6,327 Opt-Ins In 3 Weeks And A steady $625 a week since, In One Niche

27 replies
here is exactly how I did it, I did this in just one of my niche list's not IM or make money online related.

here it is

I found a niche just browsing though google groups, then I set up a squeeze page offering some really useful tips to entice opt ins, now just hold on let me get to the good part.

after the landing page was set up and ready to capture leads, I found every ezine, membership site, and real world magazine I could.

I then contacted the editors or creators of the ezine, magazine, and membership site,

I offered the membership sites some fresh content, if they let me link to my site in the content, same for the ezines most of the ezines prefer to write the content themselves, then told them anytime they create a new product I would send it to my list through my affiliate link.

some of them asked why they should do it if they are just sending their list to my list, then I explained that I was setting up these kind of deals with almost every related ezine and membership site that in that niche, then they started to see the potential.

you are pretty much collecting opt ins from every list in that niche, putting them all in one place which is your list, building a way better relation ship with that list, and promoting products that the membership sites and ezine owners create for a share of the profit, or any new clickbank product that is related.. while providing immense value of course

you are increasing your bottom line and helping the others sell more of their products.

you can build a list in any niche fast that way and just manage the list for profits..

I even contact real magazine editors, and work out deals with them, sometimes I get it most of the time I dont, but what the hell it's worth a shot...

I use this method anytime I find a niche, and it works great, I like to call it "list Sniping"

since I am getting all of my competitors list on to my own....

Always offer something of value to the competitors sites, because their list's are becoming your list.

Update ************

Here is a video I made on the topic, this is a leaked chapter from my coaching (no Opt in Required)
#$625 #327 #niche #optins #steady #week #weeks
  • Profile picture of the author mormel
    Hi Nicholas,

    Good post, thanks. The term 'list sniping' has a too negative sound, because you add value for all party's involved. So 'list swapping' would perhaps be more in place.

    Yours, swappingly, Ed

    Get my WSO: The PPC Horizon Report (http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-...ney-table.html)
    Read Why You PPC'ers Are Leaving Money on the Table!

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  • Profile picture of the author ElysiaB
    Wow this sounds really interesting/promising!

    Would love to hear more!

    Spill, spill, spill
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  • Profile picture of the author AfteraDream
    Very interesting post! Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author nzdealer
    i see a lot of potential with it. tell us more
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    • Profile picture of the author AtticusBaker
      This is extremely clever. Good thinking!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

    here is exactly how I did it, I did this in just one of my niche list's not IM or make money online related.

    here it is

    I found a niche just browsing though google groups, then I set up a squeeze page offering some really useful tips to entice opt ins, now just hold on let me get to the good part.

    after the landing page was set up and ready to capture leads, I found every ezine, membership site, and real world magazine I could.

    I then contacted the editors or creators of the ezine, magazine, and membership site,

    I offered the membership sites some fresh content, if they let me link to my site in the content, same for the ezines most of the ezines prefer to write the content themselves, then told them anytime they create a new product I would send it to my list through my affiliate link.

    some of them asked why they should do it if they are just sending their list to my list, then I explained that I was setting up these kind of deals with almost every related ezine and membership site that in that niche, then they started to see the potential.

    you are pretty much collecting opt ins from every list in that niche, putting them all in one place which is your list, building a way better relation ship with that list, and promoting products that the membership sites and ezine owners create for a share of the profit, or any new clickbank product that is related.. while providing immense value of course

    you are increasing your bottom line and helping the others sell more of their products.

    you can build a list in any niche fast that way and just manage the list for profits..

    I even contact real magazine editors, and work out deals with them, sometimes I get it most of the time I dont, but what the hell it's worth a shot...

    I use this method anytime I find a niche, and it works great, I like to call it "list Sniping"

    since I am getting all of my competitors list on to my own....

    Always offer something of value to the competitors sites, because their list's are becoming your list.

    Funny you should mention this stuff... I'm working on a new project called List Hijackers.

    Mike Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    I am perfecting the system and adding it to my product, that is set to release any day now, but I have had a lot of success with it..

    the magazines will publish mu content if it is good, so In that case I would just hire a writer.
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  • Profile picture of the author CashDoctor
    They are not giving you there list correct?

    They are just pointing there list to your article and a % will sign up with you correct?
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    Originally Posted by ProductCreator View Post

    Hi Nicholas, way to go. I'm very interested to hear more about it.

    - Are you saying that reluctant ezine owners were convinced by the "social proof" you provided?

    - How have you monetized it so far? With OTOs or other offers on confirming?

    - If this is a niche you have just come across on Google Groups, how do you intend to keep sending them fresh content but sounding sincere and developing a good relationship?

    - What are you giving to magazine editors? Are they publishing your content?

    - What kind of free content are you giving away? PDF reports? Audios?

    Really keen to find out more!

    yes they were convined with the proof I gave them

    I always add one piece of valuabe info to the list a week

    I give away a little of everything mp3s, videos and email news letters, all giving good info with a slight call to action at the end
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    I call it good old fashioned hard work, but he's working super smart
    to maximize his efforts.

    6327 is impressive in just 3 weeks alone, so very nice job Nicholas B!

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Haught
    Good Post here, I like the way you work!

    This is a very impressive number in such a short time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Megas
      Good strategy, thanks.
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      • Profile picture of the author helenaja
        Wow! Thank you Nicholas!

        I must admit, I've never seen this concept before. If you need a writer, let me know. I could use the experience.


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        • Profile picture of the author shanec
          Thanks for sharing this strategy Nicholas. Its a great way to build a targeted list quickly.

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  • Profile picture of the author ForeverMoore
    This sounds great. A little elbow grease and a handful of niches could be conquered this way. Now, is this akin to "co-registration" or something a bit different? I'm just curious. Anything that effective, that also adds value, I would be interested in.
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  • Profile picture of the author WinsonYeung
    Wow, that's a new term "List snipping". Maybe you can write a report on it and sell it in the WSO. Thanks for sharing too
    [WSO of The Day] Discount How To Generate 172.56% Positive Return OR build your List for FREE!

    "Case Study: Discover You Can Make $1371.66 With A Simple Blog Post by Clicking Here"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[660164].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author elirainc
    thanks for your nice sharing. i am also following your pattern and will post its results soon
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    • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
      Originally Posted by Danny Turner View Post

      Good work Nich
      'tis funny how so many - How I made $$$ posts are quickly followed by product launch
      it's ok we need some new methods to resurface, people wonder why their refund rate is so high because it is all the same information being passed, around everyday I am searching and testing new methods so when I release my product it will be completely unique
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  • Profile picture of the author richard515680
    Very interesting post especially sourcing Google Groups. Thanks for sharing your info with us. Good luck for the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author MeTellYou
    I bought a way cool product the other day that rests on the exact same idea. I've done this and it's actually really effective. Nice work!
    [UPDATED] FREE 1-ON-1 MENTORSHIP: Student Makes $12,000 His First Week Of Running Ads
    Skype Me! Skype: yourebookwriter
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  • Profile picture of the author TheCren
    I have heard of this soo many times, but I have never put it into practice. Now's a good time I guess...
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Denton
    This is a great strategy which anyone can emulate in any market. Well done Nicholas. With your list in hand you now have a valuable asset which you can use to generate income off through your own product sales, affiliate programs and future JV's.
    Online marketing, offline marketing and various other things.
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