$17,000 in 30 Days, after 18 months of Internet Marketing--Finally!

25 replies
About a year in a half ago (May of 2011 was my first entry in my journal concerning im) I made a little over 17k in revenue from IM. That is before I have to pay taxes which I get to look forward to at the end of this year (wish me luck!) but none the less, it is a pretty big accomplishment for me.

First thing is first, look at my history. I am not posting this thread to brag and if you do look at my past posts you'll notice I haven't been active for quite a while. My absence from this forum has probably been a combination of not needing the input of this forum (not to take away from the times I did need it) and the fear of being seen as someone who is gloating/bragging about their success.

How did I make this amount of money in one month?

I can tell you it isn't from my day job. I quit that job about three months ago. It was my full-time job and I was only making 2k after taxes but it was a stable company and it was money I could count on. I was making around 12k per month from online income when I quit and I was still nervous when I gave my two week notice.

I made my online $ from a couple different sources but basically it was all from the same source which was amazon. I have a book on amazon that generates about 400-500 dollars a month in profit but most of my money originated from fiverr of all places.

My Record on Fiverr: $4,000 in one month

I started out there selling amazon reviews of all things...I know not very ethical and trust me I am not proud of it but in the process of spending so much time on amazon I learned everything about it (and I mean everything) and eventually through my contacts on amazon on fiverr, I made contact with a company that had a very strong presence on amazon but was looking to aggressively expand.

I was making up to 4k a month on fiverr posting fake reviews before they deleted my gigs. They deleted my gigs because I was violating the amazon policy for posting reviews so if you're going to try that be prepared for the back-lash. Luckily I made contact with this business a few months before and actually had my brother-in-law managing fiverr while I started working for this new company.

Fake reviews on amazon btw are short-lived. Amazon is continually updating their system so the reviews almost always eventually get deleted.

Luckily the time I spent posting fake reviews eventually led to a very indepth understanding of how to get products ranked highly using amazon's algorithm.

And as a result I went from making a few thousand dollars a month to close to 20k/month---my goal is to hit that number by feb 2013, fingers crossed. 17 and change is my current record.

Soooo...I've read many posts where the poster is criticized for bragging about their success without divulging the details of their path. I would sometimes agree with this criticizem if I noticed it was just a plug for a product or program created by the poster. However, in some cases the original poster was genuinene and wanted to pay something forward without divulging their trade secrets.

To provide more value to this post without divulging more details about my specific path, I will share the following points:

1) Keep a journal: My first goal was to make $100 online. I wrote it down and when I did it I was able to read it before setting my next goal. My updated goal is 20,000 dollars less than two years later, written in the same journal.

2) Your progress and discipline in other areas of your life will directly effect your ability to achieve your im/income goals. I kept a daily productivity log for two weeks, tracking my day by 15 minute increments. Trust me on this one...try this and I guarantee you if you truly have the will to succeed, you will have no choice but to make adjustments after realizing how much time you spend on time-killing activities...speaking of which it may be time for me to do this again.

I definitely am wasting more time than i was when i was working (i.e. using every free moment I had for im).

In conclusion...a year in a half ago I was broke and now I am not rich or wealthy but I am on my way.

I wish everyone reading this the best.


P.S. I know I just wrote a lot and I am not about to review it/edit it so I apologize in advance if there are spelling/grammar errors. I blame it on spell check lol.
#$17 #days #half #internet #marketingfinally #month #months #year
  • Profile picture of the author stan22
    Congratulations, Tim!

    Your case confirms what most of us knows anyway: in any success, there always is an element of luck.
    Sure, the term "luck" is a wide umbrella that covers many related factors, yet all of them are totally unpredictable. Or, in other words, those that can not be reasonably explained.
    And the saying: "You have to help your luck..." has no meaning - all boils down to one's luck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7237857].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Nice job. Your story is amazing and inspiring!
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  • Profile picture of the author LarryC
    << Luckily the time I spent posting fake reviews eventually led to a very indepth understanding of how to get products ranked highly using amazon's algorithm. >>

    That seems like a pretty big jump. I posted hundreds of (real) reviews on Amazon and don't know much about their algorithm. I always assumed that products were ranked based on sales rather than reviews.

    I'm not doubting your accomplishments, just observing that you must have gotten your insights from something other than just posting fake reviews.
    Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7238178].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
    Congrats! Sometimes we get a big leg-up from learning through our mistakes. As for the 'bragging' reference, expressing self-pride needn't be a bad thing. Afterall, how are we supposed to know how brilliant you are if you don't let us know from time to time?

    P.S. Loving the shades!
    "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7238185].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dryberry
      Hey man, congrats. Awesome job, don't worry about people complaining about the "bragging" those are just the whiners who don't want to work hard. Anyways, just curious, did you write the book that is bringing in the Amazon income?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally

    I am not clear on how you are generating revenue now ? You have stopped posting reviews and are working for another company ?

    Good job with your book profits.
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  • Profile picture of the author Antonio J.
    Nice work. It is always great to hear these inspiring and motivational stories. They have the power to keep you motivated and persistent.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7238631].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kohorn
    Appreciate the honesty. Hopefully you are working on a WSO to share your knowledge and success.
    Where can I get some sun glasses like those? I think I am ready.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7238765].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 1byte
    Originally Posted by tierney211 View Post

    Soooo...I've read many posts where the poster is criticized for bragging about their success without divulging the details of their path. I would sometimes agree with this criticizem if I noticed it was just a plug for a product or program created by the poster. However, in some cases the original poster was genuinene and wanted to pay something forward without divulging their trade secrets.
    How does someone "pay it forward" if they don't provide some specific details about what brought them success? If someone is going to talk about their success, that's great, but without giving some helpful tips, ideas or "trade secrets" for others to follow, it can certainly come across as "bragging."

    Originally Posted by tierney211 View Post

    I kept a daily productivity log for two weeks, tracking my day by 15 minute increments. Trust me on this one...try this and I guarantee you if you truly have the will to succeed, you will have no choice but to make adjustments after realizing how much time you spend on time-killing activities...speaking of which it may be time for me to do this again.
    Very good idea - thanks! I have done this before but got out of the habit, so I'm going to use this idea to track my productivity over the next few days. I've been wasting a lot of time doing "busy work" that doesn't improve my earnings one bit, and I know this will help me get back on track.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    good work tim great stuff

    it`s interesting that you mention about writing things down because i also focus heavily on doing that too

    it keeps you accountable to daily tasks and also what you have to do for the day, week and even month ahead

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7239153].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom

    After reading through your entire post, I think this statement sums it up:

    "Luckily the time I spent posting fake reviews eventually led to a very indepth understanding of how to get products ranked highly using amazon's algorithm."

    Can you please throw us a bone and elaborate on that just a bit...or at least clarify it a bit more?

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7239350].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joefizz
      Hi Tim,

      When I started reading your post, I thought...'here's another bragger coming back after not using Warrior Forum in the interim time to drop in his links'...but to be fair:
      • You did not.
      • Your story was interesting!
      • It was also motivational...
      • You underlined something I consider to be fundamental to success, which is planning and goal setting..

      Congratulations on a good post! Long may you continue experiencing success!


      I am an Internet Marketing coach. Accelerate your performance here:
      FREE RESOURCES to help you...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7239415].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Well done on your success and good luck on reaching your monthly goal in 2013.

    How are you generating revenue now? Are you selling physical products on amazon as a seller then shipping them?

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Wow, Tim. Man, you just inspired me and many other internet marketers who come here everyday looking for some inspiration.

    When you plan your actions and something works, you just keep doing it over and over again. This shows that your plan is now working and I am really happy for you and your success.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7240553].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
      Originally Posted by IMSince2003 View Post

      Yes, paying it forward means helping others to succeed like you did. Sadly, I don't see anything in your OP that accomplishes this
      He has paid it forward... you just didn't notice it because you were looking for step-by-step.

      The Pay It Forward part is in the entire message...
      1) Learn and be observant of your mistakes

      2) Have a plan and work extremely hard at it

      3) Don't be afraid to try new things

      4) Set meaningful goals you can reach

      If he were to have laid out a specific plan of action you would do one of two things...
      1) Do nothing with the information complaining you've heard it before.

      2) Try it for an afternoon and come back and say it didn't work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Willing2Learn
    Congrats! I know Amazon is a gold mine for those who figure out its inner workings.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdc2727
    Nice work..not at your level yet,but working on it.
    Our review site for WSOs' and Affiliate Marketing Tools. Read our reviews before you buy!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7241506].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Komsat
    Congratz! I'm not sure why success stories are so controversial around here. I'd rather read one hundred posts where people are sharing their victories over the hundreds of posts that are titled "I'm desperate, show me exactly how you guys make money now! Oh and P.S. without any risk or work! thnx!."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7241564].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author masterjani
    Most of the time, these success stories don't give exact idea, but a bigger one, that is called inspiration and motivation.
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  • Profile picture of the author smkmarketing
    A nice positive story for the starters like myself thanks and congratz!
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  • Profile picture of the author refermoneyus
    Good work Tim. I enjoy reading other peoples post who have been successfull online besides me also.


    Read how i went from no money to making over $1000 a day. No experience necessary. Im paid daily.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7242190].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author andy131
    Awesome jod Tim, I wish someday i'll be making that much money
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  • Profile picture of the author Happyeagle
    Nice job, very inspiring! I recently started journaling and logging the time I spend working. I like the signature quote! "Do not act as if you had a thousand years to live." -Marcus Aurelius
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  • Profile picture of the author canada94
    Well done Tim, great job, I've no doubt that you will reach your next goal...very inspiring.

    All the best for your future.


    [B]If you are looking to turn your ebook into an Amazon bestseller,then visit http://babystepspublishinglimited.com,and let me help you

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