Almost 1000 Twiiter followers in a week but questions remain please
As always I hope the week is going well.
With a product launch coming up I have been getting involved with Twitter and the following is building very nicely. Thanks to all that have helped me and I follow back.
I try to limit plugs to 1 out of 10 posts but need help please on 2 issues.
When a person wants to plug something doesn't the constant incoming Tweets make it hard for even the best content to be seen? I have witnessed for example somebody posting a Tweet and then another person will have 9 in a matter of minutes. This almost forces the other person off the front page before enough eyes can see it.
What are your tips for when you do post to plug a site/product/blog/ that it can get the most exposure otherwise you lose the potential of the traffic and don't want to become a spammer.
The 2nd question please is do you have names and links to both free and paid software for twitter that can bulk remove those that don't follow you back at a set time? I need an option of several days because I have had people take up to 6 to follow me back. If there is software that can be set to 7 or 8 days and then remove that would be great.
Any other tips from the great Warriors are appreciated.
Thanks as always for you time and have a great Thursday!
shorten long ugly links
I'm pretty cool if I say so, and I know my stuff, folks. I'm 31 years old and I'm full, full, full time on the internet. No part timing around this way...I'm here because I simply enjoy spreading as much love & light as I possibly can. Check me out on facebook,& say Hi. or twitter
"Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale
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