Wouldn't it be great if everyone used a little creativity?

by fin
22 replies
Sometimes I get the feeling people don't want to think for themselves.

They seem to think there's one way to make money and someone has the answer. People on here don't help matters much by arguing their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong.

People expect to make money online and earn a living from tapping a few keys on a keyboard.

Imagine what would happen if everyone took a few steps back and decided what would be best for their business model, then went ahead and tried it instead of trying to find the answer from someone else.

I think their head would implode.
#creativity #great
  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Ken Russell
    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    I think their head would implode.
    Which is probably why they are looking for answers from somebody else in the first place.
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    • Business model? You don't really have a business model if you haven't proven you can make money with it. Up until then it's just a theory.

      I think there are people who would benefit from stepping back from the keyboard and looking at what works in the real world.

      But in order to do that, you would have to be serious about making money, not just looking for your next endorphin high. Or being intent on working out your personal issues by high-volume posting and starting fights on the WF.

      Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
      Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
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  • Profile picture of the author algreg
    I love this rant. And I agree with you completely. But people are lazy and selfish. I'm sure you've come to that conclusion by now. So the best thing to do is give them what they want.

    Now me, I like to create stuff. But I also like to ask questions to get a better perspective from people that know more than I do. I do my fair share of failing forward but getting around better people helps me to make better decisions.

    There isn't just ONE way to make money online. There's a gajillion. I thought I liked offline. But after buying a few products and really thinking it through I decided against it. Only because I don't want that type of hassle. Sure the money is good but that hassle would make my head explode.

    Arguing with people who aren't as smart as you only makes YOU look like an idiot. Let other people argue and then gain what you can from it and keep moving. No time for petty sh*t. Just keep moving.

    Thanks for the rant. Got me to do some thinking myself. 'Preciate that.
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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      Originally Posted by algreg View Post

      I love this rant.
      It's not a rant, I really don't get annoyed that people don't think.

      Just think of it as a subliminal message.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    Sometimes I get the feeling people don't want to think for themselves.
    Not sure I get what you mean...
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I think this is the biggest difference between business owners and employees. If a person needs someone to tell them what to do each step of the way -- they are better off being an employee.

    It's the same when they want someone to guarantee that they'll make a certain amount of money if they take specific actions. Running as business requires thinking for yourself and taking some risk.

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    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by Rose Anderson View Post

      I think this is the biggest difference between business owners and employees. If a person needs someone to tell them what to do each step of the way -- they are better off being an employee.

      It's the same when they want someone to guarantee that they'll make a certain amount of money if they take specific actions. Running as business requires thinking for yourself and taking some risk.

      Wow Rose, you must live so close to Ga that it is rubbing off on you :-)

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    • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
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      • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
        Originally Posted by fin View Post

        Sometimes I get the feeling people don't want to think for themselves.
        Only sometimes?
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        ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    The same old same old has never been my thing lol. Now I am not saying it is wrong to follow a proven method. Many fail by trying to reinvent the wheel. I am saying there are a lot of smart people on here that could make a better wheel if they would just use their own brain instead of trying to borrow others'.

    Sadly our society as a whole is ever leaning closer to one that is fully dependent on an outside source: be it government, their momma, or the kindness of a stranger.

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  • Profile picture of the author Strasburgo
    There is so much information in this forum that's it's bewildering. Content is King, SEO, Aardvark Updates, Article Spinning, Write Copy v. Ad Copy, My Main Squeeze's name is Paige...

    I wish there was a little less creativity and a little more order.

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  • Profile picture of the author TimK06
    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    Sometimes I get the feeling people don't want to think for themselves.

    They seem to think there's one way to make money and someone has the answer. People on here don't help matters much by arguing their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong.

    People expect to make money online and earn a living from tapping a few keys on a keyboard.

    Imagine what would happen if everyone took a few steps back and decided what would be best for their business model, then went ahead and tried it instead of trying to find the answer from someone else.

    I think their head would implode.
    Wow Jamie! You really said something here. I feel like somethings need to be asked but others can be answered by simply doing old fashion research
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  • Profile picture of the author RDInfo
    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    Sometimes I get the feeling people don't want to think for themselves.
    I have this perception too, whether it is the articles i read from the top serps or the various answers in a forum (with people who quote the articles from the top serps), many marketers, journalists, bloggers, users repeat information they have read without using their reasoning and critical thinking and without trying to find reliable sources of information (scientific reports, or at least detailed experiments)

    Good news for you Fin, if you think like this, it means you have "awaken" this part of you, which will bring you a new view of the subject, and thus be able to find new/improved solutions.

    I think you will like these concepts : (start at 02m24s)
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    I think their head would implode.
    Dude i'm practically a walking corpse. LOL...
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by Joseph Robinson View Post

      Going to paid status will limit the membership on this forum.
      Maybe not a bad idea...

      Originally Posted by Joseph Robinson View Post

      Requiring creativity would nearly empty it out .
      LOL, you can say that again...
      Funny thing, a lot of people are still relying on Google, SEO and organic traffic to make sales, yet they can't even use Google to do some good old fashioned research...
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Kyle
    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    Sometimes I get the feeling people don't want to think for themselves.

    They seem to think there's one way to make money and someone has the answer. People on here don't help matters much by arguing their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong.

    People expect to make money online and earn a living from tapping a few keys on a keyboard.

    Imagine what would happen if everyone took a few steps back and decided what would be best for their business model, then went ahead and tried it instead of trying to find the answer from someone else.

    I think their head would implode.
    Well said fin, here's Seth Godin's take on the same issue:

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    • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
      we can always sell them the answers lol
      Use Feeder Sites, Articles, And Social Media Sites To Generate Unstoppable Traffic, FREE! Click Here Now To Get It For FREE
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Well said fin, here's Seth Godin's take on
      I don't watch a lot of video, as it usually leaves me bored from the slow pace. This one was cool. He had one line in there that I'm going to paraphrase and steal (with attribution, of course):

      "I don't want email. I want me-mail!"

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cali16
    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    I think their head would implode.
    Now if only I could get the bizarre visual of a bunch of people wandering around aimlessly with imploded heads out of myhead, lol! (Perfect scene for a bad horror movie!)
    If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      I have a dream where we all find out what works for us and tell people on the forum, rather than ask people what works on the forum and be bombarded with 20 ways of doing something.

      I wonder if it will ever happen.
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  • Fin,

    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    Sometimes I get the feeling people don't want to think for themselves.
    I always assume people do that all the time to clearly define the boundaries that limit how others think, because the main objective is to then think outside those boundaries, promoting creativity in the process, which in turn makes the world a better place for all of us?
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  • Profile picture of the author ExRat
    Hi fin,

    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    Imagine what would happen if everyone took a few steps back and decided what would be best for their business model, then went ahead and tried it instead of trying to find the answer from someone else.
    Imagine if everyone took a moment to imagine themselves in their final days of life, with just a little time left to review their lifes work in order to hopefully die with a contented smile of fulfillment derived from knowing that enough of the time experienced wasn't wasted but was utilised admirably, wisely and productively.

    Then they took what they had learned from this experience and applied it to their lives from that day onwards, in order to achieve that goal of a contented eventual demise.

    Perhaps some of the more enlightened ones would come to the conclusion that much of their energy was previously being wasted on trying to be two (or more) different people each day - the person at work and the person not at work, for example.

    If they then decided that instead, they would allow themselves to just be themselves - (their own unique personality that flows naturally, rather than trying to force themselves to be different or from an attempt to put on an act or copy others) - whether at work or at leisure or when prospecting for friends, mates or anything else - then perhaps more secondary considerations such as 'should I copy someone elses business model or invent my own' and many other challenges would cease to be challenges at all and would simply fall into place.........perhaps?

    So, perhaps it would be better if people used a little (or a lot) more creativity - I agree with this.

    But perhaps it would be even better if they went even further than that (whilst still remembering to be more creative and original) and looked to create sustenance and wealth from 'a life worth living' than from a 'business model', which by it's very definition is likely to be something unoriginal and uncreative.

    If anyone is struggling to understand the main point made in that last sentence, look again (more closely) at the words - 'business model.'

    For example from HERE -

    'well known business models operate as recipes for creative managers'

    I guess the key is whether people are looking for the 'well known business model' in order that they simply try and copy it, or whether they are a 'business chef' searching out the ingredients for a brand new recipe.

    Forgive me if my post appears to be nonsense, I'm just trying to be creative

    ..and I'm also trying to do this -

    Originally Posted by fin View Post

    I have a dream where we all find out what works for us and tell people on the forum

    Roger Davis

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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Excellent post Fin!

      I was just thinking the other day that people should become more child like. Notice I didn't say childish, as way too many people haven't abandoned that at all.

      What I mean by child like is by viewing things in the same way they did as a child as they discovered the world and its ways all around them. What child isn't very creative? Have you ever listened to a child's explanation as they expound on why they did something when questioned by parents? The creative way they think to relay their actions in such a way as to avoid getting into trouble? There's some creativity! The ways they come up with to solve a problem whether it be how to cross the creek without getting wet or how to make some quick cash.

      Shoot, when I was a kid and wanted some money to go buy some candy or Twinkies from the party store, I would talk to my sister and a couple of our friends in the neighborhood with all kinds of crazy ideas.

      One time we took a large pack of gum from my mom's purse, along with some red and white swirled mint candies. We separated the pieces of gum and tied them with string from the branches of a tree in the back yard along with the mints. Next we went around the neighborhood sticking up signs we made announcing we were holding a fun event where you could win candy with the admission price of a nickle. We then went and caught a whole bunch of toads that we found under rocks and porches and also tied them from the branches.

      When the time came we had a ton of neighborhood kids arrive. What we did was had them line up in the garage, blindfolded the first/next in line, led them through the garage side door to the tree in the backyard, and told them to reach up and grab to see if they won candy or a consolation prize. Haha! We made a killing in nickles!

      Another time we announced we were having a circus, dressed up our dogs in baby and doll clothes and had them perform tricks like sit, dance for a treat, roll over, etc. We drew pictures with colored ink pens all over my little brother's chest, arms legs and face for the painted man, got out one of the Halloween costumes for the "real live skeleton man" and we also performed gymnastics. Again, we made out like bandits with the admission price.

      Anyway, if we could just go back and harness a little bit of our childhood creativity, we may just surprise ourselves in what we come up with to stand out in the crowd.

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