Can you Explain What An Autoresponder Is to Offline Business Owners in 1 sentence?

26 replies

I'm just cold calling local business owners atm with the intention of selling them on an autoresponder service from me.

How can I explain what an autoresponder is and it's main benefits in just a few sentences?

Here's what I came up with:
Our email marketing system collects your prospects name & email so you can send them an email every couple of days. This is important because most people don't make a purchase the first time they visit a website, but now they'll be exposed to it over and over. It takes an average of 6 visits to a site before a prospect makes a decision to purchase. So with an autoresponder in place - every couple of days your prospects get an email from you with free, valuable content that they want. Now they will be much more inclined to purchase from you've built a relationship with them and they feel like they know you.
Any ideas on how to cut that down to 2-3 sentences and make it sound more appealing?

#autoresponder #business #explain #offline #owners #sentence
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    "It's a program that lets you send email to a list of people, either in order on an automatic schedule or as needed."
    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author sashagilberg
      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

      "It's a program that lets you send email to a list of people, either in order on an automatic schedule or as needed."
      that's a perfect explanation of what it is! But how would you write it to include the benefits of it so that the business owner gets really excited and begins to ask more questions right away?

      "It's a program that lets you send email to a list of people, either in order on an automatic schedule or as needed. What this does is builds a relationship between you and your prospects, which ultimately results in more people buying from you and hence, more profit."
      If anyone thinks they can cut that down and make it more appealing that would be great!!

      I'll help double your AARRR metrics 80% faster than you've projected.

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  • Profile picture of the author Pete Egeler
    Mistake #1.. Don't sell them "an autoresponder".

    Offer them a method of capturing information from prospects which will allow them to turn those prospects into clients.

    THEN, you can explain how an autoresponder works, and how they can use it to their advantage.

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    • Profile picture of the author Marilyn Etzel
      Originally Posted by Pete Egeler View Post

      Mistake #1.. Don't sell them "an autoresponder".

      Offer them a method of capturing information from prospects which will allow them to turn those prospects into clients.

      THEN, you can explain how an autoresponder works, and how they can use it to their advantage.

      I like Pete's explanation best. Business owners want a way to get more customers, not an email system.

      My take would be "I can offer you a way to automatically capture leads from potential customers online and automatically follow up with them until they become your customer."

      Good luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    I can't improve on what Paul gave you, but I can point out something you should think about...

    You're still thinking like a pure online marketer - one who selld their goods online. Most of the business owners you'll be contacting won't care about making sales from their web site. Most will be interested in getting people to either come through the door or pick up the phone.

    That's the result you want to promote, not the ability to contact someone 6-7 times. That's just a feature.
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    • Profile picture of the author Doug McIsaac
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      I can't improve on what Paul gave you, but I can point out something you should think about...

      You're still thinking like a pure online marketer - one who selld their goods online. Most of the business owners you'll be contacting won't care about making sales from their web site. Most will be interested in getting people to either come through the door or pick up the phone.

      That's the result you want to promote, not the ability to contact someone 6-7 times. That's just a feature.
      I can't agree with John more. Way too many people who are jumping into the offline niche have trouble understanding the mindset of a business owner.

      In most cases, they could care less about the bells and whistles and how i works. They just want to know if they will make more sales.

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      • Profile picture of the author Maria Gudelis
        Originally Posted by Doug McIsaac View Post

        I can't agree with John more. Way too many people who are jumping into the offline niche have trouble understanding the mindset of a business owner.

        In most cases, they could care less about the bells and whistles and how i works. They just want to know if they will make more sales.

        Totally agreed with the great advice here!

        I never say autoresponder - sometimes I think it would be funny to have a secret spy camera to show / split test the looks on offline business owners faces when you say:

        "autoresponder" - result -'deer in the headlights...or I'm totally bored"


        "Our method allows you to maintain your relationship with your buyers and browsers that translates into more profit to you!" - result - eyes brighten up and yes - can you do that for me

        Brand NEW: How To Dominate Facebook SEO - LIVE Coaching - Closes SOON! Get In Now Click Here

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        • Profile picture of the author NMP
          Fax-On-Demand But Online ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author mccflo99
    "I can show you a technology that clones an entire sales department. This technology will automatically follow up with your prospects on a regular basis until they're persuaded to become customers. Best of all, they never have an excuse why they can't come into work; They go 24/7, 365 days a year."

    Copywriter With High Profile References...
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    Personal Blog (Music Reviews, Bad Business, Poetry)...
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571296].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Marty S
      Originally Posted by mccflo99 View Post

      "I can show you a technology that clones an entire sales department. This technology will automatically follow up with your prospects on a regular basis until they're persuaded to become customers. Best of all, they never have an excuse why they can't come into work; They go 24/7, 365 days a year."

      Now that is thinking! Well done.
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    • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
      Originally Posted by mccflo99 View Post

      "I can show you a technology that clones an entire sales department. This technology will automatically follow up with your prospects on a regular basis until they're persuaded to become customers. Best of all, they never have an excuse why they can't come into work; They go 24/7, 365 days a year."
      This and Andrew's three sentences are incredibly powerful. The business owner couldn't give two hoots about ARs, they want results, not technobabble.

      Find out what they want (which will almost always be more sales), and see if an AR would be suitable. If so (which it will in about 99% of the cases), use a description like the one above or Andrew's, and explain what it can do for THEM.

      Remember, sell benefits, not technology or features.

      Thanks again mccflo99 and Andrew

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  • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
    "Do you want to insure that you get the best return on investment per visitor to your web site?"


    "Let me show you an exciting email newsletter technique that allows you to do just that."

    In other words, give them a 'yes' question and then offer the solution, very simply. Avoid long detailed technical explanations and IM jargon or else you'll get the "My Eyes Glaze Over" effect. Stick with words and phrases they know like "return on investment", "newsletter" or "flyer" that relate well to advertising techniques that they already use. Also use action words like "exciting" or "amazing".
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  • Profile picture of the author Norma Holt
    I would probably say "its an answering machine for email contacts that can also send marketing material when required."

    Hope it helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Jagged
    Make no reference to "autoresponder"...give it a catchy name like "customer capture system"
    Our Permission Based "Customer Capture System" allows you to "capture" visitors and transform them into paying customers. Once these new customers are in your database, you have the ability to market to them on a steady basis, greatly increasing your ROI.

    Sell the service YOU provide...not just an autoresponder...stress the "time saving factor" & how YOU WILL manage everthing so they dont have too...from account set-up, newsletter set-up & design, a set amount of broadcasts a month, providing tracking & analytic reports once a month, managing the list, etc.. (all part of your monthly fee service)

    Good Luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author artsub
    Automatic email sending/replying program
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      Your problem is that you're trying to explain what it is.

      That's the best thing to hold back.

      When you explain the benifits you can use the mystery of what it is to drag your prospects in...

      "Right now you have hundreds of prospects and customers walking in AND OUT of your business every day...many of whom don't buy anything or buy from you once and never buy from you again.

      We can create a system that follows up with these prospects and customers automatically edcuating them on why they should buy from you and offering them your products and services.

      And once it's set up it operates on autopilot making more sales and profits for you day in and day out."

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
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      • Profile picture of the author sashagilberg
        Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

        Your problem is that you're trying to explain what it is.
        "Right now you have hundreds of prospects and customers walking in AND OUT of your business every day...many of whom don't buy anything or buy from you once and never buy from you again.

        We can create a system that follows up with these prospects and customers automatically edcuating them on why they should buy from you and offering them your products and services.

        And once it's set up it operates on autopilot making more sales and profits for you day in and day out."

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh
        That is gold.

        I'll help double your AARRR metrics 80% faster than you've projected.

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  • Profile picture of the author sashagilberg
    wow, thanks everyone for the responses. All very valuable in their own right!

    I'll help double your AARRR metrics 80% faster than you've projected.

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  • Profile picture of the author artwebster
    There you go trying to stuff the chicken back into the egg.

    Wouldn't you be a lot better off finding what the customer wants and providing the solution?

    As a small business owner, the last thing I want is someone coming to me and telling me what I want.

    You might not like what I say - but I believe it.
    Build it, make money, then build some more
    Some old school smarts would help - and here's to Rob Toth for his help. Bloody good stuff, even the freebies!

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  • Profile picture of the author 11Levels
    Wow! This thread itself is gold and an eye opener! You take a simple autoresponder, and give it a very POWERFUL image! That's what marketing is. Thank you all and thank you Alex for starting this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman
    An auto-responder is the electronic, on-line equivalent of a secretary that can write an unlimited amount of emails to people who volunteer their email address in exchange for this information- all within a few minutes.. but it can't make coffee.

    Does this work?

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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Lee
    Great suggestions, and Pete makes a good point in that you shouldn't be telling the customer that they need an "autoresponder". Simplify the explanation and offer them a great method of getting contact information from prospectives which has the ability to convert them into reliable customers. If that whets their appetite and interest, you can then go into the specfics of how an autoresponder works, and how it will immediately benefit their business.
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  • Profile picture of the author gb4biz
    Alex, I don't know what type of businesses you are targeting, but most nowadays have some type of web presence and an understanding of the importance of email follow up with their clients. ArtWebster gave you a very good answer, find out what types of problems the client may have and ask them straight out with a smile " If I can provide you a cost effective solution, would you be willing to give the program I come up with a try"?

    Cold Calling is tough and most small business owners don't like walk in Salespeople, believe it or not some businesses see more salespeople walk through their doors in a day, then paying customers. So if your going to do it, try to get as much info up front as possible and you might want to test the market to see if investing in some nice business cards and a well thought out Brochure with the features and Benefits of your "New Automated Customer Service Assistant" that can do xyand z at preset intervals or on as needed basis.

    Don't forget to list all the advantages such as: low cost advertising, Sales follow up with Thank You, Support Poll ( How is our service, what was your experience like?)
    You can go on and on, but this should help. Don't worry about the length of your paragraph...make sure it's a clear message on what your offering.

    Tip: what the customer says!
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    • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
      Originally Posted by gb4biz View Post

      Alex, I don't know what type of businesses you are targeting, but most nowadays have some type of web presence
      And very few of them know WHY they have a web presence, nor what the web site is supposed to do for them.

      Most that have a web site have one "because everyone else has one." If you ask them what part their web site plays in their business strategy, you'll probably get a blank look. At best you'll get a mumbled answer about increasing their public profile. Follow that one up and you'll find that they have no idea if it works, or why it doesn't.

      Originally Posted by gb4biz View Post

      and an understanding of the importance of email follow up with their clients.
      I have yet to meet an offline client who really understood this. The vast majority don't follow up their existing customers AT ALL. That's one reason why this idea is so powerful, you are introducing them to something they never thought of, but can instantly see the power of.

      Even the few that have thought of it rarely do anything about it.

      Ta ra

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  • Profile picture of the author thinkrich
    Put Your Business On Auto-pilot, Follow-up With
    Your Hot Prospects At Preset Intervals With
    Personalized Messages And Explode Your Profits
    With Our Automated Virtual Assistant

    Here are some examples of the uses of autoresponders:

    Dentists can send out notice for dental cleanings
    Theaters can provide show times and event schedules
    Garages can send reminders for Oil Changes
    Appliance services can send warranty service reminders
    Churches can send choir practice reminders
    Schools can send field trip reminders
    Teachers can send PTA reminders Sending product updates
    Online marketers can send training manuals and free ecourses
    And many more ...the list is endless!

    So, yes, they can apply to offline businesses as well.

    Main point of it is - customer contact.

    If Offline Business has a sale running, and they have targeted email list, then they can reach them without more expensive advertising.

    Makes economic sense to use them for offline businesses as well.
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