Internet Income Motivational Chart And Reality Check *Free*
For example, having a goal of earning $100,000 gross annually may sound challenging, however, if you break it down into earning $11.42 per hour from your online activities, (for example have a low ticket product online that sells 1 per hour x 24/7x 365) then if you look at it that way, $100,000 annually seems more reachable.
$1,000,000 per year can be broken down into $114.16 per hour x 24/7 x 365, etc.
I've also added a few other break downs in the lower numbers in case your goals are more modest.
Hopefully you can use this chart in order to stay focused and set realistic targets for your Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annual goals, and possibly gain some motivation to reach them.
Arnold Stolting.
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