HELP with Testing Landing Pages

11 replies
Hi Guys,

So I'm setting up some squeeze pages ready for some Solo Ad traffic.

I've got for different offers, obviously I want to find the one with the highest converting offer, so my question is if I set it all up in Google Analytic's as a experiment, will it all work using Solo Ads?

I'm completely new to paid traffic and testing offers, think I know the answer and google will just split thee traffic BUT wanna check before I spend what little money I have.

Any advice would be awesome!!

Many thanks,

#google analytics #google webmaster tools #landing #landing pages #optimization #pages #squeeze pages
  • Profile picture of the author kenzik
    It depends on how you set it up.

    One way is to send 3 different solo ads to 3 different URLs. With Google Analytics, you can set up 3 different goals, a conversion for each of those URLs.

    Then set up 3 sales pages with 3 thank you pages (which is where you land them after they pay). You can then set up goals in Google, one for each of those 3 thank-you pages.

    Alternatively, if you can do a little PHP, you can write a little script to randomly send your visitor to one of those 3 pages. This way, you can run a single solo ad, but have all the visitors get randomly sent to each of the 3 pages.

    Then, just watch the goals and see which page is converting best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nat Harman
    Cool, thanks for that not to techie so no good with PHP.

    I'll do the 3 solo ads

    Thanks allot for your advice, have a good one

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  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    i would do the same....i would create different squeeze pages with different thank you pages and mix and match them to find the best results.

    if you're running WP, you can use Max A/B to do your split testing.

    WordPress › MaxA/B « WordPress Plugins
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    • Profile picture of the author Nat Harman
      cool thanks i'll check out that plugin today
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  • Profile picture of the author John Keane
    Originally Posted by Nat Harman View Post

    Hi Guys,

    so my question is if I set it all up in Google Analytic's as a experiment, will it all work using Solo Ads?
    You should try to opt in using your testing emails before buying Solo Ads. If Google Analytics can track the 3 different Opt ins (which I see it'll be complicated) then that would be great.

    You should do an experiment for yourself to see the tracking clicks and opt in rate.

    John Keane
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    when i test my squeeze pages i use google website optimizer

    you can also plug in your oto page too to track those conversions as well

    if you haven`t done much paid traffic before and you are quite new to it all i would forget about testing to start with

    just send 100 people to your first squeeze page which you have created and see what it converts at and go from there

    too many people try and get everything up and running all at the same time, this is why they get paralyzed and end up not getting anywhere

    keep it simple at first

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  • Profile picture of the author lanew
    Paul is spot on with his advice. If you're new, trying to get all testing down can be overwhelming. Certainly, you wan to test, but if you're new, do it the simple way first, and then as you learn you can get into more complicated split test/tracking. When I first ran a campaign, I did it exactly like mentioned above. I bought two solo ad spot and tested in using a WP plugin. Not exactly accurate, but I did see what was converting highest and went with that. Worked out in the end for me. Main thing, just get it up and going.

    Be well,

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  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    What's a solo ad ??
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  • Profile picture of the author lanew
    Good luck. I'll be looking forward to an update.

    Be well,

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