Be THANKFUL For Your Ambition
I don't often get too "touchy feely" with the thankfulness stuff. I'm typically a no-nonsense-get-er-dun-however-possible kind of guy.
But today something seemingly insignificant made me think.
I was paying the guy that does my lawn and chatting to him a bit. Really cool guy. Very hard worker. I grew up dead broke and worked hard all my life in manual labor and in the military before I started marketing so I can really respect that.
Today he asks me what I do for a living. And like always, I simply reply with "I'm a web developer" since I've found that it's damn near impossible for most people to wrap their heads around what internet marketing is all about.
He says, "I'd have loved to do something like that but I'm just not that kind of person to go and learn it all!"
After he left, that sentence stuck with me.
Because you are here learning on the Warrior Forum, you've easily beat out 99% of the population that gives up before they even start.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not beating up on this guy or his occupation. As far as I can tell, he makes a good living since he has multiple crews working for him and there's no shortage of business around here.
But my point is this:
Most people simply do not have the ambition - or perhaps worse - ability to overcome their inherent fear to venture into the unknown.
The unknown in question here is marketing online...i.e. internet marketing.
- Drive.
- Ambition.
- The ability to overcome fear of failure and the unknown.
Simply being here proves that.
And say what you want about personal accountability and work ethic, if you don't have that initial ambition, the rest means nothing.
Don't waste your gift of ambition. Because that's what it is: a GIFT.
Back it up with knowledge, drive, and most of all persistence and you've got a winning formula.
Thanks for reading, Warriors. Now go out there and make it happen!
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