Lack of Communication In IM

by AC21DJ
4 replies
Hello Warriors,

In my recent journeys in IM I see a lot of questions in the WF about the different difficulties that "Newbies" run into.

I would like to know if this is a widespread problem or if it is exclusive just to me.

Lack of Communication.

Why is it so hard to write follow up emails or to let your client know the status of their order? Often times when I have ordered a service, communication is wonderful until the money is exchanged. Then after that getting any type of return email is a constant chore. This drives me crazy and makes me want to pull my hair out.

My feeling about this is that it is very easy to blow someone off when you don't have to see them "face to face." To me this is the most basic and the very beginning of good customer service.

I hope all of you Warriors follow this easy step in your dealings with your clients and Communicate. Emails are quick and easy to write and make those that are paying for a service more comfortable.

Thank you for allowing me to vent.

#communication #lack
  • I find for the most part people get back to me really quick, and I try to do the same. I spend a lot of time messaging.

    PM Me Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Not if there's a lot of it leftover from last time.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author MamaD
    I think it depends on the person, like the saying goes treat others the way you would like to be treated. My practice is to keep open communication before, during and after a transaction regardless of whether I'm the seller or buyer.
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