Eliminate a 6 month learning curve to get results now OR go it your own?
There is a lot of discussion about free vs paid here on the forum, I have been lurking and reading. When I started here in 1997/98 or wheneever it was, I don't remember the date exactly. There was always people talking about how much they could get online for free and why pay for content, coaching, memberships, mentoring when people are so liberal with their information and especially now the over abundance is down right insane.
I was a great believer in FREE and learning on my own, figuring it out and going on and on about the waste of people spending so much money on learning, to me, simple things. Everyone I knew was doing this stuff, this online marketing and web wizardry stuff. There wasn't anything really difficult here, sure it took sometime to figure out how things worked and the subtleties of it. Though once you understand it there isn't really much holding you back from making whatever you wanted.
I shared what I learned with my friends and brainstorming group(s) and they in turn shared what they figured out as they figured it out, sometimes we worked it together. Was fun and really exciting to break through that invisible wall of not knowing to understanding. Was great fun.
Most of the time I just shared my knowledge with anyone for FREE, I was told I was building up Karma... I don't know how you calculate that but YEARS of learning, sharing and helping others was awesome and I got so good at it that I was able to take just about anyone from zero to mid five figures a month in a very short period of time. I am not bragging I am just sharing over time I was able to learn how to teach what I learned in a way that those that spent time with me were able to put into action...
I also made a crazy amount of posts and spent A LOT of my time mentoring people one-on-one, developing relationships, messing about and having a great old time.
Back to my point here, which is a open question to you.
The people that I "helped" through my insights, experience, experimentation, introductions to others, JV's etc etc etc.... Not all but quite a few went on to earn well into 6 and some into 7 figures over the years I messed around, learned, shared etc etc. The action they took, my contribution was I don't know... useful and something they needed at that particular time.
I saw the benefit they received from working with someone else as well as I have both from friends, other warriors, some quote unquote Guru's and REAL business tycoon's. The thing here, the point is that working with someone else can and will eliminate learning curves down to NOTHING in almost immediately. I saw the truth of this with those that worked with me or guidance that I gave over the years and those that took action on it.. soared.
Now on the other hand.
There are those that just choose to go it alone, I was one of these people too and for a long time I tiraded about don't waste your money, it is all online for free just spend some time and research, experiment and figure it out. It isn't that hard. Well, yes and no.. As you will find out if you haven't already.
Now, finally to get to my question, after I have tiraded my way to this point.
Lets assume all things being equal and you get to the same point.
If it took you 6 months to start making money learning, experimenting, testing.. All the information you need is here in this forum, you don't need to go anywhere else, you don't need to buy any products or spend any money on ebooks, wso's etc etc... But it will take you 6 months to start to earn for arguements sake 5k a month. OR insert any figure you choose but it will take 6 months to get there.
If you spend some money to work with someone that knows how to get there, gone through the trials and pitfalls.. Though the information shared is nothing you can't find here for free. Though through working with this person you begin to make money pretty darn right away... Maybe it isn't exactly your X amount but close and it just builds from there, each month getting bigger...
What would you choose to do? Not spend any money and go it alone?
Spend some money and get help to make the money within a few weeks?
You get to the same point.
Which would you do?
Please explain your rationale with your answer, why did you make this decision? Being broke isn't really acceptable answer but if that is the only reason, really...
Mainly I just want to understand your choice and WHY you decided it.
P.S. I am not selling anything or offering coaching, this isn't about me. I just am sharing from my personal story and understanding from BOTH sides of the question here. I have been on both and done both. I am curious as to what you would do and WHY?
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