SerpBook/ RankTracker - Giving false rankings???

by soudy
4 replies
Hey guys!

I got a few keywords saying im on the first page on Bing! and when I type in the keyword im no where to be found

- Ive refreshed my browser
- Cleared cookies and cache
- prayed to jesus

However none of the following worked. Any other solutions or reasons to why this is giving me false rankings?

( Happening on 2 different domains + keywords)

#false #giving #rankings #ranktracker #serpbook or
  • Profile picture of the author Bofu2U
    Originally Posted by soudy View Post

    Hey guys!

    I got a few keywords saying im on the first page on Bing! and when I type in the keyword im no where to be found

    - Ive refreshed my browser
    - Cleared cookies and cache
    - prayed to jesus

    However none of the following worked. Any other solutions or reasons to why this is giving me false rankings?

    ( Happening on 2 different domains + keywords)

    If you want to PM me the info I can take a look and see what it comes up as on mine. Sometimes it could just be bad timing where they checked early and then the SERPs updated later on.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7347369].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author crete
    Serpbook has been off for over a month and nobody is doing anything to fix it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7548512].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author soudy
    I agree, my shit looks completely out of whack.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7548543].message }}

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