Just Launched My First Product!
Now comes the fun part, marketing and tweaking! I was hoping to get some feedback on my plans.
First things first, I would love for someone to give me feedback on my sales page and how to make it better. I have never done any copywriting before so I imagine it could be a LOT better. I feel like it's missing the hook that is really going to get the reader to buy my product. Any help on improving it is greatly appreciated: link is in my sig.
I would also like some input on my marketing techniques and possibly other ways I could market this product.
Here is what I'm doing or plan to do in the next few days:
1. The product is directly tied to my list, every buyer is given the oppurtunity to sign up and they get any free updates to the guide as well as additional tips and other freebies.
2. I posted an article on my blog. I don't get a lot of visitors but even a little bit helps.
3. I'm currently in the process of writing several articles. Each one will be posted to my blog then submitted to directories.
4. I will be creating several squidoo pages on the various categories in the book. Each page will touch briefly on a topic, with the book gonig far morein depth. I also plan to create pages based around the articles I have written.
5. I'm maknig videos. I have a lot of different ones in mind, and will be able to pretty much endlessley create these. I will be submitting to youtube, but would love other places I can as well
6. I have made several posts to different classifieds sites. These use a similar tagline to my sig and have a short pre sell before linking to my page.
I appreciate any other ideas anyone has. As I said before, I just released this about a day ago, so I don't really have any solid info on how well it converts. Therefore, I might buy an ad to jsut get some initial traffic to test it out.
Find out how I won a trip to Kenya through Marketing
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