Is Your Launch Really a Launch or is it the Death of your Product?
Let's start with the "Launch".
The very meaning of the word indicates the start of something, but in many IM circles, it actually means the end of something. For example, you spend months on the creation of a product, hire a JV manager to recruit affiliates, put together your sales funnel, and then... launch. The sales roll in for a few days. You make several thousand dollars and then you either close the offer or let it sit and collect dust. Your affiliates then move onto the next big thing and the marketer usually starts thinking about his next "launch".
Another scenario is the "Move to ClickBank". I had a chat with a JV Manager today about a very successful product being sold in one of the marketplaces. He said he and his client were very happy with the results and are excited that the "launch" still had five days left. Huh? What do you mean, I asked him. He said the product will become a "ClickBank product" after five days.
A ClickBank Product? What the heck is that?
ClickBank is an affiliate marketplace and payment processor. They are not what defines your product. Your product should be defined by the branding you put out there and the feedback of its users. It should not be defined by the store you sell it in.
The same thing goes for a WSO. You are not selling a WSO. You are using the Warrior Special Offer forum to offer your product.
If you sold fishing poles in WalMart, would you tell people on the street that you have a "WalMart product" or would you say "I sell XYZ Fishing Poles, the greatest fishing poles on earth"? I think the later would do you more good.
What if Target asked to sell your line of poles at their store? Would you say, "No, they are a WalMart product." Of course you wouldn't! You would want your fishing poles sold in as many marketplaces as possible, with the most amount of exposure to different customers as you can get. It's common sense!
Unfortunately, that common sense has not made it to our world. Too many marketers place their product in one marketplace and let it die a fast death after their "launch". A smart marketer would place that product in as many marketplaces as they could, giving it maximum exposure to more potential customers and affiliates.
Successful marketing is not about releasing product after product, hoping to hit homeruns in between all the foul balls. It is about aiming for a homerun with every product you put out there.
It all comes down to goals. If you think small, you will always be small. If you think big, for yourself and the products you launch, you will be big. Stop thinking of your launches as the end of a long journey and start thinking of them as the beginning of a successful windfall that will support you for years to come.
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