6,327 Opt-Ins In 3 Weeks And A steady $625 a week since, In One Niche
here it is
I found a niche just browsing though google groups, then I set up a squeeze page offering some really useful tips to entice opt ins, now just hold on let me get to the good part.
after the landing page was set up and ready to capture leads, I found every ezine, membership site, and real world magazine I could.
I then contacted the editors or creators of the ezine, magazine, and membership site,
I offered the membership sites some fresh content, if they let me link to my site in the content, same for the ezines most of the ezines prefer to write the content themselves, then told them anytime they create a new product I would send it to my list through my affiliate link.
some of them asked why they should do it if they are just sending their list to my list, then I explained that I was setting up these kind of deals with almost every related ezine and membership site that in that niche, then they started to see the potential.
you are pretty much collecting opt ins from every list in that niche, putting them all in one place which is your list, building a way better relation ship with that list, and promoting products that the membership sites and ezine owners create for a share of the profit, or any new clickbank product that is related.. while providing immense value of course
you are increasing your bottom line and helping the others sell more of their products.
you can build a list in any niche fast that way and just manage the list for profits..
I even contact real magazine editors, and work out deals with them, sometimes I get it most of the time I dont, but what the hell it's worth a shot...
I use this method anytime I find a niche, and it works great, I like to call it "list Sniping"
since I am getting all of my competitors list on to my own....
Always offer something of value to the competitors sites, because their list's are becoming your list.
Update ************
Here is a video I made on the topic, this is a leaked chapter from my coaching (no Opt in Required)
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