Method: Thousands of Subscribers for $15???

24 replies
Hey guys! What's up. I haven't posted here for a while. But I recently had an idea I wanted to see what everyone thinks about it. I LOVE list building. It's my favorite way to make money online, because it pretty much means instant traffic anytime you want, to anywhere you want.

So I've been devoting my time to list building methods and innovating in that way. I recently had this really interesting idea and I'm not really sure how it'll work out but I can stop back in and inform more as I progress.

My idea is... FIVERR! Haha. It's the place where we can get anything done for $5.00

"But Luke, your post says $15.00.."

Yeah and that's the thing. Here's my basic estimate:

Email list in my niche: $5.00
Clean email list: $5.00
Mail email list: $5.00

So I went on fiverr and searched for email lists. Yeah I know this constitutes as purchasing leads. But I wanted to remain clean. I don't want to get my IP flagged or any kind of weird email thing... make sense?

So I figured if I can get the data (leads) and then have them cleaned, then I can have someone else mail them for me.

It turns out that there are people on fiverr who do all of these things above!!

SO my plan was.. order some data, have it cleaned, then hire a dude to send like 5,000 of them for $5.00 to a squeeze page I create. And this page will have my opt in. So basically, I won't be emailing any leads that haven't opted into my list. And from here, they drop into a funnel where I sell like 5 different affiliate products with a high quality (possibly outsourced?) email series, optimized for conversions.

Hows it sound? Plausible? If anything, hope I've given away a sweet idea for you guys to try. Won't be surprised if I discover this in the WSO section in a few weeks. LOL


#$15 #building #fast #idea #list #method
  • Profile picture of the author svk_hereiam
    i also thought of a similar idea but not exactly how you put it.... keep us posted with your results
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6568532].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tkboy101
      Originally Posted by svk_hereiam View Post

      i also thought of a similar idea but not exactly how you put it.... keep us posted with your results
      Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Will keep you posted!

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  • Profile picture of the author tkboy101
    Wellp I've managed to get my hands on about 31,000,000 emails through a single fiverr gig. LOL. Gonna have about 100,000 of these babies cleaned now and see if any of them are good.
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    • Profile picture of the author theimdude
      Originally Posted by tkboy101 View Post

      Wellp I've managed to get my hands on about 31,000,000 emails through a single fiverr gig. LOL. Gonna have about 100,000 of these babies cleaned now and see if any of them are good.
      I think this would have worked in the 60's but 2012 no good
      Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Good luck. As soon as people start reporting the URL in the emails, you're on a number of blacklists. So, any email pointing there goes away. And when a few savvy people report you to your web host, you're toast. Oh yeah... And if you use GoDaddy you could lose the domain the spam points to.

    Great idea. Let us know how it goes...

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6568639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Romeo90
    This is just a complete no no to me.

    I categorise lists into two basic types:

    An email list: worth absolutely nothing.

    A targeted email list: worth $$$s

    I would take a strong, targeted, opted in list of 100 people any day over an non-targeted, non-opted in list of 1,000, 10,000 or whatever.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6568703].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author venture07
    What is the best way to build a targeted email list?
    This also means how to get targeted traffic to an opt in page.
    Quality traffic and a quality social network seem to be a key here I think.
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  • Profile picture of the author ghostrecon
    The idea is good, though, I can't imagine quality leads being sold on Fiverr.
    Signature - Proprietary Pinterest Marketing Software
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    • Profile picture of the author AuthorityRush
      Why not give it a try? Do what others won't do or blast you for doing. That means less competition Nice thinking out of the box regardless of what the results are.
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      • Profile picture of the author marketinguk
        Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

        Good luck. As soon as people start reporting the URL in the emails, you're on a number of blacklists. So, any email pointing there goes away. And when a few savvy people report you to your web host, you're toast. Oh yeah... And if you use GoDaddy you could lose the domain the spam points to.

        Great idea. Let us know how it goes...

        Street bacon the reason not to do it has been quite clearly and fairly put over by Paul above. Don't try and be clever Luke it will backfire one way or another. Why not just try and build a sustainable business by using your talents and strengths (whatever they may be) This is for sure a recipe for problems.


        Originally Posted by StreetBacon View Post

        Why not give it a try? Do what others won't do or blast you for doing. That means less competition Nice thinking out of the box regardless of what the results are.
        Street bacon the reason not to do it has been quite clearly and fairly put over by Paul above. Don't try and be clever it will backfire one way or another try and build a sustainable business and this certainly isn't that.

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  • Profile picture of the author luckyshah290
    This seems like a good idea .... but i am not sure of that 31 million email leads you got and cleaning of them will take time and money Lol ....

    Sending email to them well gonna be hard that i can say of ... or it can also be expensive ...

    i would go with a small but effective list for doing this method... i too have a list of 20 Million email list that i just got a hold on from a friend and also 500 Million list that i previously bought ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    Nice idea looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I think this would have worked in the 60's but 2012 no good
      If you were sending emails in the 60's, you were a true pioneer:rolleyes:...or using some good drugs....
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
      ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6569636].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tkboy101
    Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

    Good luck. As soon as people start reporting the URL in the emails, you're on a number of blacklists. So, any email pointing there goes away. And when a few savvy people report you to your web host, you're toast. Oh yeah... And if you use GoDaddy you could lose the domain the spam points to.

    Great idea. Let us know how it goes...

    Well I saw this coming already, so I went over to dropbox and hosted my squeeze pages on there. The other thing you can do is just use a redirect inside dropbox and send them to your site.

    So I'm not gonna be risking any of my assets. Thanks anyway for your insight and care for my terrible failure hahaha.

    Originally Posted by Romeo90 View Post

    This is just a complete no no to me.

    I categorise lists into two basic types:

    An email list: worth absolutely nothing.

    A targeted email list: worth $$

    I would take a strong, targeted, opted in list of 100 people any day over an non-targeted, non-opted in list of 1,000, 10,000 or whatever.
    Well how else are you gonna build a targeted email list? They don't just come to you. There is work involved and you've gotta start somewhere, I don't mind filtering it down. Call me an optimist but I wouldn't be at all surprised to find 100 QUALITY emails inside this list of 31 Million. (Almost 10% of the population of the USA)

    We all want a targeted email list. And that is the end goal, but this is just how I'm choosing to get there for now.

    Originally Posted by Alyona The Publicist View Post

    It sounds complicated and futile for me!!

    You are a typical internet marketer who comes up with complicated systems to make 'lots of money' easily on the internet overnight.

    There is nothing of the sort online, it's better if you work on building yourself a good list and building good rapport with the people on your list rather than 'buying' email lists and filtering them...
    Thanks for your input! It's not too complicated. It's actually a lot easier than doing everything myself. Otherwise I'm stuck with traffic generation and all that jazz. Not my favorite part. Unfortunately though, that's the most important part! lol
    But I'm flattered that you think it's complicated.. Cheers, friend

    Originally Posted by ghostrecon View Post

    The idea is good, though, I can't imagine quality leads being sold on Fiverr.
    And that's why I've got the other $5.00 to clean em! I already cleaned 100,000 of em and I got 70,000+ back! I'm so stoked!

    Originally Posted by StreetBacon View Post

    Why not give it a try? Do what others won't do or blast you for doing. That means less competition Nice thinking out of the box regardless of what the results are.
    I like your attitude bro. I feel like this is kinda the core of being an entrepreneur… trying new things and ideas and seeing how they work, taking the data home and coming to a conclusion for your next attempt! Probably why I love this world so much. lol Thanks for the encouragement!

    Originally Posted by luckyshah290 View Post

    This seems like a good idea .... but i am not sure of that 31 million email leads you got and cleaning of them will take time and money Lol ....

    Sending email to them well gonna be hard that i can say of ... or it can also be expensive ...

    i would go with a small but effective list for doing this method... i too have a list of 20 Million email list that i just got a hold on from a friend and also 500 Million list that i previously bought ...
    Yup, again, this is why I'm gonna take it slow, with 100,000 at first. (which is what I did) and get 70,000… what's wrong with 70,000 emails going out? 1% open rate would be a nice little 700 people seeing that email. From there it's just the click. And if it works, scale it up!

    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    If you were sending emails in the 60's, you were a true pioneer:rolleyes:...or using some good drugs....
    LOL true that. I think majority of people were still using type writers in the early sixties. Maybe they were doing "Mail" marketing. "Buy 31,000,000 addresses and send a bunch of envelopes! haha my gosh. We live in a cool time.

    Thanks everyone for your input!! I'm stoked to have so much response and support! Cheers
    Best of success!

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      So I'm not gonna be risking any of my assets.
      Apparently you don't consider your account in this forum to be an asset. You are advocating the sending of unsolicited bulk email, aka spam.

      You've been here long enough to know better. Advocating spamming can get you banned here. That's been the case for more than a decade.

      Now, for the benefit of the folks who haven't already convinced themselves this is okay...

      Using redirects isn't going to help much, if at all. Blocklist systems will usually track the links through to their end point.

      Putting the form on a free hosting service will probably just convince the human parts of the chain that you're a deliberate spammer, and give them more motivation to chase you down. If that happens, you've got an ongoing problem, as they'll often spend considerable effort keeping tabs on you, and reporting you to any service provider you use.

      That's one reason you so rarely see spam used to build a real opt-in list for ongoing mailing. It can be done, but the skills required are beyond what you seem to have, based on this thread. And it's pointless to go that route any more, as paid traffic is so cheap, and so much less troublesome.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6570272].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tkboy101
        Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

        Apparently you don't consider your account in this forum to be an asset. You are advocating the sending of unsolicited bulk email, aka spam.

        You've been here long enough to know better. Advocating spamming can get you banned here. That's been the case for more than a decade.

        Now, for the benefit of the folks who haven't already convinced themselves this is okay...

        Using redirects isn't going to help much, if at all. Blocklist systems will usually track the links through to their end point.

        Putting the form on a free hosting service will probably just convince the human parts of the chain that you're a deliberate spammer, and give them more motivation to chase you down. If that happens, you've got an ongoing problem, as they'll often spend considerable effort keeping tabs on you, and reporting you to any service provider you use.

        That's one reason you so rarely see spam used to build a real opt-in list for ongoing mailing. It can be done, but the skills required are beyond what you seem to have, based on this thread. And it's pointless to go that route any more, as paid traffic is so cheap, and so much less troublesome.

        I apologize if I may have overstepped any boundaries. Won't happen again. Just wanted to offer up an idea for us to bump around. And it really didn't cross my mind that this particular method would be offensive to some.

        Again, I apologize.

        Have a good day, sir.

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        • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
          And it really didn't cross my mind that this particular method would be offensive to some.
          If you start emailing 10's of 1000's of people at random, you're going to offend some folks. A few of whom will have the ability to make things difficult for you.

          Consider: The opt-in page in your signature includes an Aweber form. If they see complaints that come from the sort of process you describe, they will shut your account down. Same with most other ESPs.

          It should also be pointed out that, unless you're really good, that kind of spam is going to get you a tiny response rate. Potentially large headaches for nothing, or next to nothing, isn't a great way to build a business.

          Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author rowanman28
    What you are doing smacks of Nigeria to me, but then I'm biased, as I don't have a good spam filter on my email. You have just won 31,000,000 dollars in the banana lottery! I don't even use a list, or my list is social connections.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Well I think the norm is obviously to not condone this type of behavoir. Its spamming.

    On the other hand I have to think about how accustomed people are to spam and how many people actually would report you. I get tons of spam and never once thought about reporting someone (mainly because I don't read the spam).

    I also know there are tons of larger companies out there selling lists to each other. I mean lists are what makes the world go round in this economy (otherwise google wouldn't be trying so hard to have your info stored on every site possible).

    Still, the main reason I wouldn't do something like this myself is I realize the value in BEING ABLE to build your own targeted list. THAT is something I am far more concerned with than just buying some ****ty list of thousands of names.

    If you really think about it, if anyone had a GOOD list of that many names, why would they sell it for such a cheap price? Or EVEN a list they could make MORE than $5 off of (really consider this if I knew I could profit off a list I'm NOT selling it for $5). Because they probably used a scraper to get the emails like scrapebox. You are likely not even getting a list of real people, but business email addresses. I mean damn I'll scrape a list for you right now for free because those emails are worth nothing. =]

    So then you'd essentially be spamming businesses and not potential buyers. I don't know, I just know I don't trust fiver for something like this.

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      On the other hand I personally don't believe people will report you.
      You don't think any of those 10's of 1000's of people will hit the Spam button?

      You could conceivably go a long time before running into someone who knows how to actively report things, or it could happen on your first email. But that little button will do just as much damage in some cases.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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      • Profile picture of the author marketinguk
        Is there not an argument Paul for saying this thread should either be deleted or made clear especially to newbies that this sort of spamming is unacceptable and there should be no debate about it.
        I can't quite believe this thread has been running a good chunk of today and a number of people in this thread earlier on at least, seem taken in by the idea, which is even more concerning.
        Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

        Red,You don't think any of those 10's of 1000's of people will hit the Spam button?

        You could conceivably go a long time before running into someone who knows how to actively report things, or it could happen on your first email. But that little button will do just as much damage in some cases.

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      Well I think the norm is obviously to not condone this type of behavoir. Its spamming.
      Yes, it is.

      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      On the other hand I have to think about how accustomed people are to spam and how many people actually would report you. I get tons of spam and never once thought about reporting someone (mainly because I don't read the spam).
      Trust me, it doesn't take that many people reporting you to put you on a blacklist. And getting off of those lists is a royal beyotch. It's the main reason I go with 'do as I say and not as I do' when it comes to using self-hosted email programs vs. third party services. I've got it covered now, but back when I was building the system, I got on one of those blacklists. I stopped getting spam complaints, which was only fair, because one large (three-letter) ISP was blocking my mail at the server. No one could report it because they never saw it. It took more than a few man-hours to straighten that one out.

      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      I also know there are tons of larger companies out there selling lists to each other. I mean lists are what makes the world go round in this economy (otherwise google wouldn't be trying so hard to have your info stored on every site possible).

      I don't know about Google, but I know my wife spends hours every night entering online sweeps and contests run by those large companies. I've read enough rules and TOS to assume that there is language in the rules granting permission to share lists 'with selected partners'...

      'Selected partners' usually means anyone with the rental fee.

      It's a lot more than paying a scraper on Fiverr, but you have permission to email.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    This is a complete waste of time and can easily get you in trouble with the Fed's. Quantity doesn't equate to more dollars unless you have built the list yourself from scratch and developed a relationship with them.

    Why people insist on taking short cuts and failing then turn around and say the internet is a scam is beyond me. There are no short cuts... so do it right or not at all. Now there is nothing wrong with experimenting but you need to keep it legal.
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