Need More Than One Hosting Account?

9 replies
Hi -

Up to now I have been using only one hosting account - Host Gator, which I love. After reading something that suggested getting your sites split across several different hosting accounts would be wise, for several reasons, I've been wondering -

So if I do go ahead and open up a few more hosting accounts, would it be alright to open more than one account in Host Gator? Are there any pros or cons, or is it even advisable to have more than one account with the same hosting company?

And if I would open another account with HG, would that account have different IP's for my sites than my other account with them, or do all of HG's accounts have the same footprint/IP ? (Newbie/stupid question, please bear with me)

If I should choose a different hosting company other than HG to open more accounts with, who is your next most recommended hosting company?

Thank you much in advance for your help!
Ruth Martin
#account #hosting
  • Profile picture of the author Bonadza Vojo
    Originally Posted by realnetworker View Post

    Hi -

    Up to now I have been using only one hosting account - Host Gator, which I love. After reading something that suggested getting your sites split across several different hosting accounts would be wise, for several reasons, I've been wondering -

    So if I do go ahead and open up a few more hosting accounts, would it be alright to open more than one account in Host Gator? Are there any pros or cons, or is it even advisable to have more than one account with the same hosting company?

    And if I would open another account with HG, would that account have different IP's for my sites than my other account with them, or do all of HG's accounts have the same footprint/IP ? (Newbie/stupid question, please bear with me)

    If I should choose a different hosting company other than HG to open more accounts with, who is your next most recommended hosting company?

    Thank you much in advance for your help!
    Ruth Martin
    I'm using 2 different hosting accounts, for the reasons you specified. When one hosting is down, or there's an emergency, I could switch my sites to the other one. Or if one goes down, you only lose half of your sites. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, because if that basket falls, all your eggs will crack.

    So this a really smart move.

    I'm also using Hostgator, and I'm happy with them. For the 2nd hosting I've been using Bluehost and they're decent as well. Not perfect, but overall provide a solid service. So take a look at them.

    If you open another account with HG, your IP depends or whether they'll put you on the same shared-hosting node as your other account, or put you on a different one, which will have a different IP.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
    If the IP's are on the same block, it doesn't make a difference. At the end of the day, using white hat SEO methods & quality content overrules hosting on different IP's. Same theory goes for SEO hosting, it's a myth. As long as you're not trying to game the search engines, you can have the sites on the same IP. When you start building shady, fake link farms that are trying to trick the search engines, you need different IP's.

    The node has nothing to do with it, as a block can be spanned across many physical nodes..which is called "pooling".

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  • Profile picture of the author HostWind
    Having multiple accounts is not a bad idea at all, depending on how important your sites are to you. If one goes down, a simple switch of nameservers can have you back up and running.
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  • Profile picture of the author micksss
    I have 30+ websites spread over several web hosting accounts with different hosting companies. Mainly because if something was to ever go wrong it wouldn't impact all of my websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author realnetworker
    Thank you all for your replies - I can see now why several hosting accounts are a good idea. I will get to work on that, thanks for your input!

    ~ Ruth Martin
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    • Profile picture of the author Vilvop
      I think you may use hosting services from different companies such as marblehost and webintellects. They have provided their services for more than 10 years and their services are resourceful and inexpensive.
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  • I do this all the time. Its totally normal. I have 5 different accounts, each with its own IP address.

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  • Profile picture of the author DesertSand
    Good information. I'll be using two hosting companies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kalednet
    Use 1 HG account. It's safe. If you're worried, schedule a back up every 30 days. I use HG and host multiple accounts with them. They have back up servers in different locations, so if one goes down the other will start with the same data. It's part of the hosting business practice. Don't worry.

    For IP variation... you can always purchase private IP I guess. But as Kingfish85 mentioned, if you're using white hat SEO you're safe.

    Good luck.

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