WSO Graphical Sales Page [TIP]...
For those of you who create graphical type sales pages for WSOs, here is a little tip that will help you slice up your images much faster and more evenly.
1 -- Open your salespage in Photoshop.
2 -- Select the 'Slice Tool' from the Toolbox on the left hand side.
3 -- Create one big slice of your image that is the total size you want all of the other slices to make up.
4 -- Choose the 'Slice Select Tool' which is just beneath the Slice Tool in the Toolbox.
5 -- Click on the 'Divide' Slice button on the top tool options bar to display the Divide Slice dialog box.
6 -- Select the 'Divide Horizontally' check box, and enter 10 in the slices down evenly spaced text box. This will then divide your page into 10 evenly spaced images ready for uploading to your WSO.
Remember: A WSO post can only have a maximum of 10 images. If you are going to be including a WSO Pro, JV Zoo, Digiresults or any other type of order button, they will be counted as one of those images so your main sales page could then only be a maximum of 9 images.
Tip #2
Depending on the total length of your sales page, if using the method above to slice up your image, a lot of times I will create a smaller slice for the first image. This means the first image will be smaller in size than all the others and will load much faster. You want your first image to load as soon as possible so visitors to your thread see something right away without having to wait around for things to load.
So once I have selected a smaller slice for my first image, I then select the rest of the salespage as one slice and divide that slice up into the remaining number of images, using the technique above.
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