wouldn't s/he be too busy with the running of the business if they are making all that money that they claim they are making?

    There are multiple answers to this question. Here's a couple:

    1. Ego. Don't under-estimate the fact that all decisions are not monetary.

    2. Because they feel someone else is close to releasing something similar. I've released "secrets" because I've read posts in forums getting close to what I was doing. So if someone was going to do it, I felt it may as well be me.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author newseller
    Originally Posted by FlashMatrix View Post

    I only buy "How" metarials with this Mindset, if the product creator can come up with a perfect answer why he is letting you know the secrets of how he is making it, then you have a good chance, but most of the time when I ask the question there has never been a perfect answer.

    Thanks for reading.
    I think you should put a disclaimer with the 'How' books also. Many times buying these leads to a shortened version of the Ebook they are trying to sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by FlashMatrix View Post

    More and more people are getting into "make money online" game
    That's the problem.

    Nobody who is actually making money online is just making money online.

    They are doing something other people pay them to do online.

    I found that "the people who are really making the money are the people who are targeting people who want to make money!"
    That's because of where you're looking. This forum is full of people trying to make money online.

    If you are selling something about how to make money online, this is where you should be selling it.

    It's just like if you went to a used car lot, and looked around. You'd find that pretty much the only people making any money are the ones selling used cars. Mostly, that's the salespeople, but every so often a customer will come in and sell his own car or trade it in on a new one.

    This isn't because selling used cars is the best way to make money, but because used car lots are full of people who want to buy used cars. Which is because that's where people are selling them. It's circular.

    But there are probably a lot of people out there saying "There's no money in new cars. Everyone's buying used ones."

    why would anyone who is making 1000s of dollars each week/month actually make a big effort to teach you how exactly s/he does it???
    Why wouldn't they?

    The fundamental misconception that gives rise to this question comes from a few basic failures of imagination. One of those is the idea that money is like beans - somewhere, there is a big bucket with all the money in it, and every time you take some there is less in there for everyone else. Sooner or later, you run out of beans!

    But money is a concept. Most of it is manufactured out of thin air. When I borrow money from the bank, they charge me interest for having money that belongs to them. That money comes out of nothing. Out of nowhere. No actual service has been performed, no work has been done. The money exists because they say it exists, and it belongs to them because they said so.

    Which is where the flaw lies in the next failure:

    I know that there is No such thing as easy money
    Not for you. Not yet.

    But there's an old saying: "Turning a dollar into ten dollars is work. Turning a million into ten million is inevitable."

    It's still ten times as much money. It might seem shocking and impossible to you that someone could multiply their money by ten quickly and easily without much work, but once you're working with large amounts of money, it happens all the time.

    I said earlier in a thread that I make investments in my business which return five times what I put into them. My business is not terribly profitable, and I do still struggle to get through from month to month... but the struggle is entirely in cash terms. I don't wake up in the morning and work myself into exhaustion. My days are pretty much full of me sitting around thinking about what I'm going to do next.

    And they keep getting easier, because while I don't normally make more than a few hundred a month... I still have enough left over to invest, and that investment pulls in another few hundred next month. Most of what I worry about is things like how and when I can afford to make a particular investment, because I need an extra $80.

    It's not that I don't have $80, but that I'd sort of rather spend it on groceries than a new tripod for my camera. And even if I did have that extra $80, I've probably got a better investment available than a tripod. My current tripod works okay. Chances are I should put that $80 somewhere else, like in advertising.

    The hard part... the part where it's not "easy money"... is that I would be happier if I could spend that money on a copy of Skyrim instead of running an ad somewhere.

    Trouble is, Skyrim won't make me $300, and that ad will. So the "hard" part is all in my head: I have to not buy Skyrim just yet because it's a bad use of my money, which means... I have to keep playing the video games I've already got, instead.

    How terrible.

    But wouldn't you call writing fifteen lines of text "easy money" regardless? It's not hard. What's hard is building the infrastructure where those fifteen lines of text can make you money at all. Once it's built, the hard part is over.

    Tomorrow, I'm going to spend about $20 on some very specific and very targeted advertising. Over the course of the year, that $20 will turn into several thousand. I conservatively expect to make four hundred times my investment. But it will take nine months to get the whole thing. In the early stages, I'll make one or two hundred times my investment - just a couple hundred a month. In the later stages, I expect to make a thousand times that investment.

    It will also take about 500 hours of work, but that's like having a part time job until August and then taking the rest of the year off. I can live with that. Except I won't be taking the rest of the year off; I'll just be working on other things.

    Those other things stand a solid chance of making me seven figures before the end of the year. And, yes, they stand a solid chance of blowing up in my face and barely making me a damn thing. That's happened, too.

    Which is why people pay me to tell them what happened when I did stuff. I spend three months and a thousand bucks doing something that blows up in my face, and then I turn around and sell the details to a hundred people for $60. I made my 500% ROI on the thousand bucks, and the people who bought it didn't have to spend three months or a thousand bucks learning it themselves. They only spent $60 and an afternoon of reading.

    I would love to see a system that really does give you the business package in a box that would actually make and bring you a good income.
    Find out what people want and give it to them.

    All else is commentary.

    why would I teach and give away my beans?
    You can connect the dots on this, right?

    It's almost like if you asked me what time it is, and I said "why should I give you any of my time?!"

    If I teach you how to make thousands of dollars, you're not taking away any of my money. I'm just giving you something that you would like. It costs me little and profits you much. Why wouldn't I do that?

    That's the social justification (it's a mitzvah). The economic justification is found above.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

      Find out what people want and give it to them.
      Quick addendum: you can do this backwards, too.

      Find out what you've got, and give it to people who want it.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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      • Profile picture of the author FlashMatrix
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        Quick addendum: you can do this backwards, too.

        Find out what you've got, and give it to people who want it.
        That is the hard part, what I know has not been enough even though I am skilled in a few departments. I do make a little using my skills online, but very little for the amount of hard work I put into it.

        I also have a day job where I am guaranteed the money for now, but my aim is to get a certain amount of income each month on an autopilot, at the moment the money that I earn online is directly related to how many hours I spend working on projects, I am at the moment working for the money, but eventually I want the money to work for me, else I can't see the point of spending hours and hours in front of your monitor to get little rewards, it is easier to get a proper job.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeWike
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    • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
      Originally Posted by MikeWike View Post

      More ACTION, less reading. IMO every WSO on "how to make money" will help you to make money. You just need to take action and be good at it..
      Yep. You've got it. I'd go a step further and say people need to take smart action. There are lots of people here working outdated business models. For example, people go nuts with keywords and SEO and if they're lucky the might actually get to front of the line on Google.

      And then when someone actually clicks onto their site, there's nothing there worth staying for. They forget that it takes more than coaxing and fooling crawlers to make money. They sometimes get the traffic but have little or nothing on their sites that can convert it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    There are hundreds of thousands of people dreaming of making money. They are never going to make money but they are going to keep dreaming. Offer to tell them how to make money and they won't be interested. Offer to sell them something so they can keep on dreaming and they'll happiliy buy it off you.

    Who wants to hear the truth?

    Put in the same amount of work that you would do in college. Spend time reading and learning. Experiment, test, try to work things out for yourself. Do this for 3 years and, if you're successful, you'll earn as much as an entry-level proffessional in most fields.

    Or the dream?

    Buy this ebook for $47 and you'll be earning more than those mugs who spend tens of thousands of dollars on college fees just to become doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers - jobs that don't even earn passive income!
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