Tired of watching people try to put in captchas?

16 replies
How many times have you watched a training video where they input a captcha - more than once?
Or they fill out a field misspelled, and have to go back and correct it?

How many hundreds of hours of other peoples' lives are these product creators wasting by not bothering to edit these things out? And if you know you are going to be filling out a field in the video, why not have a text doc ready with everything so you can cut and paste it all in instead of typing? I mean really - this is computer training, so why not show you know how to use one?

It was kind-of ok, years ago, but come on - how much does it cost to get these things edited properly?

I could go on - the other day I was watching a video when the guy suddenly sneezed into the mic - it nearly took my head off - is there ANY excuse not to edit that out beforehand? Is anybody else as fed up with this as I am?
#captcha input #captchas #people #put #tired #video editing #watching
  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    That type of thing always is surprising to me. At least when typing something, it would get edited out, but with video it doesn't seem to be done very often.

    I happen to like text more than videos since I read a lot faster than people mumble. Just another reason to stay with text.

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  • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
    How funny. Just completed a Video Course and I was careful not to leave in too much fluff. Even edited out throat clearing fits.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Shelton
      Christophe - good for you!!
      @Steve, I'm not really all that bent out of shape about it, I'm just weary about it and expect to see more of the same, just like I expect the first person in line at the traffic light to not be paying attention when the light turns green. On the other hand, if people like Christophe actually take the time to edit out the junk, then it really makes their product stand out a little bit more, don't you think? And @Kevin - that is pretty funny!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    Originally Posted by Matthew Shelton View Post

    How many times have you watched a training video where they input a captcha - more than once?
    Or they fill out a field misspelled, and have to go back and correct it?

    How many hundreds of hours of other peoples' lives are these product creators wasting by not bothering to edit these things out? And if you know you are going to be filling out a field in the video, why not have a text doc ready with everything so you can cut and paste it all in instead of typing? I mean really - this is computer training, so why not show you know how to use one?

    It was kind-of ok, years ago, but come on - how much does it cost to get these things edited properly?

    I could go on - the other day I was watching a video when the guy suddenly sneezed into the mic - it nearly took my head off - is there ANY excuse not to edit that out beforehand? Is anybody else as fed up with this as I am?
    Lol! That's funny...

    But honestly though, is it worth getting bent out of shape about? There are so many other things in life you could be thankful for, instead of focusing on the negatives.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
    I find it funny when guys don't edit to conceal their login details on paid services, whilst making review product guide videos.
    Youtube is wash with peoples licensing, proxy and decaptcha logins.
    Too funny but so true.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nics
    I'm a bit of an anal video editor myself but I think I go overboard sometimes. Sometiems it's better to just get it out there than to get it perfect.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Nics View Post

      I'm a bit of an anal video editor myself but I think I go overboard sometimes. Sometiems it's better to just get it out there than to get it perfect.
      this is so true, you can always fix it up later.

      Or send it to your list, and ask how you can make it better, I have done this a few times.
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      • Profile picture of the author wtatlas
        Personally I find it off putting and even a little bit insulting when people make videos that force you to sit and wait for web pages to load or while they hunt for a file on their desktop. They give the impression that they have just picked up a microphone and switched on camtasia without giving any thought to preparation beforehand.

        Someone suggested that if the quality of the content is good then that excuses this sort of slipshod presentation. I wouldn't be watching long enough to find out if the content was good or not. It's a simple matter to pause a video whilst logging in to a website or carrying out any task that it isn't essential for the viewer to see. Similarly it is easy to edit out errors or unexpected interruptions.

        It's one thing to be laid back but quite another to have no regard for wasting other peoples' time because of a lack of forethought and preparation.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It almost blew your head off? Lol... sorry my dude by that's funny. I feel your pain though. But the capchas are necessary.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Shelton
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      It almost blew your head off? Lol... sorry my dude by that's funny. I feel your pain though. But the capchas are necessary.
      It almost blew your head off? - Yes, because I was wearing headphones.
      And yes, the captchas are necessary, it's just not necessary or instructional to see how well or how many times someone solves them in a video.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveSRS
    hehe, well in case the video was a bit boring I'll bet that woke you up right?
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter May
    Yea I can see how this can annoy you.

    I remember one of my first MMO funnels I was in (and then didn't even realize it was a funnel then) and watching some "helpful" videos and found it strange that someone earning $10Gazillion per month did not go back and edit the video.

    Sub-consciously I probably felt a better connection with it being "real" instead of a perfect production.

    I think differently now but that is how I, and maybe others similar, felt.

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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Shelton
    Peter, I believe you are right - could be that approach of "watch me do it live", but for me that is just so ho-hum nowadays. I suspect it's the get-it-out-there-and-who-cares-if-its-got-a-lot-of-warts approach, but you know what? It is looking like people do care, and like you said - why would someone who could afford it not get it edited? Seems like a disconnect, at the very least, to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andre Filalel
    When I started out some years I ago I thought that was annoying but If you have provided with quality information and content it`s more inportant than sneezes and everything else
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Mistakes make people look more real and genuine. They might be leaving them in for a good reason.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Shelton
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Mistakes make people look more real and genuine. They might be leaving them in for a good reason.
      Maybe, but I'm suspecting laziness more often. We in the IM field are used to this, but you'll never see any of this kind of sloppiness in a corporate training video, a professional voiceover or an audio production with any standards to it.

      Sure, there's people "grateful for the quality content and so will put up with it" but I've been watching the developments in the IM field for quite some years now and it looks to me that a few things have changed, especially in recent years:

      1. A LOT more competition, coming fast and furious, with a lot of products with overlapping content. The WSO forum is a perfect example.

      2. Truly ground-breaking, mind-blowing products coming to market almost don't happen any more, and if they do there's a good bit more skepticism applied to them before people buy. Gone are the days of people waiting for hours for the exact moment of the mega-launch to hit (ala Frank Kern or John Reece), salivating and dying to commit their 1 or 2k to be part of the elite and be served up the secret knowledge that was going to make them part of the elite.

      So what, then? Then products, when they do come out, if they show more care and consideration applied to them than their competitors, will stand out more, and will make more sales - and that's the bottom line that matters, isn't it?

      And speaking of a maturing market, aren't people nowadays more grateful to watch an 7 minute video with all the junk edited out of it ("ums" and waiting for stuff to load, filling in fields over and over again, doing something wrong and going back...you fill in the blank here) instead of a 10 minute video with all that junk left in?
      Or is it that product creators feel more secure saying its a nice long "10 minute video"? This kind of stuff doesn't make them seem more human - everybody already knows they are human - the IM Gods have moved on, imho, so that humanness part can more appropriately be added in to the sales copy or blog posts or whatever, but if you are watching a video over and over again to understand it, the "humanness" gets OLD to me really quick and just leads to, at the very least, a less effective video that the customer is less likely to watch because it is so tedious. And some of it is just plain rude - for example, a lot of people listen to products with headphones on and a sudden change in volume (like a sneeze right into the mic) will hurt if the volume is cranked up from a video thats' audio level was too low to start with. And once again, this type of sloppiness is not tolerated in the rest of the business world.
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