Domain 're-registering' Issues! 9 Expired Passed redemption period, Pay $200 or wait 80 days?

by entry
5 replies
Domain re-registration issues !!

I have been away from my namecheap domain dashboard for a while,( I know i shouldn't have). but anyway.

I have had 9 of my domains expired (they are just domains, no hosting).
and I have lost them, as I haven't renewed them, or reregistered them for this year, and it has gone past the 1 month of the redemption period.

Don't ask why i missed the re-registration period date, or why the redemption period has long expired.

But basically, to 'reregister' them domains, I have to pay $200 for each one, + the fee of the domain.

or alternatively wait 80-85 days until they are back in the public domain.

Which is what I will do.

The problem, is I don't want anybody else to purchase them in 80-85 days, as I want what actions can I take in 80-85 days to make sure that I only get them, and no other domainers?

My questions are is,

1. what is the best way to Make sure, that I definitely can gain these domains back (in 80-85 days) so that nobody else takes them.

2. Are there any tools/sites which can keep an 'eye' on these domains for me, and tell me what Day they will exactly be released in the public domain.

3. and how can I increase my chances do that Nobody else registers them in 80 days?

4. I want to know the exact date + time they will be back in the public domain, for me to QUICKLY Reregister.

5. How do i find the exact dates that each 9 will be back on the market?

6. and which domain registrant would be the 'quickest' to display these available domains ? (eg, namecheap, godaddy etc)

or do the registrants display them the same....on the same day that they are available?
#$200 #80days #domains #expired #fee #namecheap #orwait #past #period #redemption #reregister
  • Profile picture of the author so11

    you might have a problem, because your domains may go straight to auction...

    If these domains really worth something, I'd go with option 1.
    You can also try backordering them, but it'll cost something as well and does not guarantee you'll get them.
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    • Profile picture of the author davezan
      First, be aware of the domain's typical lifecycle:

      Next, do a WHOIS on each one and note their last updated date/s and status if
      they're INACTIVE, REDEMPTION PERIOD, etc. If any of them are especially in RP,
      count 35-36 days from the last updated date and note your calendar between 1
      to 2PM EST of that day when the domain will become available.

      It's a little more, but that's the short version of it. Oh, and pray, too.

      Good luck.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6404771].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author entry
        Originally Posted by davezan View Post

        First, be aware of the domain's typical lifecycle:

        Next, do a WHOIS on each one and note their last updated date/s and status if
        they're INACTIVE, REDEMPTION PERIOD, etc. If any of them are especially in RP,
        count 35-36 days from the last updated date and note your calendar between 1
        to 2PM EST of that day when the domain will become available.

        It's a little more, but that's the short version of it. Oh, and pray, too.

        Good luck.

        35-36 days? but namecheap said 80-85 days? :confused:

        and which domain registrant would be the 'quickest' to display these available domains ? (eg, namecheap, godaddy etc)

        or do the registrants display them the same....on the same day that they are available?
        I Have to say a Massive...THANK YOU to every Warrior who has helped me, and thanks to every warrior who helps me in the future...
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        • Profile picture of the author davezan
          Originally Posted by entry View Post


          35-36 days? but namecheap said 80-85 days? :confused:

          and which domain registrant would be the 'quickest' to display these available domains ? (eg, namecheap, godaddy etc)

          or do the registrants display them the same....on the same day that they are available?
          Oh, the 80-85 days is a "general figure". That starts from when the domain name
          expires, to switching to redemption period if ever, etc.

          Essentially, the registrar is the "wild card" on how soon an expiring domain or so
          can be acquired. It also depends on what "status" the domain is in, which is why
          I asked you to check that line and the last updated date in their WHOIS.

          Any actual registrar catering to end users like you and me can do what you've
          asked, though Go Daddy doesn't always accurately report if a domain is actually
          available. Personally I'd say stick with whoever you're using, like NameCheap.


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          • Profile picture of the author entry
            davezan, cheers. I have done that, and hav got these details:

            my domain whois information

            Updated Date: 05-jun-2012
            Creation date: 24 Apr 2010 13:34:00
            Expiration date: 24 Apr 2012 08:34:

            What are the next steps please

            and is there a high chance, of other domain buyers purchasing it with domain drop catching tools? (such as etc.

            They can see the domains expiring, and purchase them before I do? even if they use the $69 feature that them companies offer?
            I Have to say a Massive...THANK YOU to every Warrior who has helped me, and thanks to every warrior who helps me in the future...
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