Tired of watching people try to put in captchas?
Or they fill out a field misspelled, and have to go back and correct it?
How many hundreds of hours of other peoples' lives are these product creators wasting by not bothering to edit these things out? And if you know you are going to be filling out a field in the video, why not have a text doc ready with everything so you can cut and paste it all in instead of typing? I mean really - this is computer training, so why not show you know how to use one?
It was kind-of ok, years ago, but come on - how much does it cost to get these things edited properly?
I could go on - the other day I was watching a video when the guy suddenly sneezed into the mic - it nearly took my head off - is there ANY excuse not to edit that out beforehand? Is anybody else as fed up with this as I am?
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