Just Joined WF + a TIP to contribute..
I just wanted to share a little insight that is overlooked a lot. I actually have read a lot on this forum before becoming a member. The reason why I never signed up? I never had a need! There is just so much info here, every question has pretty much been asked and usually has already great answers.
BUT you need to me a member to use the search function and once you use that search function you can pretty much find ANY answer on Internet Marketing.
So for all the people out there with many questions, try to use the search function and use good keywords, it makes all the difference and at least in that way all of us see less of "The Same" questions over and over again.
The biggest reason is that I just want to interact with others, so here I am..
My name is Kyle, I love being part of this forum and I look forward connecting with all of you that are interested!
Be Awesome,
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― George Carlin