Does anyone hook up their website email to Gmail?

by fin
15 replies
Does anyone else find it annoying when you have to log into your cpanel to get into your email for your website?

I know I do.

I've heard it's possible to hook up your website email to Gmail, so everything gets directed to your Gmail account and when you send emails from Gmail it looks like you have sent them from your actual website email.

I bet it's a lot easier to reply to people and save a lot of time in general.

Does anybody know how I could firstly, set up my emails to get directed to my gmail...

...and how I could set up Gmail so it looks like my emails are getting sent from my main address?

I can't seem to find any of the options anywhere.

#email #gmail #hook #website
  • Profile picture of the author rooze
    Inside Cpanel, look for 'Forwarders'. Then just set each of your website email accounts to forward to Gmail.
    A better way if you have multiple websites/emails is to use Outlook or Thunderbird, then you can create your mail accounts on your desktop email prog and filter everything into organized folders, including spam
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Which hosting company are you using?

    I made use of Hostgator and don't have to log into my cpanel to check my mails.

    In your own case, you can forward your emails to gmail, you might want to ask your provider to help you on this since we don't know the hosting company you are using at the moment.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    I've hooked up my website emails to my Gmail account - it does make life a lot easier.

    I would guess it must be particularly useful for those who have a large number of sites. A real time saver.

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    • Profile picture of the author JaynKeth
      This depends on what hosting company you have. I had one but it would not allow forwarders to gmail or yahoo. So its quite troublesome to check email everytime through the webmail. So I ended up getting myself a microsoft office pack which I have the outlook. Then I can setup all my emails in the outlook, life had been so much easier with that little investment.
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  • Profile picture of the author TiffLee
    I actually did this last week using HostGator/CPanel.

    Below are my step-by-step instructions for how I did it.

    ... even if you don't have HostGator, the process should be similar across all servers.

    1. You need to go into GMail Setting --> Accounts and Imports --> Check Mail From Other Accounts (Using POP3). Click 'Add a POP3 Mail Account You Own.'
    2. Enter your e-mail (from your website).
    3. Enter your username.
    4. Enter your password.
    5. In the POP server box, enter: and in Port, enter 110.
    6. Leave all boxes UNCHECKED, except for 'Label Incoming Messages' if you want to send your mail to a specific folder in your GMail account.
    7. If everything goes correctly, the box will go away (I think). Anyways, if something is wrong, the box will let you know.
    Doing these steps will allow you to send e-mail as from directly within your GMail account.
    1. Go to GMail Settings --> Accounts and Imports --> Send Mail As. Click on 'Add Another E-Mail Address You Own.'
    2. Enter your name and your e-mail and CLICK 'Treat as an alias.'
    3. Click on 'Next Step.' Then click on 'Send Verification.'
    4. You should receive the e-mail straight to your GMail box (as we setup POP3 forwarding in the last step).
    5. Click on the verification link and you are set.
    6. When you go to 'Compose' in GMail, you should see a drop down box in the 'From' Section that will allow you to send e-mail from your e-mail directly through your GMAIL account.
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    • Profile picture of the author JeffTaylor
      Originally Posted by TiffLee View Post

      I actually did this last week using HostGator/CPanel.

      Below are my step-by-step instructions for how I did it.

      ... even if you don't have HostGator, the process should be similar across all servers.
      ahh thank you so much
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  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
    I took my original domain (hint: it's my username as well) and actually ran that domain through Google Apps. It's free and only takes a few minutes to change the MX servers, and Google has a step-by-step guide to show you how to do it.

    Then I run most of my other domains straight to that using the forwarding technique mentioned above by Rooze. For the ones I plan to actually reply to, I use TiffLee's technique as well.

    Then I go under filters in Gmail and have it flag each inbound account with a different flag so that I can tell, at a glance, where everything is coming from.

    I tend to think of myself as forward-lazy. (I do a decent bit of work now so I don't have to do anything later.)

    -- j

    Posting About Life & Video Games:

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  • Profile picture of the author Sillysoft
    Yeah all you need to do is point your mx records to google server and then you just add/manage email accounts via gmail. No need to forward or anything like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheBizHelp
    It depends on the host you are using. I use Godaddy and I have successfully channeled all my website's email account into my gmail account. If you provide me with the name of your host then i can give you the solution in minutes.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheBizHelp
    It depends on the host you are using. I use Godaddy and I have successfully channeled all my website's email account into my gmail account. If you provide me with the name of your host then i can give you the solution in minutes.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheBizHelp
    Hello Rima,

    For you to be able to use your gmail account to receive your website's emails, you will need to first of all delete that particular email account from your Hostigator Control panel. For example if the email address you wish to divert to gmail is, then you will need to remove it.

    To delete your website's email account, read this article >>How to add/remove an e-mail account « Support Portal

    After you have deleted the email account, what you will need to do now is to go to your email forwarders.
    You will need to log into your site's cPanel and click the Forwarders icon, and then add a forwarder for each destination, like so: --> (click the Add button) --> (click the Add button) --> (click the Add button)

    The above example is use to forward single or multiple email addresses.
    Hope you find this helpful...

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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Guzman
      Originally Posted by louis kennedy View Post

      Hello Rima,

      For you to be able to use your gmail account to receive your website's emails, you will need to first of all delete that particular email account from your Hostigator Control panel. For example if the email address you wish to divert to gmail is, then you will need to remove it.

      To delete your website's email account, read this article >>How to add/remove an e-mail account « Support Portal

      After you have deleted the email account, what you will need to do now is to go to your email forwarders.
      You will need to log into your site's cPanel and click the Forwarders icon, and then add a forwarder for each destination, like so: --> (click the Add button) --> (click the Add button) --> (click the Add button)

      The above example is use to forward single or multiple email addresses.
      Hope you find this helpful...

      There is actually a much easier way to do this. See my post above.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Guzman
    Its funny how many people can answer a thread, but never quite answer a question. . Okay here is what you have to do. You do this withing GOOGLE.

    GO TO: Google Apps helps groups build communities ? Google Apps

    Then you click on get started. Once you click on get started you need to enter your information and then confirm you are the owner of the domain name. When you do this you will be able to set up google apps. It really is a breath of fresh air when you can use a great application from goolge with your domain name.

    I personally use it. My email is I use Google Apps, to do that. Another great benefit is that you can use all the google services with this. I have all of my documents on google and it is wonderful..

    Hope this Helps,

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