Product Review Voice Over

1 replies
Hey Guys,

I was trying to make some videos on youtube reviewing products, but I don't know how to create a video with my voice on it and at the same time reviewing the product. I pretty sure I'm not explaining this correctly, but I hope someone understands me. Could someone please explain how I could do this? :confused:

Thank you!
#product #review #voice
  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    try using a free trial of camtasia or microsoft expression encoder. youll be able to record a screenshot of what you're talking about with audio. if it's a product that you have in your hands, then you can hook a webcam up and record it that way as well.

    another option is, you can just use your phone....smartphones these days have pretty good quality cameras, just record and talk, download it onto your computer for editing, then upload it onto youtube.
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