What's The Best Social Bookmarking Strategy?
I have what I think is a good strategy, but it seems a little time consuming even though I'm using a powerful bookmarking automation tool. Here's what I've come up with.
For each of my sites, I should have a set up bookmarking accounts at various BM sites. So, if I have 10 websites I'm promoting, I should have 10 different sets of BM accounts. Perhaps 10 sets of 50 accounts, 500 accounts in all.
Then bookmark each site 2 or 3 times a day. Each time you BM your own site, BM 3 or 4 other sites to hide your self-promotion.
NEVER BM your site A with the accounts you use for your site B, C, D and so on. I'm thinking once you cross bookmark, then engines can identify the pattern and punish you. (Am I being over paranoid here?)
That's it! If I run out because I've used all the accounts for a specific site to bookmark the site's urls, then I just start creating more accounts for that set.
Does any of this make sense? Is it a good strategy? Are you having success with a less complicated and less paranoid approach?
Thanks for your help!!
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